Diablo 3 Will Require Players to be Online When Playing

They didn't say that you couldn't play single player. Being connected to the internet is not going to effect you.

Fattypants, there will never be a day were you will be unable to play diablo3 because its too old of a game. They can always patch it later. Most companies aren't as worried about piracy after the first few years.

It's not piracy they're worried about. Piracy claims are all PR bullshit. They care about the used market and about controlling every thing we do with the game.
first of all: diablo 3 is only interesting to me as an online game. if i can't play with other people, there is no point. single player is simply a boring, lonely version of the online version.

in star craft 2, i can play single player in offline mode, so again, no worries.

2nd of all: i am always online.

3rd. i don't have old NES/SNES/PC games to play.

4th, you have issues with boundaries and authority that you should see someone about.

5th, by the time they shut down the servers to a game i want to play, i will either a) be done and bored with it, and not want to play it or b) download the crack that allows me to play over a non b.net server

6th, its a video game. remember, always, that in this forum, we're ALWAYS talking about video games. people aren't dying (except the guy who played for 12 hours), they're not being abused and tortured, nothing. we're talking about video games here, and its not that serious

It's easy to see no problems with things when they happen to match up perfectly with what you deem acceptable isn't it? What about the other billions of people who share a slightly different view?
Way to go Blizzard.

I have 3G wireless internet because I'm Rural, which doesn't work half the time I try to use it due to being 9.5 miles from the cell tower. Get some haze, and my internet goes out, get a fog, internet goes out, rain clouds, forget about it... About 1 day a week (if that) where it actually works most of the day.

Looks like I no choice but to pass on D3. My girlfriend was going to day 1 purchase it for sure, and now I get to bring her home the not so good news.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Torchlight 2 is going to kick some major Diablo 3 ass :D
Way to go Blizzard.

I have 3G wireless internet because I'm Rural, which doesn't work half the time I try to use it due to being 9.5 miles from the cell tower. Get some haze, and my internet goes out, get a fog, internet goes out, rain clouds, forget about it... About 1 day a week (if that) where it actually works most of the day.

Looks like I no choice but to pass on D3. My girlfriend was going to day 1 purchase it for sure, and now I get to bring her home the not so good news.

see, this kind of thing i get. that sucks.

i do wonder if they'll offer a single player mode. i mean, its not like you were going to be playing online anyway with a shoddy connection, right?
AC2 as comparsion? that's complete SP game
D3 is no matter how you look @ it's balanced/made/build with MP in mind
it is MP focused game
as far as requiring internet goes company just wants total control of their product
i have no problem with that since it is MP game
see, this kind of thing i get. that sucks.

i do wonder if they'll offer a single player mode. i mean, its not like you were going to be playing online anyway with a shoddy connection, right?

they could probably do offline mode requiring 1 time log in
Good reason for people not buy the game and just dl the crack version over BT. What a total disappointment.
Good reason for people not buy the game and just dl the crack version over BT. What a total disappointment.

as if you need a reason.

i love this bullshit, i have a friend who does this same thing when we go out to eat. he's a shitty tipper, so he'll complain about something and use that as his excuse. "see that? they didn't clear my plate fast enough, so i'm gonna cut down on his tip" "see that? i still had food on my plate and he took it, so i'm not gonna tip"

bottom line? you were planning on stealing it anyway, so why make excuses?
^ Less coffee, my good man.

I'm not too big of a Blizzard fan in general. I think my favorite game they made was Diablo 1. I'm not a fan of the updated BNet either. I'll still end up buying this game and playing singleplayer on BNet, but I will probably bitch about it being a pain.
If it only checks every lets say 5 mins or so w/e. If its like Splinter Cell Conviction, then rofl my copter its another fail.

I don't care about Diablo 3 TBH, but if they make a successful online system that isn't fail like Conviction was, then that is cool. But not needing one is always better.
Yeah when I read this


Blizzard invited dozens of reporters and bloggers from around the video game industry to their headquarters in California last week to show them the latest build of Diablo III and talk about some of the game’s features. Here’s a quick rundown of the highlights:

■The game requires a persistent Internet connection – even for single player.
■The “real money” auction house has been confirmed.
■Mods will not be supported or even allowed.
■The multiplayer beta is right around the corner.
Not much in the way of good news there, if you ask me. Disappointing.

I kinda lost interest in it as a "must have", even after all the fun I had with D2.
Yeah when I read this
I kinda lost interest in it as a "must have", even after all the fun I had with D2.

1. most of us will be playing mp exclusively
2. blizzard themselves isn't selling anything. it's purely player to player trading
3. what mods? i don't remember having any mods for D2 online play
1 and 2 are spot on.

Mods were/are for open Bnet and LAN.

Blizzards success can almost equally be attributed to mods as much as storylines.
The difference between this and Ubishit's is Blizzard actually makes good games worth buying reguardless of the DRM they use.
see there you go again, avoiding logic, picking a few keywords
Multi quoting is tacky and I only do it sparingly, but here goes...

first of all: diablo 3 is only interesting to me as an online game. if i can't play with other people, there is no point. single player is simply a boring, lonely version of the online version.
in star craft 2, i can play single player in offline mode, so again, no worries.
2nd of all: i am always online.
Good for you. Bad for gaming in the long term due to the downfalls outlined in my response to your fifth point.
3rd. i don't have old NES/SNES/PC games to play.
That's too bad; you're missing out on a lot of great games. Still doesn't excuse Blizzard.
4th, you have issues with boundaries and authority that you should see someone about.
Blatant, uncalled-for personal attack that has nothing to do with the topic at hand (unless one considers Blizzard an authority figure). Ignoring.
5th, by the time they shut down the servers to a game i want to play, i will either a) be done and bored with it, and not want to play it or b) download the crack that allows me to play over a non b.net server
Some people like old games, old music, old movies. Imagine a world where you couldn't watch The Godfather or hear CCR anymore because the server that gave you access was shut down.
6th, its a video game. remember, always, that in this forum, we're ALWAYS talking about video games. people aren't dying (except the guy who played for 12 hours), they're not being abused and tortured, nothing. we're talking about video games here, and its not that serious
Yes, it's just video games, so what makes you so serious about it that you hurl insults at people who disagree with you? It's fine just to disagree. There's no need to disagree and insult. That's just rude.
1. most of us will be playing mp exclusively
2. blizzard themselves isn't selling anything. it's purely player to player trading
3. what mods? i don't remember having any mods for D2 online play

Personally I have absolutely zero interest in playing Diablo 3 online. I don't like multiplayer 99.99999999% of the time.
Personally I have absolutely zero interest in playing Diablo 3 online. I don't like multiplayer 99.99999999% of the time.


but co-op is fun.

if you lack friends to play with you can always be my meat shield. :D

but co-op is fun.

if you lack friends to play with you can always be my meat shield. :D

It's not for a lack of friends is just that I'd rather player single-player. The few games I've enjoyed playing online have generally had pretty shitty or boring as hell single player modes (Borderlands, RE5). I'll probably play around with co-op with friends, but only because they'll keep bugging me until I do. I haven't even touched Starcraft 2's online stuff. Probably never will. I don't have any real interest in dealing with the multiplayer communities for games, even when I check out MMOs I play by myself or with friends/family and don't bother dealing with guilds or random people.
It's not for a lack of friends is just that I'd rather player single-player. The few games I've enjoyed playing online have generally had pretty shitty or boring as hell single player modes (Borderlands, RE5). I'll probably play around with co-op with friends, but only because they'll keep bugging me until I do. I haven't even touched Starcraft 2's online stuff. Probably never will. I don't have any real interest in dealing with the multiplayer communities for games, even when I check out MMOs I play by myself or with friends/family and don't bother dealing with guilds or random people.

well sorry that you will be missing out on d3;/
hopefully they do offline mode for sp
Such BS. I guess that is way of the beast now days though. I'm still buying the game , but this really makes me mad.
Such BS. I guess that is way of the beast now days though. I'm still buying the game , but this really makes me mad.

its kinda sad, because diablo is just one of those games you would like to play when your are some where without an internet connection and looking for a game to play to kill some time. diablo style games were just perfect for those types of situations.
I've played SC2 without internet connections before - it's SP only, but it will run. However, if D3 is online only, and requires you to stay online, then I may pass - I bought D2 entirely for the offline play, and would be buying D3 for the same thing...

edit: RTFA, and I may very well skip this one. Meh.

""Would you rather make 20 small decisions or three big ones?" Blizzard's Wyatt Cheng told Joystiq. "What we find, especially when it comes to defining your character, is that three big ones is more interesting and compelling.""

Oh joy, more ezmode/catering to lowest common denominator from Blizzard. Why don't they just merge with Zynga at this point?

And like Wildace said, sometimes you just want to unplug for a bit and play something single player and not have to worry about an internet connection.

This on top of not having Skill Points really makes me jaded. What was wrong with the other two games having Skill Points, you could make fun hybrid classes, like a Necromancer with a high amount of strength and so on.

I just don't get it, it seems like Blizzard is riding on the coat tails of World of Warcraft and tailoring all there games to be MMO type games.

""Would you rather make 20 small decisions or three big ones?" Blizzard's Wyatt Cheng told Joystiq. "What we find, especially when it comes to defining your character, is that three big ones is more interesting and compelling.""

Oh joy, more ezmode/catering to lowest common denominator from Blizzard. Why don't they just merge with Zynga at this point?

And like Wildace said, sometimes you just want to unplug for a bit and play something single player and not have to worry about an internet connection.

This on top of not having Skill Points really makes me jaded. What was wrong with the other two games having SP, you could make fun hybrid classes, like a Necromancer with a high amount of strength and so on.

I just don't get it, it seems like Blizzard is riding on the coat tails of World of Warcraft and tailoring all there games to be MMO type games.

... I think most of us in 2011 have an internet connection available any place we'd be playing a PC game ;). As far as skillpoints, again... if the game is fun who cares? I agree that 3 big decisions hypothetically is way more exciting than 20 small ones. It isn't "pandering to the lowest common denominator", it's just a more compelling game design. Easy there, don't hurt yourself, I know the soapbox is really high!
I don't understand why you can't have separate single player and multiplayer characters, so that people without broadband connections or limited access can still enjoy the game without being forced to be online the whole time.

I don't think Blizz is going in the right direction with this.
... I think most of us in 2011 have an internet connection available any place we'd be playing a PC game ;). As far as skillpoints, again... if the game is fun who cares? I agree that 3 big decisions hypothetically is way more exciting than 20 small ones. It isn't "pandering to the lowest common denominator", it's just a more compelling game design. Easy there, don't hurt yourself, I know the soapbox is really high!

I just had to sit in a car for nigh on 26 hours, during the ride I enjoyed playing many PC games on my laptop, including Diablo 2. No internet connection in a car, is there? The always-online requirement means I won't be able to enjoy D3 during such occassions, which for me, occur far too often.

D3 went from an immediate day-one buy to "Maybe I'll pick it up 5 years from now when the price drops".

I am now looking forward to Torchlight 2 more than ever.
... I agree that 3 big decisions hypothetically is way more exciting than 20 small ones. It isn't "pandering to the lowest common denominator", it's just a more compelling game design.

Yeah but how many combinations of those 3 major decisions can you make without being a carbon copy of someone else's character?
Yeah but how many combinations of those 3 major decisions can you make without being a carbon copy of someone else's character?
How many valid stat distributions were there per character in D2?
How many valid stat distributions were there per character in D2?

Additionally, what's it matter if your toon's base stats end up being the same as someone else's? You're not a special snowflake in the game ;), you're another player. If we had say seven choices inside of 3 decisions, vs. three choices inside of 7 decisions, who cares? What if we downed the total possible combinations a little as a tradeoff for more compelling decisions? I'd argue that's a positive.
I just don't get it, it seems like Blizzard is riding on the coat tails of World of Warcraft and tailoring all there games to be MMO type games.

Probably has something to do with the never-ending trainloads of money that WoW has/is generating.
Multi quoting is tacky and I only do it sparingly, but here goes...

Good for you. Bad for gaming in the long term due to the downfalls outlined in my response to your fifth point.
That's too bad; you're missing out on a lot of great games. Still doesn't excuse Blizzard.Blatant, uncalled-for personal attack that has nothing to do with the topic at hand (unless one considers Blizzard an authority figure). Ignoring.Some people like old games, old music, old movies. Imagine a world where you couldn't watch The Godfather or hear CCR anymore because the server that gave you access was shut down.Yes, it's just video games, so what makes you so serious about it that you hurl insults at people who disagree with you? It's fine just to disagree. There's no need to disagree and insult. That's just rude.

On an iPad, responding to multi quotes difficult.

Touching on your points, tailoring a game and a companies control system for it to the nature of the game is not the worst form of anti-piracy. The bottom line for companies is their research is telling them that they lose a lot of money to software thieves. This is their reaction, and we can take it or leave it. I understand that a company needs to protect itself and it's products. In this instance, they're taking a game that's predominantly meant to be played online and requiring a connection to play it. Step back and think about it: there are worse methods. Steam used to have something similar iirc and they changed it. Blizzard is a company known to support their games and make changes. Didn't blizzard end up patching d2 to not require cd?

About the old games and movies, it comes down to the fact that you need to look at things on a case by case basis. And compare things that are comparable. A DVD and a book and old nintendo games don't have anything keeping me from playing them. Nintendo game cartridges were their own proprietary medium designed to, among other reasons, prevent piracy, not that it stopped it. DVDs carry copy protection that's simply easy enough for most software to defeat it. And I'm sure even ebooks are designed to thwart unscrupulous readers.

Video games, especially pc games, appeal to a group of gamers that tend to be savvy in terms of stealing games, and companies want to protect their investment and work so they can keep making money and making games.

As for the rest, well, lighten up, nancy
Probably has something to do with the never-ending trainloads of money that WoW has/is generating.

Yes revenue is good. It keeps them making games for us but I just don't get why they have to make such drastic changes to a tried and true system. Why not have both to tailor to the new and the old players?.
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Yes revenue is good. It keeps them making games for us but I just don't get why they have to make such drastic changes to a tried and true system. Why not have both to tailor to the new and the old players?.

i think one thing that it might help to do is to curtail the rampant duping that occured in diablo 2. i remember one day signing on and having a friend give me 800 sojs that someone randomly game him because they were being duped so badly.

remember the oculus ring? blood tree stump armor? they had to invent runewords to match the power and desirablity of the hacked items. and then those got hacked.

the shining success of diablo 2, imo, was their economy. items could truly be unique and valuable, until they were duped or currency was so inflated by said dupes. awesome dual leech rings, good MF boots, whatever.

if this control allows blizzard to reign in some of the abusers, i'd say it'll be worth it
Yes revenue is good. It keeps them making games for us but I just don't get why they have to make such drastic changes to a tried and true system. Why not have both to tailor to the new and the old players?.

They do. It's called the in-game currency auction house which exists alongside the real-world currency one in the menu.