Developers of UT3 and Crysis are unhappy with PC sales of their games

Crysis is a "frustrating enigma" for me.

I've not written anything about it as of yet, so I'll just drop it all here. I know some will agree/understand, and some wont, but here's my take on the game as a whole.

While it can be beautiful to look at, and there are some aspects of the gameplay that are enjoyable, the gameplay just isn't there as a whole. I don't personally feel it to be one of those games really worth going back to, even when new hardware is released that can run it on even higher settings.

With all of that "open space" in Crysis,

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It needed a stronger aesthetic to the gameplay and in general, and perhaps some more use for all that beautiful open space, and it would have been perfect.

I really have to Agree with you here. I really enjoyed the same things you did, the Nano-Suite, the General Dynamics of the game and the lot.. But some of the action was repetative and there were few memorable moments in the game. BUT.. Here are the moments that DO stand out in my mind;

1) The Drop in and Hitting the Water.
2) The Sunrise
3) The Alien Crashing the Boat and the chase through the Jungle to rescue your team mate.
4) The active "Battlefield" when all of the VTOLs drop you off and your begin to take the harbor.
5) The Visuals of the Mountain Breaking apart
6) The first "Flash Freeze"
7) The "Jeep Ride" out of the camp in the dark down the mountain after the "Flash Freeze in the camp"
8) The "Rescue" from the elevator.
9) The first few moments in the Ship.
10) The first few moments in the Frozen Areas
11) The mountain top firefight with the Marines & the Jeep Ride Down.
12) The Attack on the Ships after the Nuclear Blast.

Over All, It did have some memerable moments.. but nothing so Epic a Feel as the Entire HL2 game or BioShock.
Consoles are not Asia.. I live in Asia.. If you mean Asia = Japan then yes but I have been to Thailand, South Korea, China, Singapore, Vietnam, and all these places are PC friendly.. Asia !=Japan

Some one previously posted that North American makes or breaks games. Its very true. But the American market is really made up of many simpletons that constantly buy the same games over and over. North Americans degredation of culture, and values usually results in droves of people buying shity games just because they have a large amount of disposable income.

Jealous? :p
I really have to Agree with you here. I really enjoyed the same things you did, the Nano-Suite, the General Dynamics of the game and the lot.. But some of the action was repetative and there were few memorable moments in the game. BUT.. Here are the moments that DO stand out in my mind;

1) The Drop in and Hitting the Water.
2) The Sunrise
3) The Alien Crashing the Boat and the chase through the Jungle to rescue your team mate.
4) The active "Battlefield" when all of the VTOLs drop you off and your begin to take the harbor.
5) The Visuals of the Mountain Breaking apart
6) The first "Flash Freeze"
7) The "Jeep Ride" out of the camp in the dark down the mountain after the "Flash Freeze in the camp"
8) The "Rescue" from the elevator.
9) The first few moments in the Ship.
10) The first few moments in the Frozen Areas
11) The mountain top firefight with the Marines & the Jeep Ride Down.
12) The Attack on the Ships after the Nuclear Blast.

Over All, It did have some memerable moments.. but nothing so Epic a Feel as the Entire HL2 game or BioShock.

I'm pleased to see that there is someone else who can understand and agree with where I'm coming from, intelligently and objectively.

In turn, I'd actually have to agree with you having come up with a list of memorable things, because Crysis does indeed have some tremendous things to offer, and I'd have to agree with what you've listed.

But, as we're in agreement with, there's just not that lasting "epic" feel or outstanding aesthetic to Crysis that really draws you in and holds you to it as a whole. It's just not a memorable experience, such as the aforementioned HL2, which I was truly hoping it would be.

Again, I feel that's really quite unfortunate, because there are some truly great things Crysis does offer. They just weren't expanded upon and/or put to use enough.

The one truly epic moment, I felt, was the segment when you reach the base camp at night, with the massive firefight that's taking place. Between the visuals, environmental layout for that particular segment, and how that whole scene plays out, it was done really well. There are, as you've listed, plenty of "wow" moments, but the general impact just doesn't last.

Either way, it was a great effort and enjoyable for a while. Perhaps if they do indeed follow-up with a sequel, they'll utilize all that's at their disposal a little more effectively (including the storyline).
I wasnt expecting crysis to sell too many, 86k is good. Since their main target was gamers will high end pcs, no casual gamer has a high end pc unless they have it for work purposes.

I can run crysis on high settings with my pc and it runs great so idk what people are complaining about.

I was really hopping and expecting UT3 to do better.
I wasnt expecting crysis to sell too many, 86k is good. Since their main target was gamers will high end pcs, no casual gamer has a high end pc unless they have it for work purposes.

I can run crysis on high settings with my pc and it runs great so idk what people are complaining about.

I was really hopping and expecting UT3 to do better.

Have to agree with ya on all points.

I too was hoping UT3 would do better, but as for Crysis and sales, I think they faired considerably well considering that very point: that it's really "targeted" at enthusiasts with higher-end systems.

It ran well for me with everything on high with an 8800GTX, E6700 and 2GB Corsair Dominator. I felt it could have run a bit better all around (not quite as "optimized" or scalable as they claimed, I feel), but it ran well enough (while looking fantastic) as to be an enjoyable experience while it lasted.
Given that we don't know how much Crysis amassed in online sales, I think it's impossible to state with any degree of certainty at all that Crysis sold poorly. Crysis is also bundled with quite a few nVidia gfx cards atm, and I'm sure those were not counted either. And, finally, I feel Crysis will sell more in the long run because it will undoubtedly be one of the first games people look at when they upgrade their PC.
Originally Posted by Revenicus View Post
the future is bleak, my pc gaming amigos.

Because one overrated, gimmicky tech demo didn't sell as well as the developer hoped?


Really... that kind of statement is just a little catastrophic. The future for PC gaming might face some more bumps in the road, due to devs focusing so hard on the console crowd, but the future of PC gaming is far from "bleak".

Also, as I (and some others) have stated, Crysis sold considerably well for a game that actually was meant to be directed at the high-end PC crowd. Their sales could have actually been much worse, considering.
Their sales could have actually been much worse, considering.

Or they could be much better- we really don't know. I know a lot of people were buying it off of EA's dl service so they could pre-dl and install it as soon as it was released as opposed to having to start dling it, go to the store and get it, or wait for it to arrive in the mail the day it came out.
I find it sad that just because a game like Crysis has awesome graphics so few really see how innovative the game design is. Why aren´t you saying that more traditional fps games like COD and Half Life is tech demos :p There is hardly any fps that allows for so many strategies. Rambo, sneak, laying traps etc where you can choose how to get to an objective instead of following a predestined route like a marionette.. It has new innovative features like the Nano suit and some people still think it´s tech demo because they can´t see beyond the graphics and have no idea how they vary their gameplay they just play it as they are used to in COD just because you can on lower difficulties anyway :)
I played the Crysis demo on Easy the first run through. I said, "meh, good, but not great." Then I scaled the difficulty all the way up to Delta. I said, "F-ing awesome!"
Because one overrated, gimmicky tech demo didn't sell as well as the developer hoped?


No, because developers are losing hope in the PC platform for cutting edge game development. Crysis not selling well is just another blow to PC gaming.

PC games aren't towering over console games anymore graphically. You have 2 strong, scalable platforms that are easy to develop for(360 and ps3) and your most successful PC games are mmorpgs(mainly WOW) and the Sims series.

The gaming dust is settling now, and PC gaming will be king of mmorpgs, RTS games, and games like the Sims, while the graphically cutting edge games will be on consoles. This is just business. Look at it from a business standpoint and you'll see why things are going in this direction.

Hell, just open your eyes and read some stories of developers announcing they are leaving PC game development to see that this is becoming a reality.