Developers of UT3 and Crysis are unhappy with PC sales of their games

Heh. Bioshock did it right?! All the complaining on the forums and the lower sales vs xbox sales say different. Orange Box might have and CoD4 doesn't top PC sales either.

No one is saying PC gaming is dying. I think it could be changed to PC exclusive games are dying however.

Why would developers want to develop for pc though, when console sales are clearly higher, even on games such as these which would traditionally be pc genres? Sure, they can make money off of also releasing something for the pc, but is it enough to justify the additional costs, or the time taken away from improving the other platform(s)?

Everyone always talks about consoles destroying pc games, but as crazy as it sounds, I think world of warcraft was a significant contributor as well. I would be very interested to see some survey results of wow players comparing how many games they bought annually before and after buying wow. I would be willing to bet that almost all of the 10 million or whatever it is are purchasing significantly less games than before, simply because they don't have the time to play them.
"Hey guys, let's not release any AAA titles for 2 years. Then, in a 45 day window, we'll open the floodgates. We can't possibly lose!"

I also think that's part of the problem. They had to release Crysis either earlier, or sometime next year when the heap of games that came out in October and November calmed down. Same thing with UT3.
Why would developers want to develop for pc though, when console sales are clearly higher, even on games such as these which would traditionally be pc genres? Sure, they can make money off of also releasing something for the pc, but is it enough to justify the additional costs, or the time taken away from improving the other platform(s)?

Everyone always talks about consoles destroying pc games, but as crazy as it sounds, I think world of warcraft was a significant contributor as well. I would be very interested to see some survey results of wow players comparing how many games they bought annually before and after buying wow. I would be willing to bet that almost all of the 10 million or whatever it is are purchasing significantly less games than before, simply because they don't have the time to play them.

They will continue to develop for the PC because there are still some sales they can get, but it's not as huge. So the exclusives of PCs that PC gamers are so passionate about (higher res, textures, UI, mouse) are going to be a lot more like the console. It's almost like every game that come out on PC, people shout: Don't buy this! protest! People aren't saying that on the console. They just buy (or rent) and enjoy.

You might be right about WoW, but I'd also like to know the numbers of those players that were seriously into other games. Kind of like the Wii Mentality. People buy it but never really bought games before anyway.

There is NO denying UT3 and Crysis were 2 of the biggest names for pcgaming this year. PC games just aren't selling as well as a console game.

And with development costs as high as they are and with Crysis beign a flop...Well Mark Rein was right: Crysis is going to be pretty much the last you see for games to be at that level of graphical quality. At least until the next console.
I also think that's part of the problem. They had to release Crysis either earlier, or sometime next year when the heap of games that came out in October and November calmed down. Same thing with UT3.

What other PC exclusive games came out around November? Every big name console game sold well for their system. PC gamers are supposed to be waiting for PC games.
Yea, I know the P word is a dirty word around here, but its true. It came out on torrent sites 1 day before its retail release, and many people (yes, me included) figured "what the hell, i'll just test this out on my current hardware now, and when I upgrade, i'll buy it later"..... and so a huge number of people just end up pirating it. Obviously not everyone, but considering you have to be a certain level of computer savvy to play Crysis, and that many computer savvy people pirate games, on top of the fact that Crysis was easily pirated and available online before release spells doom.

Maybe your reasoning is correct but the 'test now, buy later' bit is bullshit IMO. There was a demo out for one, and secondly, how many of you pirates said "well I already played it through, now why should I spend $50 on it" after you dl'd it?

If sales are down because of people like you, thanks for fucking us legitimate users. I fucking LOVE the copy protection schemes on games. :rolleyes:
Well I did my part and bought a copy of each game.UT3 was aa waste to say the least.Its been a long while since I have seen a dev go so nazi in thier own forums.Epic when way of out of thier way to muzzle the community.Much like FSS has done with HGL.

But I fixed that problem by doing a Visa charge back.And started thread on the forums on how others could,and should do the same.It lasted all of maybe 1 hour.
Well it's not high system requirements, because Battlefield 2, Doom3, and The Witcher all had high system requirements and sold well IIRC.
Maybe your reasoning is correct but the 'test now, buy later' bit is bullshit IMO. There was a demo out for one, and secondly, how many of you pirates said "well I already played it through, now why should I spend $50 on it" after you dl'd it?

If sales are down because of people like you, thanks for fucking us legitimate users. I fucking LOVE the copy protection schemes on games. :rolleyes:

QFT. Thanks. Piracy FTL.

Well it's not high system requirements, because Battlefield 2, Doom3, and The Witcher all had high system requirements and sold well IIRC.

I had a fairly mid range system when Doom 3 came out, and I played through it with few problems. Even on an ATI card. BF2 never ran right on my machine, but that's a whole different issue. Even on my relatively crappy system, I could still enjoy Doom 3. (Well, I could have.... except after hell it was shit...) On my system right now Crysis isn't very enjoyable. I can either cut the quality settings until it looks like I'm playing Farcry again, or I can watch a really pretty slideshow. And where the hell is the patch? They've got to be able to squeeze a few optimizations into their code. Heck, I'd consider running out and buying two 3870s if they would add Crossfire support. Why are PC gamers buying fewer games? 1) There are way too many morons that bite the hands that feed. Look at me, I can find a torrent, this means I'm so cool I deserve to play for free! 2) Game companies suck. Bugs don't get patched. SLI / Crossfire isn't supported. The list of game companies that I actually like keeps shrinking, and it's basically down to VALVe and Blizzard.
What other PC exclusive games came out around November? Every big name console game sold well for their system. PC gamers are supposed to be waiting for PC games.

I think more and more that there's an overlap. PC gamers aren't just waiting around for their own. I know I don't. I own several consoles and I bought games for those consoles that just so happened to come out when UT3 and Crysis did. Granted I bought them, too...but I have several friends that didn't. They bought SMGalaxy, Assassin's Creed, COD4, Uncharted, etc. instead.
For PC games - we got the 3 biggest releases (UT3, Crysis, GoW) all in a 2 week period. I think Gears likely also put a dent into those games.
One other factor is the rise of dime a dozen PC's that won't play anything decent. I've seen way too many people buying $500 laptops and $700 Desktops that won't play anything. I overheard people arguing with the Best Buy clerk because "they just got a brand new Dell, and OF COURSE it'll play everything." How much was the Dell? $800.
Toss in the ease of piracy for the people that are savvy enough to run those games, stupid gamers boycotting something minute, and the Christmas rush and you have a recipe for failure.
Maybe your reasoning is correct but the 'test now, buy later' bit is bullshit IMO. There was a demo out for one, and secondly, how many of you pirates said "well I already played it through, now why should I spend $50 on it" after you dl'd it?

If sales are down because of people like you, thanks for fucking us legitimate users. I fucking LOVE the copy protection schemes on games. :rolleyes:

actually if we go by the way that a lot of music piracy works, most ppl pirate, listen and then buy albums. they actually are for the most part d/l to test it out and see if they like it.
Maybe your reasoning is correct but the 'test now, buy later' bit is bullshit IMO. There was a demo out for one, and secondly, how many of you pirates said "well I already played it through, now why should I spend $50 on it" after you dl'd it?

If sales are down because of people like you, thanks for fucking us legitimate users. I fucking LOVE the copy protection schemes on games. :rolleyes:

usually the test now buy later *is* bullshit, but like I said, with a game with so many "what-ifs" like crysis, so many people wanted to get the final code and see how it performed on their systems. There were so many people that said the final would perform better than the demo... and that just didnt pan out.

Besides, you can't just stick your head in the sand, i'd say that a huge percentage of technologically savvy PC gamers have pirated at least a few games. Myself.... well I honestly dont play PC games outside of UT2004/Quake3/and my recently bought Orange Box. Crysis was going to be *the* game I finally upgraded for.... thankfully i didnt
Ill tell it the way it is right here

For most people to actually buy a PC Game, the multi player needs to be better than the single player. If its not, it will be downloaded

We were all anticipating crysis, and ut3 because we thought the multi payer would be amazing...its not...also,..the Screen shots look nothing like the game...but thats another subject

TF2 was bought because valve is EXTREMELY good to their customers imo. They did a beta release at a discounted price, they update it all the time, and post updated messages all the time to read when you load up steam...

COD4 also has a high multi player value to it, COD 1 and 2 both were amazing for multi player, and COD4 is essentially COD2 with a fresh sheet of graphics and guns laid over the top

Look at the other big selling games of the past, MOH:AA, BF1942, BFV, BF2, UTk4, WoW CS:Source ect.....all huge multi player only (basically) communities

Huge single player games? only a few, HL2, doom3, farcry and Fear... and its because they had revolutionary graphics, great game play, and ran on a range of hardware., they had my BIG 3

A few of the new games that arn't selling Lack the following, 1. Wide range of hardware they can run properly, 2. Good online game play, 3. actually look like they do on the screen shots before it comes out. big 3...

The only games that are doing well that came out this past month have all 3 of these imo

COD4 (Online only, i dont think the single player runs well enough on all hardware, online part does)
and TF2

The one single player i liked alot was bioshock..I enjoyed playing it, there were ALOT of things i didn't like about it sure....but i still enjoyed playing it

Im not a fanboi of anything, I just play what i like, but it seems to me Valve has got their shit down with Steam, being that you cant really pirate those games.1/2 are multiplayer...and their single players have good graphics game play, and work on a variety of systems...the only thing is that all of their games are very similar looking, but its because they are on the same engine. I think they could spice this up a little in the games to come
actually if we go by the way that a lot of music piracy works, most ppl pirate, listen and then buy albums. they actually are for the most part d/l to test it out and see if they like it.

The thing about that is - the music analogy is usually that people DL a song or two and then buy the whole album or even other albums. With games...they DL that game...and that's that. It's not quite the same. In the case of a game being primarily single-player I'd bet less than 1% of people turned around and bought Crysis after DL'ing it.
i think i have burn out,or maybe i am looking for something else.i do'nt know.i got the special edition crysis and thought i got burned.did not get anything that gave me the WOW looked good but,it was the same old thing-run and gun,and die multiple times;burn a clip to kill a guy,come on.i have plenty of demo's and i guess i am just tired. .02 cents/rant whatever.:(

Well you have to also consider what the sales predictions were for UT3 and Crysis also. Crysis sold about 25% more than what people expected, and UT3 sold something like 50% less. Overall, Crysis didn't have hundreds of people and tens of millions invested in it, so its sales are fine. Not-to-mention it's not a dumbed-down, linear, same ol', same ol' mainstream sequel like CoD4 where you run down one path and shoot everything that moves until the game ends. It actually tried something new. (more than one thing actually, and improved upon others)

With that said, I think the single best reason for low sales figures even for big games is the fact that they all came out all the same time. I'm sorry, I really like some of these games, but there's no way I'm buying 10 games in one month. 600 bucks?! Fuck that. I bought the Orange Box, SupCom Forged Alliance to play with my brother and a friend and I got ETQW for free with my video card, but how can anyone not expect people to download all the other games that came out around the same time?

I wanted to buy all kinds of games (ones with good multiplayer at least), but I can't afford to spend $500+ on games especially since I'd have no time to play more than 2-3 of them anyway. TF2 takes up a lot of my free time, then there's UT3. ETQW I've only played briefly and I did some SupCom matches, recorded videos, etc. Even there I can barely play these games, let alone The Witcher, Bioshock, STALKER, Jericho and others that I meant to play and didn't get to yet.

Sorry but I doubt anyone - no matter how much they hate pirating - will buy more than 2-3 games a month.
If sales are down because of people like you, thanks for fucking us legitimate users. I fucking LOVE the copy protection schemes on games. :rolleyes:

You love copy protection? Well, I might agree with you if it worked and didn't screw over my computers. If I own a game, I get to play it, simple as that. BioShock's (somewhat ameliorated) fiasco just demonstrated that to own BioShock, I needed a crack. Because, quite simply, I will not be stopped from using what I have legally bought - even if I reinstall it hundreds of times, for _any_ reason whatsoever.

I refuse to allow (if at all possible) invasive, destructive and damaging software to run on my computers. I also refuse to be held ransom to having internet access and/or a contactable server for single-player games (or LAN games). [Sort of how some older multiplayer games required you to connect to a central server for multiplayer, without LAN functionality, and now the server's dead.]

For this reason, the minute I stop being able to crack/hack/otherwise _fix_ the games that I purchase, I will stop purchasing LAN- or single-player games. Every game I own (assuming it has any copy protection at all, eg. CD-check) gets cracked. If a game wants to call home to a server before it will run, that gets fixed. If I "pirate" a game I own, which side of the statistic do I stand on?

While I don't have any real philosophical argument against distribution methods such as Steam, practically I'm not willing to take the risk that in ten years the Steam servers will just turn off forever. [Which is why I own the Orange box, and have cracks for HL/Portal.] And yes, in ten years I fully anticipate still wanting to be able to play Portal. After all, I still have ten-year-old Playstation and PC games that I play once in a while. Hell, I play Einhander frequently, and it was released in 1997.

It's the "copy-protection is good because it stops pirates" mentality that is helping to kill PC gaming. While some sales are lost to pirating, other sales are lost because people are no longer willing to put up with the hassles of copy-protection. They'd rather just put a disc in a console and have it _work_. The real hardcore pirates won't break a sweat killing copy-protection, but legitimate mainstream users will have their user experience suffer grieviously.

Just let me buy my games and have them work - regardless of having an internet connection, connecting to your server, authenticating, entering more than a single cd-key (or more than once per installation), or trying to lock-down my system. Just give me software that works without intentional hassles, and I'll give you my money.

As it stands though, often the pirated product is a better product than the retail. And there's something _very_ messed up about that.
nueffy, that is just retarded,

way to take games/a hobby too seriously

if you dont like it, find another
The thing about that is - the music analogy is usually that people DL a song or two and then buy the whole album or even other albums. With games...they DL that game...and that's that. It's not quite the same. In the case of a game being primarily single-player I'd bet less than 1% of people turned around and bought Crysis after DL'ing it.

I'm not sure that is how it works for music piracy. The music industry as a whole is in decline with sales and I think that idea of pirates buying the album after a few songs is not valid, just an excuse that we all think sounds reasonable.

Before we start thinking about the decline of PC games and all that entails, we need to really look at total sales of all other PC games.
I'm not sure that is how it works for music piracy. The music industry as a whole is in decline with sales and I think that idea of pirates buying the album after a few songs is not valid, just an excuse that we all think sounds reasonable.

Well, even if we cut out pirating, systems like iTunes where you can buy tracks without buying the whole album would have killed sales.

If I can buy the 1-3 songs I like off an album without paying for the rest of it, I won't buy the whole album - simple as that.

Because traditionally in North America singles have driven album sales due to mandatory integration, the detachment of the two seems like it would automatically lower sales.

Of course, there's also the thing about people not paying if they don't have to (eg. never-paying pirates). Then again, look at some other countries where piracy is near-total (eg. South America) - CDs are used only as promo for live gigs. It seems like it's working out quite well for them. If digital distribution allows us to do away with "Venture Capitalist"-style music labels, and move toward "Concert and merchandise promoters" I think we might get away with killing off CD sales pretty much completely.

Again though we run into the pirate's product being better than (some of) the retail. I can download FLAC lossless rips of cds easily. If I want digital distribution though, like as not I'll end up with DRM or low-bitrate MP3. So when considering digital distribution only, the pirated music is, quite simply, a better product.
Failed promises, lacking gameplay (in my opinion) & trying to go head to head with the numerous other single & multiplayer FPS's that all released within a brief timespan.

They lost to CoD4 & TF2, simple enough.
The fact that my high dollar system can't tun Crysis for crap pisses me off.
I am the biggest unreal fan ever but I had to choose COD4 over UT3 as both were released around the same time simply for the fact that COD4 is a better and more polished game all around and it runs excellent on my system. UT3 on the other hand, doesn't really run that great on my system. I will still get UT3 for x-mas though, but I'm still not even hyped up for it like other unreal releases.

As for Crysis, I never liked Far Cry and Crysis feels like Far Cry 2 and that game didn't run that great on my system plus I just don't like the way game takes place, I'm more of an arcade action fan or action/rts fan so Crysis just isn't for me.

Games I bought on or near release date this year:

Command and Conquer 3
World in Conflict
Unreal Tournament got dull for me when 2k4 came out. Maybe it is just because I am maturing as a person, but I just don't get a lot of enjoyment out of logging on and playing variations of deathmatch anymore. Same goes for CSS. I want more immersion in the game like COD4 or World in Conflict or The Witcher.

UT rocked when I was in my teens. Not so much at 21. Anyone else have their type of game choice change as they age?
I don't find the game experience of Crysis to be up there with say TF2, COD:4, or ET:QW. Heck I find Super Mario Galaxy a much more rewarding game play experience than Crysis along with Metroid Prime.

My problem with Crysis: to play it smoothly I have to sacrifice image a good amount. I don't know what world you guys come from but to "accept" sub 30fps situations as a normal gameplay experience is pretty much giving WAY too much benefit of the doubt to the developer. Anyone with a lesser system than myself say the same thing about Crysis, system requirements are too steep. There are far too few enthusiasts that this game caters too, and even then it doesn't do it well.

They knew what they had to work with, they opted for "my design will be realized in 4 years with newer tech" kind of thinking.

With UT3... it was a step back in gameplay. I find it disappointing that it should have come out sooner if it was ready sooner for PC format...
Both fun games, Crysis being the best game I played in years...though both have their issues.

Despite the hardware problems with Crysis, my budget system runs it great, but my hatred for EA and their dubious abuse to their customers and their ability to destroy great things is a real letdown.

UT3...felt like another console port....
Theres always been piracy for along time even when doom 3 and quake 3 as avaliable and way back. I remember seeing doom 3 being one of hte most downloaded games i have ever seen when it reached like 18,000 leeches at one point. I downloaded it but then i bought it since along with quake 4 later on. If a games worth it then i'll put my money for it. I won't just go blind folded and just choose a game like some people do on consoles. Many people already know you can't play online while pirating a game. I don't think it takes away many sales at all. Its people like mark reins from epic that deletes peoples threads like censorship that get people mad. I don't get it, they had so many years since doom3 making unreal tournament 3 along with the engine and still they don't have a good menu system and no new gameplay practically. What is it, are they afraid to get their hands dirty with some new risky material. Afraid to step forward so they stay in their corner with the same old stuff. Cod4 formula to me is still fresh. The games top notch. New guns, new models, new everything practically except the same intensity as the ones before. Ut3 is just upgraded graphics with the same guns and all that. How can they expect it to sell millions if its not fresh. Its like giving a guy pizza for 5 years straight, after awhile hes gonna throw up and just trash it. Might even not eat it for years lol.
COD4 is Call of Duty 1 with better graphics and newer guns.

I hate to say this but after playing through the game once and hating the multiplayer (its fun but there is no support and cheating is rampant) I wish I had done what several of my friends did. Lets just say they didn't buy it. Luckily mine was only $31 after taxes at Circuit City (price mistake) and it still wasn't worth it.
Bioshock,Orange Box and COD4(played at max on my rig like butter) and you will see you will be rewarded when you do shit right on the PC..

Bioshock certainly didn't do anything right. In what the PC version is concerned of course, since the console version seems to be fine.
It's another corridor shooter, where you kill everything that moves. Nothing new there. Couple that with the fact that it's a blatant console port and Bioshock has nothing more than a good story and setting. That hardly makes a game, a good game as a whole. If I want a good story, I read a book or watch a movie.

Seriously. Go back and read all the posts in this thread already! Many of you ARE the reason pc sales aren't growing. I mean that's fine, but don't complain later when the console version took more priority.
if i could figure out how play redneck rampage on vista i would be playing was was funny and good
You love copy protection? Well, I might agree with you if it worked and didn't screw over my computers. If I own a game, I get to play it, simple as that. BioShock's (somewhat ameliorated) fiasco just demonstrated that to own BioShock, I needed a crack. Because, quite simply, I will not be stopped from using what I have legally bought - even if I reinstall it hundreds of times, for _any_ reason whatsoever.

I refuse to allow (if at all possible) invasive, destructive and damaging software to run on my computers. I also refuse to be held ransom to having internet access and/or a contactable server for single-player games (or LAN games). [Sort of how some older multiplayer games required you to connect to a central server for multiplayer, without LAN functionality, and now the server's dead.]

For this reason, the minute I stop being able to crack/hack/otherwise _fix_ the games that I purchase, I will stop purchasing LAN- or single-player games. Every game I own (assuming it has any copy protection at all, eg. CD-check) gets cracked. If a game wants to call home to a server before it will run, that gets fixed. If I "pirate" a game I own, which side of the statistic do I stand on?

While I don't have any real philosophical argument against distribution methods such as Steam, practically I'm not willing to take the risk that in ten years the Steam servers will just turn off forever. [Which is why I own the Orange box, and have cracks for HL/Portal.] And yes, in ten years I fully anticipate still wanting to be able to play Portal. After all, I still have ten-year-old Playstation and PC games that I play once in a while. Hell, I play Einhander frequently, and it was released in 1997.

It's the "copy-protection is good because it stops pirates" mentality that is helping to kill PC gaming. While some sales are lost to pirating, other sales are lost because people are no longer willing to put up with the hassles of copy-protection. They'd rather just put a disc in a console and have it _work_. The real hardcore pirates won't break a sweat killing copy-protection, but legitimate mainstream users will have their user experience suffer grieviously.

Just let me buy my games and have them work - regardless of having an internet connection, connecting to your server, authenticating, entering more than a single cd-key (or more than once per installation), or trying to lock-down my system. Just give me software that works without intentional hassles, and I'll give you my money.

As it stands though, often the pirated product is a better product than the retail. And there's something _very_ messed up about that.

I agree Completely.

I would say 6 out of the last 10 games I have purchased have required a No-CD patch or other some form of Crack for me to run, even though I bought them right off the retail shelf, every one of them.
Bioshock certainly didn't do anything right. In what the PC version is concerned of course, since the console version seems to be fine.
It's another corridor shooter, where you kill everything that moves. Nothing new there. Couple that with the fact that it's a blatant console port and Bioshock has nothing more than a good story and setting. That hardly makes a game, a good game as a whole. If I want a good story, I read a book or watch a movie.

You have obviously never Played Bioshock.. It is one the of best Games to come out in years with a great story and the entire game sucks you in to this whole fantasy world for the duration of the game. Its one of the few 5 star games that deserve it.
You have obviously never Played Bioshock.. It is one the of best Games to come out in years with a great story and the entire game sucks you in to this whole fantasy world for the duration of the game. Its one of the few 5 star games that deserve it.

Thats a personal opinion.
Im one of the many people who went into the game wanting to like it, and came out more disappointed then I have in years. Got it, beat it in 2 nights, haven't clicked the exe since.
Bioshock certainly didn't do anything right. In what the PC version is concerned of course, since the console version seems to be fine.
It's another corridor shooter, where you kill everything that moves. Nothing new there. Couple that with the fact that it's a blatant console port and Bioshock has nothing more than a good story and setting. That hardly makes a game, a good game as a whole. If I want a good story, I read a book or watch a movie.

You dont want a good story? Only eye candy makes you happy?
Thanks for being the reason why gaming sucks.

BioShock had some technical issues, but man what an awesome background, story, environment. And it has hardly a typical shooter. Did you play the same game as the rest of us?
Thats a personal opinion.
Im one of the many people who went into the game wanting to like it, and came out more disappointed then I have in years. Got it, beat it in 2 nights, haven't clicked the exe since.

Fair Enough.

Let me elaborate on what I liked about the Game.

1) The Story, in my mind, was deep and well thought out. It made you ponder the how's and why's of a city like rapture and the lifestyles of those that inhabited it, all while keeping it a secret from the world. The story of a power struggle, with Ryan becoming a "god" in his own mind, becoming the defacto dictator in a purly capalist environment was compelling and beleivable. The paranoia of all of the characters from listening to all of the recording tapes left behind painted a vivid picture of a society pushed to madness from run-away science without moral compass.

2) Rapture itself was beautiful and functional, just as i would picture an underwater city of the 1950's to be. Each area was wonderfully constructed and the even the "ruin" of the city was beautiful in its rendition of "broken dreams".

3) The NPCs and enemies were fantastic in scope and terror. The "big daddies" were a formidable foe that you could fight in a multitude of ways or use to your advantage, yet were terrifying when you had to face one. the "little sisters" elicited a sympathy that you rarely find in a game environment. Several of the splicers had personalities that very motivated and mad at the same time.

4) The actual combat system and use of plasmids was well done and there was more than enough combination and origionalitly to make any player feel unique and powerful at the same time. By the end of the game, you had a sense of real power at your fingertips.

It was a compelling and fun experience.. Not just a game... but an experience.
Fair Enough.

Let me elaborate on what I liked about the Game.

1) The Story, in my mind, was deep and well thought out. It made you ponder the how's and why's of a city like rapture and the lifestyles of those that inhabited it, all while keeping it a secret from the world. The story of a power struggle, with Ryan becoming a "god" in his own mind, becoming the defacto dictator in a purly capalist environment was compelling and beleivable. The paranoia of all of the characters from listening to all of the recording tapes left behind painted a vivid picture of a society pushed to madness from run-away science without moral compass.

It was a compelling and fun experience.. Not just a game... but an experience.

The background and story was so good, it made me look into Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged and other books/philosophies of hers...I thought it was great!
Too steep ?

"QX6700 @ 3.5Ghz, Intel XBX2, 4GB, 8800GT-KO"

That's the rig on your sig...You can surely play Crysis smoothly on that one...

dunno about you, but my 8800gt-ko, 4gb, and 5000+ BE @ 3.1 can't run it with pp/shadows/physics medium, rest high. I won't go any lower, as it starts to look bad, but I'm easily getting 5-10 fps in some of the open areas. I'll wait to the next gen to play it.
10 bucks devs won't admit it's their fault and they will put all the blame into piracy :rolleyes: