Did I make a boo-boo? Got Vista 64 for mother


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 17, 2003
I've been debating this over the past day in my head. Her computer from 2002 finally crapped out so I went on the dell outlet to look for a replacement.

I settled on this:

Inspiron 530
C2D E7300 (2.66 ghz)
4 gb ram
250 gb hd
Vista HP 64

I figure its a tad overkill for mom, but since she waits so long in between replacements I think it'll work out in the long run. She was constantly asking me for ways to speed up her old computer so I said f-it this time around you're getting something powerful to last.

Anyways, because I was going with Vista, 2gb would be a disservice (IMO, my lappy has 2gb and Vista 32 and I wish it had 4gb) and I wanted the computer to be snappy. Now, a couple days after I ordered it, I'm having a bit of buyers remorse wondering what kind of compatibility problems she may have running a 64 bit OS.

Her all-in-one printer should work fine, not too worried about that, but what about general use programs like Office 2007 - do I need to find special versions or does 32 bit software work ok?

Forgiveness is asked for being such a noob at 64 bit. Do I need to worry?
32-bit software will work. I've yet to come across any software that doesn't install and work properly.

You really don't need to worry.
Agreed. The only issues i've hard are drivers for some old stuff and the program broadcaster pro wont work because it uses a driver for desktop capturing. Other than that I've had 0 issues with my desktop.

Finding 1-2 drivers for my toshiba laptop (it came with XP MCE) was a PITA, but after that no other issues either.

Both computers are in my Sig. the desktop has been perfect for a full year. I did 1 and only 1 reinstall because I thought I had a virus, it turned out the DVI input on my 19" monitor went out and would only work at low resolutions.

The laptop has been running vista 64 for about 6 months.
Thanks - one for a good answer and two for not pointing me to 'letmegooglethatforyou' :p
Some ancient software won't work. I think some stuff that is newer, but has a 16bit installer won't. Might run into a few driver issues, but overall you should be fine. I have built many Vista 64 rigs now, and recently converted my own from 32 to 64 (just in time for my PSU fan to die :( ) and have yet to have a serious driver or application issue.
Some ancient software won't work. I think some stuff that is newer, but has a 16bit installer won't. Might run into a few driver issues, but overall you should be fine. I have built many Vista 64 rigs now, and recently converted my own from 32 to 64 (just in time for my PSU fan to die :( ) and have yet to have a serious driver or application issue.

True, but for the old stuff you can always run a VM. Thats what I do. VMs are also good for visiting the more colorful parts of the internet.
I have not found 1 piece of software that did not work in x64. I have had to use compatibility mode once though. As for peripherals, I don't know what she has but as long as there are drivers she should be OK.

Just make sure you delete the shortcut to IE 7 x64 because it doesn't work well with a lot of plug ins. Use IE7 x86
I've seen some issues with vista64 and web plugins like flash(running in a 32 bit browser). I've also seen some issues with video playback. Both work fine on some systems and run like ass on others.

For the most part your average user should be fine with vista 64 though.
Flash worked fine in 32 bit browser in Vista 64 for a while, then earlier this year it stopped working, but it's since been fixed.
Oh man you screwed up big time. I am glad I ain't your mom.
The only program that I've found not to work with 64bit anything is the Cisco VPN client. But then again that's a Cisco issue, not Microsoft. I'm willing to bet your mom wouldn't even know the difference.
True, but for the old stuff you can always run a VM. Thats what I do. VMs are also good for visiting the more colorful parts of the internet.

That is all true, I use it for that myself, (non persistent drives), but his grandmother prolly is not going slap a copy of Xp32 or Win98 into a VM. She prolly will not need to. Just about everything that came out in the last couple years works under Vista64
True, but for the old stuff you can always run a VM. Thats what I do. VMs are also good for visiting the more colorful parts of the internet.

Same here. My Dad has an Activision Shanghai game for Windows 95 that refuses to run on Windows NT anything. It's the best Shanghai game ever, no other Shanghai game comes close, and no he will not even bother trying a new modern Shanghai game. :D Heck, it requires even on Win 95 for the display adapter to be in 256 color mode.

Microsoft Virtual PC and a old copy of 98SE to the rescue.
Only 16-bit and earlier programs will be downright incompatible, and those you can run on a virtual machine if you really have to. There are some 32-Bit programs that refuse to install or run on Vista x64, but those are few and far between and are mostly obscure business related applications or apps that rely on drivers that don't have Vista versions, let alone 64-Bit Vista versions.
My dad bought a Toshiba laptop in August & I wound up installing Vista x64 for him. It's extremely stable & he has no issues with it.