Dell U2410

It's been a week and I'm still on the fence about returning it. It's a great monitor, aside from the tinting. I paid $485 less $85 for the sale of my current basically $400 flat. Now the question is: at this price point, do the numerous benefits of this monitor outweigh this one flaw. At this point, I really don't know. I'm going to give it another week.
Received two of these to get my eyefinity setup going. Was going to couple them with an NEC 2690wuxi I already have. Bought both directly from Dell a little over a week ago when they had them at $539 + 10% BCB.

Both had no dead/stuck pixels and no tinting I can see. Beautiful monitors.

Can't use the bezel compensation as it won't work unless the monitors have the same res,pixel pitch and physical size. Since the NEC has the same res and pixel pitch, I thought I was OK. I knew it would not be perfect, but they simply don't allow it at all. Oh well. Another U2410 is on the way thanks to a 15% coupon they sent me for ordering the previous two. That and 5% BCB will take the sting out a little.
Maybe some people have red-green color blindness so they don't see the tint? lol

thats why i quadro checked my monitor on each of my monitor, lol. asked the gf, sisters, and friend to find any discoloration (red/green) on a white background.

anyone notice the dimming on these monitors? it sometimes takes a couple seconds to brighten up a white page (coming from a dark background). the dark background doesnt look dim... but once i open up my browser (white bg), its not as bright until a couple seconds.
Here in Canada, Dell is having their Days of Deals so I ordered a Dell U2410 for $419 CAD with free shipping. (Regular price $750 with days of deals savings of $331).

I read about the issues this monitor had but for that price, I couldn't resist.

I ordered it on Mar 10, 2010. It shipped on Mar 11 and I took delivery Mar 15, 2010 via Purolator. I am in Toronto, Canada. Box arrived in perfect condition.

Box had a label on the outside showing the monitor revision so I knew I had a Rev A01 before I signed.

Model No. U2410f
Date of Mfg: Feb 2010
Assembled in Mexico

No dead pixels and no tint.
Here in Canada, Dell is having their Days of Deals so I ordered a Dell U2410 for $419 CAD with free shipping. (Regular price $750 with days of deals savings of $331).

I read about the issues this monitor had but for that price, I couldn't resist.

I ordered it on Mar 10, 2010. It shipped on Mar 11 and I took delivery Mar 15, 2010 via Purolator. I am in Toronto, Canada. Box arrived in perfect condition.

Box had a label on the outside showing the monitor revision so I knew I had a Rev A01 before I signed.

Model No. U2410f
Date of Mfg: Feb 2010
Assembled in Mexico

No dead pixels and no tint.

I hope I'm as lucky as you. Ordered it in the same sale - ETA the 17th.
Here in Canada, Dell is having their Days of Deals so I ordered a Dell U2410 for $419 CAD with free shipping. (Regular price $750 with days of deals savings of $331).

I read about the issues this monitor had but for that price, I couldn't resist.

I ordered it on Mar 10, 2010. It shipped on Mar 11 and I took delivery Mar 15, 2010 via Purolator. I am in Toronto, Canada. Box arrived in perfect condition.

Box had a label on the outside showing the monitor revision so I knew I had a Rev A01 before I signed.

Model No. U2410f
Date of Mfg: Feb 2010
Assembled in Mexico

No dead pixels and no tint.

Hey you must be me. I'm in Toronto and was ordered and delivered on the exact same dates! Not to mention the same price.

BUT, mine was manuctured in Sept 2009 and its Revision A02. This is strange since yours was built Feb 2010 but mine is A02 and yours is A01. Both made in Mexico.

-- EDIT: Mine is also A01, what gives! Isn't A02 suppose to be out now? Are they just recirculating returned units??? And is that why this big discount?

- No dead or stuck pixel
- Slight graniness/sparkle is negligible and must be there since it is a matt screen. Which makes this display nowhere near as spectacularly sharp as glossy Apple screens, I think. But man is it good!
- There IS pink tinting at the left and blueish on right but I can't detect it if I'm using even a slightly busy wallpaper or watching a movie. It is only noticeable on shades of solid grey backgrounds. This will slightly effect critical digital painting and photo edits but I'm not editing or printing anything that critical, yet.
- Viewing angles are totally fantastic.
- Some colours don't look right to me. Factory calibration isn't all that trustable and I have to find a way to calibrate without buying some gadget.

For the price of $419 CAD, it is worth the money. I wouldn't have kept it if I had to pay the full price. Apple Cinema costs just a little more than U2410 at full price. Only a fool would choose Dell in that case.

I have been very disapointed in Dell's quality ever since I bought my 1420 laptop 2 years ago. They are upto some shady business practices no doubt. If you can afford better you should avoid Dell. I just couldn't resist the discount on this monitor! I'm happy the tinting is not so bad on my copy.
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Hi to all,

My experience:

I bought recently an u2410.

In "standard" color mode, I noticed a (mild) tinting across the screen: slightly greenish on the left, slighlty pinkish on the right. Only visible on white/grey tones.

As I'm quite picky, I asked for a replacement.
It was even worse.
So I ended keeping the first one.

I use the "cool" color mode that eliminate the tint.
But it give a "blue-ish" (cold) look to the screen.

Now that A01 is out in Europe, I'm trying to get an exchange, so I can use sRGB and aRGB without dithering... Problem is I may end with one with bad tinting or dead pixels... Anyway, Dell has not yet agreed to exchaneg it. They do not seem aware of the problem, even less how to fix it...

Phhhew... Looks it's not easy to get a correct product by the time being... !

So in a nusthell this monitor is not a good buy? seems like more people complain about it then praise it!
Phhhew... Looks it's not easy to get a correct product by the time being... ! <<

I have gone through 6 U2410 all brand new from DELL UK, A01, A00 Czech manufacturing the latest I have received was yesterday manufactured in March10 and NONE...NONE... of them was tint free, they all had it to one degree to the other. Left to right, right to left, top green bottom yellow....LG just can't manufacture a screen which looks completely white!
Quoting Panzaman:

>> LG just can't manufacture a screen which looks completely white! <<

At least for this IPS panel, from what I've read and based on my own experience, I have sadly to agree with you so far...

We had the same problem a few years ago with the HP LP2475w, that used nearly the same panel form LG (actually the 2410 panel is an evolution of the LP2475w one).

The tinting is very variable in intensity.
So depending upon use, usage conditions (ambient light), color settings, personnal sensitivity, etc. the user may or may not notice/be annoyed by the tinting.

Probably, some u2410 looks also totally tint free.

Well, I've the feeling I may have to battle somewhat with Dell to get an exchange... Talked to the techsupport person, sent email with problem (dithering) description and links, now waiting for a feedback...
I just got order of 2 U2410's, A01 rev, Made Feb 2010 Mexico.

So far i haven't noticed anything. Coming from a BenQ V2400W the quality and color is breath taking. Though i almost burnt my eyes out when i opened a blank browser. I will post pictures once i have my new system built and i order 1 more U2410.
Just put my order in with work (we're a Dell partner so I got the DoD pricing @ $419 CDN). It should be shipped to my work in a few days and once I get it set up and calibrated with my 2x2209WA's I'll post my findings. I'm hoping I get a solid A01 panel like other users have.
Hi all,

I'm about to buy a U2410. two options: Ebay or DELL. Ebay has them for 500 and dell 600. Has anyone ever been able to talk dell down some ? Reviews do state the EBAY reseller are good, is the warranty the xact same as if you bought it from dell ?
have you not read this thread mate? no offense but this monitor has a lot of issues on it. you have got to be a very lucky lad to recieve a good one and from ebay? lol better get it from DELL
This is a great monitor if you get a good one without tinting. I bought mine at the beginning of december, and got one without tinting. This thread is pretty scary, but try to remember that it's biased toward people that got bad monitors and are more likely to post, especially on a forum like this.
For every one person posting about issues are dozens happy with their purchase....that is always the case with anything.
This is a great monitor if you get a good one without tinting. I bought mine at the beginning of december, and got one without tinting. This thread is pretty scary, but try to remember that it's biased toward people that got bad monitors and are more likely to post, especially on a forum like this.

Mate i have read across various forums and its the same known issues about this. It is a beg hefty risk spending £400 on a monitor that has a 50 50 chance of it being a tinted one.

Sorry but that just is not good enough for a expensive high end product. How is this thread biased when all people are doing is telling the truth? If this product was good and reliable i would not be hearing such horror stories not only from here, but across varios forums.
For every one person posting about issues are dozens happy with their purchase....that is always the case with anything.

i would like to see proper figures of that. Sounds like your giving this product the same excuse on the xbox 360's failure rate
Ebay works just fine for purchasing. Mine was manufactured in February and was still factory sealed. It had a pixel out, so I got an exchange from Dell (yes, the warranty works). Now the only issue is that the tinting is worse on the new screen. However, I would rather have slightly worse color tinting (yellow to pink from left to right) than a dead pixel. If only that first screen didn't have any pixels dead! Also, my first one was very bright (I had to lower the brightness to zero and the contrast to 26 on adobe RGB to have it not burn my eyes!), but the new one is much better in brightness. Although it is a very nice monitor, it is too bad that it has to have these flaws. I also don't know why they picked the "sparkly" coating instead of the flat matte. Oh well, maybe their next 24 inch screen in 2 or 3 years will not be plagued with such issues.

PS: for those complaining about the complaints in this thread, I don't see how the customer is at fault. This is not a cheap panel and it has a "Premium Panel Guarantee" (whatever that means :/) from Dell. I would say that these issues should never have existed (not even my cheap notebook display has tinting issues), but it is what it is now.
For every one person posting about issues are dozens happy with their purchase....that is always the case with anything.

Probably not true for this monitor. Someone here bought 6 of these and they all had tinting problem. The thing is, as with mine, the tinting can be soft enough that lots of people don't even notice it. If they look for it they will see it.

If the tinting isn't bad and you get it for around $400 then its a keeper and a great monitor!
Ebay works just fine for purchasing. Mine was manufactured in February and was still factory sealed. It had a pixel out, so I got an exchange from Dell (yes, the warranty works). Now the only issue is that the tinting is worse on the new screen. However, I would rather have slightly worse color tinting (yellow to pink from left to right) than a dead pixel. If only that first screen didn't have any pixels dead! Also, my first one was very bright (I had to lower the brightness to zero and the contrast to 26 on adobe RGB to have it not burn my eyes!), but the new one is much better in brightness. Although it is a very nice monitor, it is too bad that it has to have these flaws. I also don't know why they picked the "sparkly" coating instead of the flat matte. Oh well, maybe their next 24 inch screen in 2 or 3 years will not be plagued with such issues.

PS: for those complaining about the complaints in this thread, I don't see how the customer is at fault. This is not a cheap panel and it has a "Premium Panel Guarantee" (whatever that means :/) from Dell. I would say that these issues should never have existed (not even my cheap notebook display has tinting issues), but it is what it is now.

well said. these issues should not be widespread on a high end monitor. i really wanted to get this monitor.
Been using mine for about a day, very satisfied so far.

Standard Mode is way bright, but srgb has been solid once I switched to it.

No dead pixels, no noticeable tinting or issues (how are you guys testing?)

I heard a lot of complaints about the touch buttons, but I like them - they remind me of the PS3 buttons. The beep is a little annoying, but you can turn that off.
I tested mines by opening up a webpage or microsoft paint with a full white background and I could notice the red to green tint (left to right). Also using the Lagom viewing angle test at helped to show any panel uniformity issues with me.

With me I was trying NOT to see the tint and since I surf the web quite a lot and its noticeable I just wasnt happy with my £400 purchase. If it werent for the tint issue I would just simply be in awe with this monitor. I love the design and picture quality and coming from a 17" non widescreen monitor it is HUGE.

Its now sitting in its box waiting to be returned :(
With me I was trying NOT to see the tint and since I surf the web quite a lot and its noticeable I just wasnt happy with my £400 purchase. If it werent for the tint issue I would just simply be in awe with this monitor. I love the design and picture quality and coming from a 17" non widescreen monitor it is HUGE.

Its now sitting in its box waiting to be returned :(
Same here...I believe I'm sending mine back. I just keep holding on thinking they will come up with a fix...but my time has run out. And I'll be darned if I'll let them charge me a restocking fee for a defective product.
Now I'm stuck. I'll be getting a new MBP and need a monitor. A refurbished ACD would run $600 but I don't want a glossy screen. My budget for a monitor is $500 and I want an ips wide gamut with display port monitor. A lot to ask for, I know.
Received mine this morning. Checked against red, green, blue, black and white screens and no dead or stuck pixels - hurrah. As for tint ...I cannot tell if the right hand side is tinted warmer (pink) or if the problem is just the left is so much brighter. It looks brighter to me but its hard to tell and I don't have any gear to confirm with. The brighter side on the left has some back light bleed top/bottom which I find a bit much but I doubt I will get better if I return it.

Things I do not like about the display:
1) The input switching sucks. It really needs a dedicated button so I can switch between my two sources without digging in the OSD as I am constantly working between two machines on one display.
2) PIP/PBP does not appear to support DVI. Only lets me select DP/HDMI/Component/Composite as my sources.
3) Cable management could be a bit better. It is just low enough down that I can see the cables when I walk in the room.

For $419 before tax I am fairly pleased. It is certainly no NEC 2490wuxi but for the money I find it hard to complain. I'm rather thrilled now that I no longer have to deal with PVA nightmare of black crush, banding and gamma shifting that I've lived with for the last 4 or so years.
Received mine this morning. Checked against red, green, blue, black and white screens and no dead or stuck pixels - hurrah. As for tint ...I cannot tell if the right hand side is tinted warmer (pink) or if the problem is just the left is so much brighter. It looks brighter to me but its hard to tell and I don't have any gear to confirm with.

With me its the same, Im not entirely sure if its the left side being pinkish or just brighter than the right side...Its weird. I couldnt stand it though when surfing the web and for the price I paid I dont think that problem should be there.

Im very annoyed at LG since Im guessing its to do with them that this tinting problem exists.
With me its the same, Im not entirely sure if its the left side being pinkish or just brighter than the right side...Its weird. I couldnt stand it though when surfing the web and for the price I paid I dont think that problem should be there.

Im very annoyed at LG since Im guessing its to do with them that this tinting problem exists.

I also have this problem as the two above posts...I can't see any tint issues, but I notice that (viewing head on) about an inch of the right side is dimmer...It's very annoying on any light pictures but not noticeable on saturated colors and dark screens.

A01, no dead pixels...

But I bought it for $419 in the Canadian sale, so I don't know if I should ask for a replacement. Does anyone know how Canadian support handles exchanges? Do they give refurbished or new? And any shipping fees?
Should be new within the first 21 days.

I'm very doubtful I will end up with better back lighting if I play the exchange game. I'd rather not risk one with terrible tinting or any other issues. It is relatively minor compared to many other displays I've tried.
Should be new within the first 21 days.

I'm very doubtful I will end up with better back lighting if I play the exchange game. I'd rather not risk one with terrible tinting or any other issues. It is relatively minor compared to many other displays I've tried.

That's exactly what I've been thinking, but it's somewhat annoying since my 2005wfp and 2208wfp don't have such a problem. Nor do any of my laptops/netbooks.

I also noticed something with the seems like when I shut off the monitor, on the next power on all my USB devices connected to it will 'restart'.
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I also have this problem as the two above posts...I can't see any tint issues, but I notice that (viewing head on) about an inch of the right side is dimmer...It's very annoying on any light pictures but not noticeable on saturated colors and dark screens.

A01, no dead pixels...

But I bought it for $419 in the Canadian sale, so I don't know if I should ask for a replacement. Does anyone know how Canadian support handles exchanges? Do they give refurbished or new? And any shipping fees?

At least you don't see obvious green / pint. Mine had tinting pretty bad. Dell refunded me and paid for the the shipping fees.

$419 is a good deal. You must of got it on the 11 days of sale. I paid around $500 when it first came out. Dell Canada were going to give me an additional discount if I would try a replacement. They tried hard but I didn't bother with the replacement.
At least you don't see obvious green / pint. Mine had tinting pretty bad. Dell refunded me and paid for the the shipping fees.

$419 is a good deal. You must of got it on the 11 days of sale. I paid around $500 when it first came out. Dell Canada were going to give me an additional discount if I would try a replacement. They tried hard but I didn't bother with the replacement.

That's nice too know. I will give them a call tomorrow as I have decided that I cannot live with the right-edge being dimmer. If I look really closely it appears my left side has the same thing, but the 1 inch being brighter! I don't really notice the brighter edge, but the dimmer edge I do...

I spend too much time with browsing/coding which is where the dimmer edge is easily noticeable to me. I can't see it when watching movies or gaming...

My 2005wfp lasted me 4 years, so I cannot imagine living with this dimmed edge for 4 years, when I'm already annoyed on day 2.