

[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006

There is an optimized app now located here:
This was being developed by a member of the Polish National Team that has helped other projects optimize code.
Just to note that it has not been validated by the Dennis investigators yet. They are in holidays and until September will not perform the validation of the optimised application.
I hope they do...on a single core laptop I tested it on, the work units are now only taking ~10% of the original times they were taking.
The first test are all ok. At the moment we didn't have see any differences in the results between this version and our 1.05. We can't support this version, and we haven't check if the app just do what if have to do.

We will contact with the developer soon and we hope that we can add this optimization to the official app.

Regards, Joel.
I just joined this project yesterday and can tell you that the Optimized app makes a huge difference vs. the standard one. Forgot to move one of the 4P systems over to it last night and said system has been left in the dust by all the others running the optimized app by sesef.

Am letting the active tasks finish and around ~1030PST will be switching over. Not sure if anyone else can access it, but here's the page for this particular box; will be interesting to see what happens.
Yeah... I haven't done anything with the new version yet, but the last version was 10 times faster than the stock application.
Sesef's version is way faster. WU's that were taking 60-70+ minutes with the stock engine are down to ~11M with the optimized one. The particular box I'm referencing went from ~64WU/hr to ~340WU/hr.

Switching this box certainly helped boot my overall output: went from 500K to 1M since my earlier post 7.5hrs ago. :)
The time is deceiving as it still starts out at over 1 hour (4770, Win10) but ends up finishing in about 7 minutes. Using Crunch3r for a day, and will compare with Sesef later on.
The BOINC client should "learn" over time to be more accurate. However, if you bounce between apps, it may take a bit to stabilize based on which app you stick with.
Hi everyone!

We are ready to launch a new version of DENIS application, which will include more than one model, also, it will have new features for scientists like the ability to storage more parameters from the simulation.

We are working also in a new web page with more information about the project and the workunits organization, to do all that things we need to "purge" the system and prepare some scripts that will maintain the server paused this week.

We hope that the new web page and the new version of the app will be running during the next week.

Best regards, DENIS@Home Staff.

Do we need to remove the optimized apps?

Yes, the new version have different input files and also different models to compute.

Best regards, Joel.

PD: You can use it until all the WUs are computed.
We suppose that during the next week we will start to generate new WUs.

Best regards, Joel.

Possible work units coming soon.
They have been sending out Beta WU's for the last day, or so. Not sure how long they will last, so crunch them while you can.

We are now generating few new WUs. Those WUs comes from the beta Testing of the application. To handle those Testing WUs you have to modify your account preferences to be able tu crunch testing applications.

Best regards, Joel.
Sounds good. I think I'll do a little beta testing for them.
Looks like they finally have some work available again. I got some today.

Dear all,
We are putting new simulations in DENIS (in the CRLP2011 app). These first simulations will be in small groups and little by little the groups will increase in size.

Thank you for your patient!

Best regards,

Simulations are back!
I'm running Denis@home. We are currently at 9th position in the Formula BOINC marathon, so there is a good chance that we can move up a few places and perhaps takes the top spot if there is an interest. Also, it is a Formula BOINC sprint event (to be announced) so perhaps may get some "practice run" with it.

This project is all about studying/simulation of electrical activity of the heart. Our hearts beat about 3B times during our lifetime, so badges are awarded every time you reach a 3-something milestone.

This is CPU project only. My 2695 v2 @3.02GHz on average takes about 4.3 hours to complete for 110 credits, so not really a generous project but it is all for the study of our hearts.

Server status and task availability appear to be stable.
We are now at 5th position. To overtake 4th, would take me about 2.5 weeks at my current rate.

Got silver heart and passing the 42K marathon milestone.

pututu, it has been a while since I hit this project heavy. How stable would you say it is these days? Any issues you have come across. It has been brought back up for DC-Vault inclusion.
Being running for about a week. So far so good. Points are not attractive compare to some other projects but it will help the team in FB. Just looking for opportunity ;)
Yeah I read that thread earlier. Wasn't sure why the project wasn't attaching to anything and now I do.
Skillz looks like the admin finally addressed the crowd.

Dear volunteers,
First of all, I want to apologize for the long time since the last update of information. As I explained in other thread, we had a database crash. This problem coincided in time with a change of work of Joel, so I was alone to manage the crisis.
Unfortunately, due to other research and teaching commitments, I cannot now devote enough time to the project to be ready and re-generate results. So I had decided to stop it temporarily. I hope to restart the project in January or February. I'll let you know by using this forum and the other official channels of the project.
Finally I want to resume the status of the recovery and the project:
• All the volunteers, hosts and teams created before 2017 have recovered they credit.
• To those ones created after January 2017, if you have computed for the DENIS project in a computer with other BOINC projects, we will be able to recover the credit through the BOINC Cross project ID. You have to add the project to a computer with the other projects and your BOINC Cross project ID will be updated to the oldest one. I’m not sure but I think that the update will take place after computing for the project. Once the project updates your CPID, I will be able to identify you in the stat files to restore your credit. I will analyze it again the next month.
• If you are not in the previous situation, please, contact me if you want to recover your credit and we will try to find any other mechanisms to identify you in the stat files.
• After the recovery, the last version of the app that was compiled and uploaded by Joel is not working. I think that the problem is in the code and not in the DB crash, but I need time to analyze the app, and to learn how the system to compile the apps and to upload them works.

Actually, the major limitation to continue with the project is the time I have available for been developing it. This project is very important for me personally and more after seeing the great welcome you have given and the great support received. Thank you once again for your patience, your support and for been here. I hope I can live up to how much you have given.

Kind regards,
Jesús Carro
San Jorge University
Well that's a relief and a bummer all in the same post.
Denis is slowly starting up after some short hibernation. Too bad it is not in this year FB list.
Probably won't be a good choice for a challenge for a while anyways as they get things back to normal. Plus if I remember correctly before things went poof last time, they had a lot of work shortages/issues. I haven't had time to read up yet, but hopefully he found someone to help as he was left to it by himself when the crash happened.
Deleted; badges tooo big ... but got 42k, 1k, beta and 25%

Not a bad start ...


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Yeah, I now recall that all my credits just disappeared when the project got a sudden heart attack and then brought back to life.