Dell U2410

It's not something stupid, it's someone trying to be stupid by flaunting his U2410 has no flaws and rest of those people who are suffering from tinting/other problems are anal. :rolleyes: :eek:

Flaunting? Who's flaunting? B/c someone's review is drastically different from someone and his buddies' here make it flaunting? WOW. Oh and I'm sincerely sorry for calling someone being anal. I didn't know he was suffering all this time. Maybe what I should have said was, "someone's crying about his U2410 even after his 5th replacement. Ahhh, so anyone who doesn't have any problems w/ their 1st copies and posts their opinions about it must mean he/she is flaunting." :eek:
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The dithering issue is not a rumor, its a problem in all rev00 u2410.

Go to the link below, then switch your preset mode to srgb/argb while looking at the squares and you will figure out the noise in those grey squares. This is the dithering issue.

Btw about the whoel screen even tint issue, I personally think that adjusting color temperature in factory menu for each preset is much better than just playing with the colors in custom mode, because:

1. for some reason i could not produce the natural color tone that i want by tuning values in custom mode. And I found that lowering any rgb value in custom mode also seems to reduce picture details/contrast/gamma alot.

2. by using this color temperature tuning method, u can still utilize all other presets, especially the game mode for fps games and hdmi console connection. (I do not know whether calibrated ICC profiles are saved in windows or in the monitor. If its saved in windows then tuning color temperature is the only way to fix game mode to output nontinted hdmi xbox/ps3 videos)

P.S. Chris M from dell community did warn that "Going into the monitor Factory Menu and making changes could result in a non-functioning monitor. This is not covered by your warranty."
So my suggestion is that dont touch other settings in the factory menu except color temperatures.
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Hey guys

I'm having heavy grain while watching movies or playing games on my PS3 connected to my brand new U2410. It's connected via HDMI, setted at 1080p (but tried every possible settings).

I posted a few sample pictures on the Dell Community board :

I believe it is the same problem as people are experiencing in the Adobe/sRGB preset (the grain/dither issue) but it does it in *all* presets.

Anyone having this same problem with a PS3 or Xbox360 connected?

Everything was looking fine on my previous LG W2453V monitor - games and movies were really crisp and good looking. On this U2410, it's a total disaster. Gaming is pixelated and movies are VERY grainy (unwatchable).

Requested an exchange today, waiting for a new one. Will post a follow up when received.

Hey guys

I'm having heavy grain while watching movies or playing games on my PS3 connected to my brand new U2410. It's connected via HDMI, setted at 1080p (but tried every possible settings).

I posted a few sample pictures on the Dell Community board :

I believe it is the same problem as people are experiencing in the Adobe/sRGB preset (the grain/dither issue) but it does it in *all* presets.

Anyone having this same problem with a PS3 or Xbox360 connected?

Everything was looking fine on my previous LG W2453V monitor - games and movies were really crisp and good looking. On this U2410, it's a total disaster. Gaming is pixelated and movies are VERY grainy (unwatchable).

Requested an exchange today, waiting for a new one. Will post a follow up when received.


for the monitors that ive tested, the dithering issue only occur in srgb and argb mode.

hdmi with xbox360 is crisp. Note that u might want to change the Mode Selection to Video instead of Graphics because from my experience hdmi with Video mode produce much clearer HD video for my xbox 360.
Dude, read his post. He already has an 2209WA.

For many uses, TN and IPS are not really that different. For two years I thought my home LCD was comparable to my work LCD, and it was only until I started reading this forum that I realized one was TN and the other was S-IPS.

this old argument again :)


for me a very large difference.

1 - movies/tv look hideous on TN.
2 - scrolling a web page creates tons of blur on a TN, even moving the mouse pointer has blur.
3 - viewing angles aweful, is an issue for me since I am not always straight on like when I watch movies in bed and am below the screen, also on TN's I found part of the screen is always affected, if I adjust my head so the bottom of screen looks right then the top of screen is affected by viewing angle and so on.

The blur has never been explained to me since TN are supposed to be the fastest response times yet show the most display lag.
To be honest.. coming from a 2007wfp you will be disappointed by many monitors. Especially if you are a gamer. You'll notice some of the newer panels might not have as aggressive anti glare coating, but input lag and viewing angles are going to drive you nuts. I ended up getting an LG245WFP-BN It serves me great. You'll have to stick to the better PVA or SIPS/HIPS panels to be happy more than likely. I've seen a few really good TN screens but.. the vertical viewing angles kill me.

But I'm also 6'2"

I just received my u2410 today, shipped from TN, assembled in mexico

my first impression out of the box, size is great , viewing angle from left to right is good, but from top to bottom not so good, perhaps its my inexperience with a 20"+ LCD or because im trying to compare to an s-ips dell 2007wfp. also as mentioned there is a pretty obvious pink overtone, no noticeable color shifting at first glance . if i stare at the monitor for a bit i get used to the pink hue a bit, but walk away briefly and come back and wow it's pretty damn pink! Obviously more so when looking at whites. didnt notice any dead or stuck pixels. I'll look into that more over the weekend. The imagery is somewhat grainy depending on what image your looking at. The blacks look very rich but ive yet to lower the settings to test. I can tell right off that this monitor is not easy on my eyes and would give me a headache if i had to put in a few hours using it. Most certainly need to tweak and/or calibrate... We'll see if this is going to cut the mustard after tweaking the settngs, as i need his monitor for design.
My fear is that ill go the weekend not be satisfied and feel compelled to shell out for an apple 24"cinema display , which i was trying to avoid the extra $$ in the first place
so is this monitor actually good or not? whats the latest hardware revision?

is there any input lag and is the viewing angles actually good? i will be watching cable and using ps3(game+bluray) on this..

and what about the grainy problem?
I've been lurking here trying to determine the same thing, CyberMew. Whenever threads get this long it makes me wish for a nice summary page on the very first post that is updated with the latest news and information.

Does the OP even look at this thread now? If so, would a summary of this thread's technical info and user observations at the very beginning of this thread be something that he is willing to do?
Here comes the solution for Green/Pink tint issue provided by Dell~~
Please look into it and comment:

And lets see how Dell answer the problem:


This happen at here:
Chris M. from Dell just posted an update on the Community board about the Tint issue.
It will NOT be fixed.

To possible buyers, avoid this monitor at all cost.

Honestly, gaming on my PS3 looks quite bad on this U2410 compared to my previous LG. Movies are excessively grainy.
What this means is that warranty will more than likely not do an exchange for the tint issues any longer. Dell acknowledges the tint issue and states that you should just use sRGB mode to help alleviate it (although won't get rid of it). I'll scratch this one off my list.

Quite frankly, I don't know about the HP model. But from my current experience with the U2410, do not touch it. Dell doesn't deserve your money, especially the way they are handling this situation.

There are 15% administration fees when you wish to have a refund, plus the shipping fees. Overall, I would lose 35% of the monitor price if I wanted a refund. So I'm stuck with this horrible product.

As for alternatives to the Dell or HP model, they are quite limited unless you go way over budget or get a quality TN monitor (should have gone this way).
I feel this thread is slowly going to die as most of us will look somewhere else ....

I was really close to purchase this screen, not anymore.

Maybe we should look forward to upcoming products from other vendors ? Has anyone seen fresh announcements ?
That thread completely put me off the u2410 and dell. To basicly sum it up, they don't give a crap. I wonder if they'll stop replacing the u2410's with tint issues.
I feel this thread is slowly going to die as most of us will look somewhere else ....

I was really close to purchase this screen, not anymore.

Maybe we should look forward to upcoming products from other vendors ? Has anyone seen fresh announcements ?

I was leaning toward purchasing this monitor, but this thread has killed my enthusiasm. There are far more negative comments here than positive ones. Not worth the hassle of returning a large item like a monitor. I have had 3 TN panels in the past and they have all seemed perfect to me. I guess ignorance really is bliss.:D
I was all set to buy me one of these, but I think I'm going to wait until the new firmware revision is out first.
I feel for the people having the tint issue, but I wonder what percentage of the monitors out there have this issue. From this thread you would think it's a huge percentage, and maybe it is, but I guess you have to think most people posting here are going to post because of problems, not because they are happy with it.

Mine has no tint issue at all, and I've looked for it very hard. It has the dithering issue, of course, on a/rgb and s/rgb presets. Just for reference, in case it helps, here is my monitor's info:

October 2009
Assembled in Mexico

Shipped to me on 10/27/09

While I'm glad I ordered mine, I can definitely understand the hesitation in buying it. If people are getting multiple replacements with the same issue, that's crazy, but again I wonder how often that occurs.
I want this monitor badly, but I guess we gonna see A01 soon, so better to wait.
Its better to wait...dont be a victim like me. Already post on their facebook for the problem. Emailed their customer service regarding the problem. And now waiting for reply.
Will make a decision after i get the reply either return, playing lottery, or wait for new revision.
As I posted on the Dell forum:

Just got a U2410 and, using the factory default, it has indeed a slight color uniformity gradient : greenish on the left bottom -> redish on the upper right (I've to say I'm quite picky about lcd display).

Slight but noticable on a full white or grey screen.

I tested two HP LP2475W one year ago and both had this same kind of problem to some degree (same LG panel type).

I was able to strongly minimize the gradient by using the "Cool" color mode. Far from ideal, but you may want to give it a try...
It sounds logical as this one boost "Blue" against R and G.

Apart this color unformity issue :rolleyes:, this monitor looks great to me... Really sad that the built-quality at LG is so heterogeneous...
Mine doesn't have the green tint. A very light shade of grey though appears pale pink when I crank brightness and contrast to max though. Appears to be uniform throughout the screen.

Then again, the brightness will kill me before the pink does at that level, so it doesn't really bother me.

Anyway, will the dither issues be fixed in a firmware update or something?
Mine doesn't have the green tint. A very light shade of grey though appears pale pink when I crank brightness and contrast to max though. Appears to be uniform throughout the screen.

Then again, the brightness will kill me before the pink does at that level, so it doesn't really bother me.

I think I'm pretty much on the same boat. I bought two of these: the first one came out perfect, it has no pixel issues (apart from the Adobe RGB/sRGB dithering fiasco) and no tint at all that I can (seriously) perceive. The second one has a slightly more noticeable tinting issue, indeed.

For a couple of days I entertained the idea of returning/exchanging the second one, even both and buy something else... Then I reconsidered for a bit, and since I didn't really fare that bad at all, bought them 33% off on Canadian sale, I think I have (the still pretty much needed) reason to justify the purchase.

Anyway, will the dither issues be fixed in a firmware update or something?

That's the presumption. The Adobe RGB/sRGB dithering fiasco is the only thing Dell seems "committed" to address (for what I perceive from the Dell Forums site...)
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Keep in mind that to enjoy the firmware fix, you will have to ship your monitor to Dell. They will send you back a flashed refurbished U2410.

Which means that if you were lucky enough to first get a Tint-free U2410, you might end up having a disastrous one.
Keep in mind that to enjoy the firmware fix, you will have to ship your monitor to Dell. They will send you back a flashed refurbished U2410.

Which means that if you were lucky enough to first get a Tint-free U2410, you might end up having a disastrous one.

Oh damn! :eek: :eek: :eek: I suppose that for some reason they call it firmware... Perhaps the best thing is to wait for Rev A01, and hope that those clowns from Dell will do **something** (at least something) in regards to the tinting issue to deserve a new Rev number. Then at least I will have a Rev A01... :rolleyes:
what 24" display would you recommend guys? I was going for the U2410 but now I'm terrified. Is there a similar monitor for that price? (400-450 used tops)
I think I'm pretty much on the same boat. I bought two of these: the first one came out perfect, it has no pixel issues (apart from the Adobe RGB/sRGB dithering fiasco) and no tint at all that I can (seriously) perceive. The second one has a slightly more noticeable tinting issue, indeed.

For a couple of days I entertained the idea of returning/exchanging the second one, even both and buy something else... Then I reconsidered for a bit, and since I didn't really fare that bad at all, bought them 33% off on Canadian sale, I think I have (the still pretty much needed) reason to justify the purchase.

That's the presumption. The Adobe RGB/sRGB dithering fiasco is the only thing Dell seems "committed" to address (for what I perceive from the Dell Forums site...)
The funny part is that I tried several shades of grey to no effect, and I only discovered the pink when I went to Dell's forums (the reply/digg/reddit bar below each post)

Could mine be a different issue altogether? There's no green, and some greys appear pink across the whole screen.
Keep in mind that to enjoy the firmware fix, you will have to ship your monitor to Dell. They will send you back a flashed refurbished U2410.

Which means that if you were lucky enough to first get a Tint-free U2410, you might end up having a disastrous one.

Is this even legal practice? someone within a year warranty doesnt get brand new replacement?

I also have to say dispite how happy I am with my current dell monitor that not giving the customer the means to flash their own unit is silly indeed.
Obviously, the intensity of the tint issue is very variable from one unit to another.

For me, using the "Cool" color mode "solved" it (using sRGB did not helped). The gradient is no longer noticable (of course in my case it was only a slight one).

I know it's not ideal, but maybe a proper calibration with R and G tuned down could give also good result.

Btw, no LCD panel has a perfect uniformity (except high-end models of Eizo, Nec or others, and even with them you can have bad surprise).

I guess from what I've read that for some 2410 units, the tint heterogeneity is too strong to correct and unbearable and, in the same way for others 2410 units the tint heterogeneity is nearly not existent.
And you'll find everything in between...

Dell should really asks LG to only provide them with panels with minimal (to define) color heterogenety (that could at least be corrected by calibration).
what 24" display would you recommend guys? I was going for the U2410 but now I'm terrified. Is there a similar monitor for that price? (400-450 used tops)

For all I have read and browsed, I think that's pretty much the conclusion: there are "similar" IPS monitors for about the same price, such as the LP2475w, etc... But they all have "similar" terrifying issues.

The funny part is that I tried several shades of grey to no effect, and I only discovered the pink when I went to Dell's forums (the reply/digg/reddit bar below each post)

Could mine be a different issue altogether? There's no green, and some greys appear pink across the whole screen.

Mhhh... I dunno, when we say "green" I think we pretty much mean something more like "cyan"... and should only be noticeable on wide regions near the center of the screen and with white backgrounds... that way you can see the transition to red... but only slightly, not really quite a violating thing (although I'm sure there are picky guys here that do indeed feel violated with this definite quality issue... :D :mad:)
I feel for the people having the tint issue, but I wonder what percentage of the monitors out there have this issue. From this thread you would think it's a huge percentage, and maybe it is, but I guess you have to think most people posting here are going to post because of problems, not because they are happy with it.

Mine has no tint issue at all, and I've looked for it very hard. It has the dithering issue, of course, on a/rgb and s/rgb presets. Just for reference, in case it helps, here is my monitor's info:

October 2009
Assembled in Mexico

Shipped to me on 10/27/09

While I'm glad I ordered mine, I can definitely understand the hesitation in buying it. If people are getting multiple replacements with the same issue, that's crazy, but again I wonder how often that occurs.

I have the same monitor, made in October 2009, Assembled in Mexico, Rev A00...

The first one had no green/pink tint issue but had one bright pixel, so I shipped it back...

Second one has no tint issue that I can see, no bright pixel, looking good...

So maybe new monitor from October 2009 and after assembled in Mexico are OK?
Yikes... I was about ready to purchase the Dell U2410 this week due to the sale on their website, but no more. After reading a lot of these posts (and on other numerous forums), it doesn't seem worth it to me.I have no desire to partake in this "Dell lottery," especially when Dell does not seem to admit to there being a tinting problem in many of these units and doesn't seem to want to fix the issue, at least not currently.

Does the 2209wa have similar issues? I may try that one when there is a sale, but I don't know... it seems like Dell is not very reliable as a company from all that I have read. It's inexpensive, but I'm very skeptical.

I'm an illustrator, graphic designer, and amateur photographer, so getting an IPS monitor is a must for me. The most I am willing to spend is about $1500. I won't be using the monitor for any hardcore gaming; mainly just Photoshop and other Adobe work, along with some video watching and editing. I'm leaning more toward NEC (especially the LCD2490WUXI and LCD2690WUXI) and maybe LaCie. Any suggestions?
Yikes... I was about ready to purchase the Dell U2410 this week due to the sale on their website, but no more. After reading a lot of these posts (and on other numerous forums), it doesn't seem worth it to me.I have no desire to partake in this "Dell lottery," especially when Dell does not seem to admit to there being a tinting problem in many of these units and doesn't seem to want to fix the issue, at least not currently.

Does the 2209wa have similar issues? I may try that one when there is a sale, but I don't know... it seems like Dell is not very reliable as a company from all that I have read. It's inexpensive, but I'm very skeptical.

I'm an illustrator, graphic designer, and amateur photographer, so getting an IPS monitor is a must for me. The most I am willing to spend is about $1500. I won't be using the monitor for any hardcore gaming; mainly just Photoshop and other Adobe work, along with some video watching and editing. I'm leaning more toward NEC (especially the LCD2490WUXI and LCD2690WUXI) and maybe LaCie. Any suggestions?

If your main use is Photoshop and your budget is 1500, NEC 2490 is the way to go.
The funny part is that I tried several shades of grey to no effect, and I only discovered the pink when I went to Dell's forums (the reply/digg/reddit bar below each post)

Could mine be a different issue altogether? There's no green, and some greys appear pink across the whole screen.

u can fix the uniform tint by using the hidden factory menu:

In the menu there are RGB temperature values for 5700K(warm), 9300K(cool), 6500K(standard/multi/game), Srgb, and Argb presets. Since i use standard and game presets the most ,i only played with the color temperature of 6500K until the yellowish is gone.

The outcome is pretty satisfying. So for now i will wait for rev01 and see if they are fixing the Srgb/Argb dithering issue.

To activate factory menu, turn off your monitor. Then hold second and forth button(counting from the top), and while holding press the power button. The led will start turning on from the bottom. Once the leds are all on press the first button(the blue factory menu should be opened by now, if not try press the top button again).

Hope it helps.
Has anyone else tried enabling EDID in the Catalyst Control Panel? I'm running my monitor in Standard preset mode, and with EDID enabled, the reds and greens are not overly saturated. How do I test to see if it's still displaying the full gamut?
I have the same monitor, made in October 2009, Assembled in Mexico, Rev A00...

The first one had no green/pink tint issue but had one bright pixel, so I shipped it back...

Second one has no tint issue that I can see, no bright pixel, looking good...

So maybe new monitor from October 2009 and after assembled in Mexico are OK?

Yeah, that what I was thinking. The other thing that kind of supports that theory is what happened with my order. I ordered it a whole month before I actually got it. I ordered it in September and, the day it was supposed to ship, they delayed the order. They said they ran out of parts and had to go into production. It was further delayed like 6-8 more times until they finally shipped it to me a month later. Funny thing is that during that time, they didn't show it back-ordered. I read that other people here bought it and received it during that month. I wonder if they were trying to get rid of the problematic ones. Another detail of my order that I left out is that it was shipped out of Tennessee, if that matters. Of course, if someone else has one that's rev a00, assembled in mexico, and oct 2009 with a tint issue, the theory is obviously blown.
For what it's worth, mine was made in July 2009, and was Assembled in Mexico, and I don't have any tint issues whatsoever. I'm extremely satisfied with my monitor.