Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Major Paragon Changes
Is now Account wide.
No longer has a cap
Seems to have Stat Allocation tied to it

Interesting, seems you 'Assign' Paragon Points to a character. So you earn them with 1 hero but can put them onto another? #D3RoS
@Narull Correct. All normal characters on an account will share a Paragon level, same for Hardcore, as well as earned Paragon Points. (Twitter)

But what do paragon points do? can they only be used once on each hero? do they add stats or?
@Narull It's a customization system. Paragon Points can be spent on various stats like STR/VIT/DEX/INT, movement speed, crit chance, etc. (Twitter)

also, what happens to the people who've already leveled up in Paragon?
@peli_can_flip Bonuses are retroactive. I.E. If you have two p100 heroes right now, the current plan is that you'd have 200 points in ROS. (Twitter)

great news Lyli !! P500 people wont feel bad when they hear this :) P330 here, might get to 500 until RoS.
@DBraveZ Feature is still being developed, so some details might change. Just stay tuned; we'll be sharing more info in the coming months! (Twitter)

Seems like it's a good time to get as many characters paragon levels as possible. Those whom have more characters with higher paragon will get a faster jump with the expansion. 5 Characters with Paragon 50 will for obvious mathematical reasons be better than one or two Paragon 100 characters. Suddenly me having all 5 characters at level 60 doesn't seem so bad. I currently have over 200 Paragon levels... so I'll have 200 points to spend.

The big debate for me is whether or not it's worth it to try and sell equipment before it's all worthless. It also raises a big question about gold. Will more drop? Will the maximum amount of gold for an item increase over 2bil? Will they try some other method to stop inflation? I'm sure that there is going to be a ton of people gambling on which method they think Blizzard will use.

EDIT: Also waiting for new info on skills. So far all the class specific equipment with skills on them are for old skills/runes. It makes me wonder if it's going to be about new builds, or if old ones will still be viable. I'd probably like to continue playing CM if I can.
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Well, assuming they do this right, it's enough to make me buy the expansion:

-You'll get Smart Drops - every time one drops, there's a chance its stats are tweaked to suit the character you're playing.

-Comparing original D3 and the expansion - in Act 3 you'd find 256 common, 399 blue, 275 yellow and one legendary. In Reaper of Souls, it could be 73 white items, 266 blues and 83 yellow items - but there's more chance they'll be smart drops.

-And it'll throw 6 legendary items your way, and this time they'll be build changers.

-Loot Runs are 15-20 minutes dungeons that are completely randomised.

And there's enchanting, allowing you to reroll an affix in a rare of legendary item.

This along with the Paragon changes should fix nearly everything that was wrong with D3 in my opinion. Cautiously optimistic.
I don't think it will be anything beyond New Items (RMAH for the suckers), News Classes, New Maps......and MAYBE a ladder.

So far seems I was right. New class, New Items, and new maps.

looks pretty cool. Not that I'm hard up for money or anything but I hope they don't charge more than 30 bucks for 1 more act.

......Is that 3000 DPS weapon real? I can't imagine them DOUBLING it again. Seems they have an imbue system or something like that so the best weapons may be account bound which will be great.
So far seems I was right. New class, New Items, and new maps.

looks pretty cool. Not that I'm hard up for money or anything but I hope they don't charge more than 30 bucks for 1 more act.

......Is that 3000 DPS weapon real? I can't imagine them DOUBLING it again. Seems they have an imbue system or something like that so the best weapons may be account bound which will be great.

Pretty sure it will be 39.99 like Heart of the Swarm.

Also guessing they haven't revealed everything, gotta save something for Blizzcon.
Some of those changes fix issues I had with the base game, but some may break stuff that wasn't broken. Hard to say.

One thing I hope they focus on is better storytelling. I think the storytelling was one of my biggest issues with the game.
Some of those changes fix issues I had with the base game, but some may break stuff that wasn't broken. Hard to say.

One thing I hope they focus on is better storytelling. I think the storytelling was one of my biggest issues with the game.

It was definitely weak. I find Act 4 to be the worst. I can't stand the voice they gave Diablo and I always roll my eyes at the:

"You'll never destroy the hell gate" (destroyed 1)
"You'll never destroy the 2nd one" (destroyed 2nd)
"Well I didn't need those anyway"
It was definitely weak. I find Act 4 to be the worst. I can't stand the voice they gave Diablo and I always roll my eyes at the:

"You'll never destroy the hell gate" (destroyed 1)
"You'll never destroy the 2nd one" (destroyed 2nd)
"Well I didn't need those anyway"

Or Azmodan's brilliant "I'll reveal my entire plan just to taunt you!".
It was definitely weak. I find Act 4 to be the worst. I can't stand the voice they gave Diablo and I always roll my eyes at the:

"You'll never destroy the hell gate" (destroyed 1)
"You'll never destroy the 2nd one" (destroyed 2nd)
"Well I didn't need those anyway"

Removing 90% of the bad guy interaction (are they talking to me over my Google Glasses?) would improve the entire game.
The enemy dialogue was painful. They should have just given the bosses one line each like in diablo 2.

For whatever reason the dialogue that ticks me off the most is the stuff your follower adds to the end of quest dialogue. It's only a few seconds but it drives me insane because there's no text box and you can't skip it.

The 15-20 minute completely random dungeon runs should be pretty great; really looking forward to that. Sounds like PoE's map system without having to farm maps.
The banter between the followers was acceptable. It wasn't Rofl material, but it definately wasn't distracting like the angels and demons' interjections.
The companion dialogue wasn't too bad, though.

Yeah the Templars lust of the mage slut is hilarious.

The rest kind of reminds me of bad Anime dubbing. But the story in a game like this has always be the least important thing to me.

...Hopefully they allow map skipping or allow the new act V to be skip able...For us Hard Core folks who would have to run through 15 acts to get into inferno.
Ok, so using paragon as actual stats allocation is something I've wanted all along. Better drops? That alone tilts me over to a "Buy", although I'll still wait a bit to hear feedback.

I'm behind a firewall at work, so anyone who can post any further details here in the post will have my gratitude for like 5 whole minutes! ;)

Also the random maps sounds like they stole some good ideas from PoE. I'm all for it.
Ok, so using paragon as actual stats allocation is something I've wanted all along. Better drops? That alone tilts me over to a "Buy", although I'll still wait a bit to hear feedback.

I'm behind a firewall at work, so anyone who can post any further details here in the post will have my gratitude for like 5 whole minutes! ;)

Also the random maps sounds like they stole some good ideas from PoE. I'm all for it.

Loot 2.0
A comparison was given between how items in Act III drop now and how they'll drop in the expansion:

Now: 256 white, 399 blue, 275 yellow and one legendary items.
Then: 73 white items, 266 blue items, 83 yellow items and 7 legendary items!
Legendary will be build-changers as seen in the screenshots below

New Feature - Loot Runs

15-20 minute completely random dungeons!
Random weather!
Random enemies!
Random boss!
Multitiered (severa levels deep)!

New Class - The Crusader

Inspired by the Paladin.
Focuses on Shields. Uses Flails as weapons.
Mid-range melee character.
Uses the resource "Wrath"

The Mystic

Can Transmogrify items, so you don't have to sacrifice looks for power.
Item Enchanting - allows to reroll one of the affixes on a rare/legendary item.

New Level Cap - 70

Every class gets new Skills and Runes
Which means a fresh economy and new power-cap as well

Major Paragon Changes

Is now Account wide.
No longer has a cap
Seems to have Stat Allocation tied to it

New Act

Featuring what looks like Westmarch, with lots of graveyards and other fun places!

New Monsters
New monsters are introduced - The Seraph, Summoner of the Dead, Executioner and Death Maiden.
I'm still really suprised that they drop this bomb at gamescon.

I'm really interested to see what they have up their sleeve for Blizzcon.
Is PVP in the game yet? lol
It's silly how they just completely ignore that. Although as people said, maybe they'll reveal it at blizzcon? (lol)

It was definitely weak. I find Act 4 to be the worst. I can't stand the voice they gave Diablo and I always roll my eyes at the:

"You'll never destroy the hell gate" (destroyed 1)
"You'll never destroy the 2nd one" (destroyed 2nd)
"Well I didn't need those anyway"

Removing 90% of the bad guy interaction (are they talking to me over my Google Glasses?) would improve the entire game.
Yea this shit was bad. Seemed like every bad guys said the same thing in a different way "You'll never defeat me!"

A lot of these changes seem like they should not be tied to an expansion and toted on a feature list.

Loot overhaul should be patched in, as should the changes to the paragon system. But if you take those out, they have a very thin expansion indeed.
Loot overhaul should be patched in, as should the changes to the paragon system. But if you take those out, they have a very thin expansion indeed.

It depends on how big the act is and how deep the random dungeon system goes. I'm cautiously optimistic, but not interested in PR bullshit.
Pretty sure Loot 2.0 is going to be patched in, along with any Level <60 class changes.
True. But I'll take it as a glass half full.

Yea i guess. It's just an obvious money-grab is all.

The Mystic was also cut from the game before they launched.

I would be mad at myself for giving them more money after how they handled the entire game.

But I think i'll leave it up to my RL friends to decide. If they cave to this, i probably will too.
Loot overhaul should be patched in, as should the changes to the paragon system. But if you take those out, they have a very thin expansion indeed.

It was confirmed by a Polish community manager that all changes to the game system will be patched in before or during release of the expansion, minus the expansion content.


Personally, I think the expansion will still have enough to offer to stand on its own. New character, new arc, new monsters, new villain, new loot, 70-level cap, new skills, etc.

Of course every player has to decide for him/herself if the content in the expansion is enough, but personally I'm already pretty excited. I had kinda of hoped for two Acts, but this one will likely be pretty long in itself already.
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I'm sure there's tons of time for the expansion, I'm wondering if it would be worth maxing out every char and getting a number of paragon levels under their belt. That or just retire the game until expansion since gear will be so drastically different.

I could just roll 4 alt softcore monks and make a killing on exp/hr
I'm sure there's tons of time for the expansion, I'm wondering if it would be worth maxing out every char and getting a number of paragon levels under their belt. That or just retire the game until expansion since gear will be so drastically different.

I could just roll 4 alt softcore monks and make a killing on exp/hr

Why spend all that time when it sounds as though loot will be substantially better after the expansion?
All the features shown thus far have been floating around the community for months, kind of like the thread on the D3 forums about paragon, months before it was revealed

Still somewhat interested and will probably buy it
Hopefully they realize 10 character slots no longer cuts it and ups that two at least 12. 6 HC and 6 SC.

Or better yet an entire new ladder for the expansions pack. Sure I'll lose everything I have in my current game but I get to build it all up again.
I'm sure there's tons of time for the expansion, I'm wondering if it would be worth maxing out every char and getting a number of paragon levels under their belt. That or just retire the game until expansion since gear will be so drastically different.

I could just roll 4 alt softcore monks and make a killing on exp/hr

Not really playing too much at the moment but when I do I'm going to just focus on paragon levels and selling stuff that the Mystic (Item Enchanting - allows to reroll one of the affixes on a rare/legendary item.) probably won't be able to fix. Not going to try and buy anything (as long as my hardcore characters stay alive) and just save gold.
Hopefully they realize 10 character slots no longer cuts it and ups that two at least 12. 6 HC and 6 SC.

Or better yet an entire new ladder for the expansions pack. Sure I'll lose everything I have in my current game but I get to build it all up again.

I hadn't played in so long I forgot about that character cap. Sillyness...
Just a thought...with a reduced drop rate (but improved stats), mats might go up in price. Without a new difficulty level, there is a possibility crafting mats won't change?
I'm sure there's tons of time for the expansion, I'm wondering if it would be worth maxing out every char and getting a number of paragon levels under their belt. That or just retire the game until expansion since gear will be so drastically different.

I could just roll 4 alt softcore monks and make a killing on exp/hr

I think it depends on perspective. If you like playing right now and you want to have the fastest jump from 60-70 (as in get to end game content faster than others) it seems like it would be advantageous.

However, although not explicitly stated, I think that the system will only work with different classes. As in, only 1 monk will contribute to Paragon levels during the conversion. Maybe not, maybe they'll allow you to do it because you put in the time. But after the expansion is released, you'll have a bunch of (otherwise) useless characters.

Just a thought...with a reduced drop rate (but improved stats), mats might go up in price. Without a new difficulty level, there is a possibility crafting mats won't change?

Pretty certain there will be a new level of materials. Think about it, if all the gear is getting amped to triple power as compared to vanilla, what gear that you could make in norm would be sufficient in the xpac? None. So there will have to be new recipies and similarly new materials. If you played WoW through any of the expansions, you'll know how this works. A 10 level cap gain is significant.

Maybe you weren't around for LOD on D2, and played it during vanilla, but as the gear got pumped, so did the difficulty level. I remember my maxed out character couldn't play in Hell anymore after the expansion due to the huge jump in gear. In fact I had to play in Nightmare after the expansion until gearing up appropriately. I assume similar rebalancing will happen in this game.