Dell UltraSharp U3011 30" S-IPS 2560x1600 monitor $1049.30+tax incl. ship @ Dell

Until you add video cards and a power supply. Then your set back about another grand or more. Cost of Eyefinity / NV Surround without the computer, just video cards, adapters and monitors for 3x30"s is about $4,000+.

This is why I always refrain from upgrading my 24 to a 30", even with super hot deals like this. I don't feel like spending out the ass for all the supporting parts.
This is why I always refrain from upgrading my 24 to a 30", even with super hot deals like this. I don't feel like spending out the ass for all the supporting parts.

Yeah I know from experience. It gets expensive quick.
I wish I could have jumped on the original discount, but I went ahead and ordered one anyway with the 25% discount. (Tried talking to a support agent a couple of times, didn't work.) It's still cheaper than anything that isn't a refurb, so hey...
All the Apple Cinema 30" displays I've ever seen had a matte finish.

I stand corrected. I've never seen the 30" Cinedisplay, but I figured it would be that glossy crap like most of their other stuff runs.

And removing the matte anti-glare, at least on the 3007, does make it rather shiny (I've seen one at a lan that had it done, looked pretty good.
I stand corrected. I've never seen the 30" Cinedisplay, but I figured it would be that glossy crap like most of their other stuff runs.

And removing the matte anti-glare, at least on the 3007, does make it rather shiny (I've seen one at a lan that had it done, looked pretty good.

I'd never do it. I can't stand Glossy screens. Glare pisses me off.
I've been pretty happy with my 37" Westinghouse over the years... I've never even used a 30" I think it would be weird having to sit close to a monitor again.
I used to have a 37" 1080p westinghouse too. I hate that I had the wall torn down + wires in this pic but it shows how I used to have it arranged at my desk. I know a lot of people just think size is great, like when I first got the 37".. but over time you start to realize some things. I had to put it on a wooden microwave pillar-table that I put up against the corner (facet) of my desk because after using the screen awhile, because I realized it was too big , especially for gaming. I was wrenching my eyes up to the corners of the screen all the time before I did that. Seems silly setting the screen back that far since it is the same as having a smaller monitor perspective wise. It did give a better sense of "openness" than having a smaller lcd "wall" right up in your face, but I think somewhere in between those extremes would be best personally.


I later switched to a dual monitor setup and prefer it over the 37". (The 37" also had bad response time btw, and very noticeable ghosting in rock band for example). I've been using the dual monitors for awhile now. Left one is a 25.5" viewable hannspree tn with very fast response time, right one is a fw900 "graphics professional" crt with 22.5" viewable. Both running at 1920x1200.


I am still always tempted by these 30" 2560x1600 deals due to the resolution. I know that I'd have to set the lcd back a bit, but not quite as far as the 37". For using apps with toolboxes etc you prob wouldn't mind panning your gaze around a larger monitor so much. During a game with readouts/widgets/text and action on all the borders and corners of the screen, I would not like having to wrench my eyes constantly - or if lcd was extremely close tilt my head. I think the best size for most desk layouts is 20" - 26" normally. I've used 15", 17" , 20.1" , 22" , 23" , 24" , 26" lcds, and the 37" westy quite a bit. I'd have to see a 30" in person at the proper distance to see how I felt about it, and to see what distance it would 'require' for my liking. Right now my eyes are a little over 3' from my 26" (25.5" viewable hannspree), and I still have to turn my gaze a bit to the corners as they are still slightly peripheral.

I do not care for the bezels in eyefinity setups btw, They seem like they would be good for immersion, but that the other monitors would be peripheral anyway and not completely focused on. Even a single 30" rez would still require me to upgrade my gpu though.
If I were to ever get a 30" I'd probably keep it as part of a multi-monitor setup, and use it for awesome application space while running games and media on another monitor in dual or triple monitor mode.

tempting.. tempting...
The 27inch seems like the sweet deal (to me) esp given the pixel density. Not sure how the monitor itself is but 24inch borders on large and 27 is closer to 24 than 30. I currently use a 22 for gaming which is not bad; I mostly just want the higher resolution. For work I use 24.

The reason I liked the 37" so much was because at that resolution I could sit it far enough back (~4ft) from my eyes and still be able to read/see everything perfectly without any text size changes or scaling. The 30" would natively have small text at that resoultion which I think would end up being pretty crappy for gaming. You would, in essence, have to sit around 2ft away to get the same viewing size as the 37". Sure, the pixel density is no comparison, but most of my gaming is done on the xbox 360 these days and that would be scaled anyway.

Tough decision, with I had a friend who could lend me a 30" so I could use it for a while before passing judgment.
My realization of my dislike of the westinghouse's 37" screen size over the time I used it is what makes me concerned about a 30" screen size, even at a better resolution. And although I used rockband's high-speed neon scrolling lyrics and notes as a good example to show ghosting, and its precision timing to show input lag, I wasn't really considering this kind of monitor for console gaming. I have a 1080p tv for that in my living room, where I play rock band, LBPlanet, GoWar3, and lately PS3 move titles incl "The Fight" among others. I play WoW, TF2, L4D2, and a few other shooters on my pc.. and played some single player stuff like fallout3, the witcher, etc. If you look at just the numbers on steam, and the subscribers on WoW - a lot of people actually do still play games on pc's. I really do not like fps games on consoles but thats a different argument. I also hate scaling anything. I always play at native rez. I'd rather have a different rez lcd on my desk than scale anything.

The 30", or perhaps the 27" is being considered for my "wish list" more for desktop application real estate as part of a multi-monitor setup. It would have lots of breathing room (rez)and a good color gamut, while its neighbor (a tn) would have a faster response time and less input lag for games. My desk has three sides, like a B-wing, so I can easily have two or three monitors going, depending on my video card(s) capabilites. I probably need to see one in person to get a good idea of how far away I would have to sit. As long as I'm not ordinarily gaming on it, it might not be that big of a deal . Its in games where the corners and borders of the screen have ui elements like mini maps, readouts, widgets, action bars, and text that I dislike having to turn my gaze overly to really see the limits.

I sprung for my tv rather than getting a 30" 2560x1600 over a yr ago. I guess I'm just re investigating when deals like this come up.
Well, mine arrives tomorrow... I think I am also going to buy a GTX 570 so I can handle the resolution. I may buy that today.
still can't believe someone I know dropped 2.5k for the 3008 version............
When? The second they were released?

The 3007WFP was $2,999.99 when it was first released. All the other 30" Dell monitors (3007WFP-HC, 3008WFP, U3011) have come out at lower price points if I recall correctly.
I really do not like fps games on consoles but thats a different argument.

I totally agree, but all of my friends play on xbox so that's what I'm stuck with. I'd rather play with inferior graphics and subpar controls (gamepad vs kb/mouse) with my friends than on a PC with strangers.

As for the monitor... I think a 1920x1200 24" to 27" may be the best option for me. I'll probably stick with the Westinghouse for a little longer (with a old 21" lcd next to it).

I don't know if I'll ever move up to a 30".
When? The second they were released?

yeah he got it on the first day of release for the 3008
he was so happy..........
even though I told him about the 3007 refurb with 4 years exchange warranty of 700 dollars
he didn't listen.........
I passed this deal onto a couple guys I work with who were ready to drop $1300 on 30-inch TN Panels.
After I missed the U2311H deal I wanted to spread the IPS love... at least I'll have something to drool over in the office.
I did buy one, I called in and emailed the rep the original document. After 5-6 hours they called me back and was like "ok we can honor it". The first rep turned me down and this caused a LOT of confusion haha, but I got it for $1049. Don't give up hope guys, this is a great monitor.
I passed this deal onto a couple guys I work with who were ready to drop $1300 on 30-inch TN Panels.
After I missed the U2311H deal I wanted to spread the IPS love... at least I'll have something to drool over in the office.

Who makes a 30" TN?
Who makes a 30" TN?

No one does. Even if someone did, it would make zero sense for it to cost $1300. I would expect it to be significantly cheaper than that. Then again, I have no interest in buying a TN based monitor ever again. Admittedly the RGB LED backlit TN on my M17x is the best TN I have ever used, but that is mostly due to the awesome backlight.

Back on topic, I was able to get in for 30% off after talking to several reps over chat and completing the transaction over the phone. Woot!
I checked the website today, the code doesn't seem to apply. Do you have to have an account setup first? I'd love to pull the trigger closer to the end of the month when I've saved up some money.
Man I am so annoyed that Canadians can not take advantage of this offer. I chatted with a Dell agent and they said I couldn't buy it from the US store either. I will not pay an extra 550 for this monitor :(
I started looking at the idea of this monitor again after the holidays, but I've been reading that there is a bad anti-glare..

"Some have complained that this coating adds a "Sparkle" effect when viewing the monitor, but it is only slightly noticeable when you are viewing white or light backgrounds."

"it seems that all IPS monitors (other than the 27” model from the crunchy fruit company) these days have an anti-glare coating. This can result in a “screen door effect” or “sparkle” especially evident in light colored areas of the screen. I must say that this monitor has this and the “sparkle” effect really bothered me at first. Six days later I’m slowly getting used to it. It’s still there but once I got back to work and back to games I’m noticing it less and less. If you’re at all bothered by anti-glare coatings than this monitor is not for you."

" ... If you’re able to live with the anti-glare coating then.. "

I had a 20.1" viewsonic several years ago whose anti-glare realllllly bothered me. It was like someone sprayed some kind of sugar crystal coating on the screen. This would really bother me on any lcd, let alone a 30"'s and 1k's worth of screen. I think this is a deal breaker for me.

By the way, my 46" samsung led-edge-lit tv and my 17" laptop are both glossy and I love them.
Beware of the sparkle effect.

I was really disappointed when I got my 2007fp with S-IPS panel, the sparkle effect annoyed me to the point where I chose to return the monitor. And this was despite all the fuss and good reviews on this forum.

According to this, all big S-IPS panels suffer from it, including U3011:

With that said, most people can get used to it, or don't notice it, or doesn't bother them. I wasn't so lucky, since I use my monitors to read text, and the sparkle effect is very distracting on a solid white background. I am very very picky about monitors though, so YMMV.
Tried to buy one today and the deal was dead. Had my wife call up and try to get the deal and she got 30% off :p
I thought this deal went on until the 31st of January.

That is what I thought too, it said nothing about a certain amount redeemed. They honored it at 30% so its all good. Hopefully they will keep honoring it until the 31st. Have a lady call up for the extra 5% ;)
I called them yesterday and asked for the 30% coupon and got the discount, no questions asked. FedEx is bringing it to me on Monday. :D
I called them yesterday and asked for the 30% coupon and got the discount, no questions asked. FedEx is bringing it to me on Monday. :D

Do you mind telling me what number you called? I have tried twice today with no luck. I used the talk button where they call you and connect you with the appropriate representative. I spent like a total of an hour on the phone while they confirmed the coupon code was expired and them taking their sweet time to tell me that they can't apply it.
Do you mind telling me what number you called? I have tried twice today with no luck. I used the talk button where they call you and connect you with the appropriate representative. I spent like a total of an hour on the phone while they confirmed the coupon code was expired and them taking their sweet time to tell me that they can't apply it.

I called the phone number on the top of their Small Business store page, where it says "Buy Online or Contact Us: 1-877-220-3355." It asks what you want to do, and I said "make a purchase," then it asks what you want to buy, and I said "monitor." I told the salesperson that I had a coupon for 30% off the U3011, that was valid through 31 Jan, but that the online shopping cart wouldn't apply it, and asked if it was still available. He poked around on the computer for a minute and then quoted me the discounted price.
I tried calling today, but salesperson said coupon only applies to non sale items. Its on sale right now.So after 15 min on the phone finally said they couldn't do it.