Dell SLI 17" Laptop 984

:confused: Your information doesn't match up. How does $400 = $1200?

You are correct.

If you will notice, dell dropped the price on the 1730 on Monday (yesterday). This may explain why their pricing was so screwed up. If you visit the site now you will see that they are boasting the new lowered prices on the 1730.

So had I bought this system say two weeks ago, I would have paid 2,700, had this sale been legitimate it would have been 1,480, if I bought the system today it would be 1,949
Actually, if you go to dell right now (the main site) and you configured the system, the dual 9800GT's are only $50 more than they were during the sale, so I don't see how this could be so blatant.

i did do that.. and its 450 bux extra for those cards, so thats almost 1500 bux for the laptop.
I actually just called right now and was able to recover my original order through my Purchase ID. I spoke to a Modifications Agent and, he processed it with no hassle! My order is in production with the original specs (including SLIed 9800Ms) and should be shipped out by 6/1/09.
they started showing up on ebay now.... so some people must have blagged one....$1500 anyone ?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
One final nail in the coffin...

The 9800m GT is nothing but an 8800m GTX with a new sticker slapped on it (rebranded). Dell - the shady SOBs that they are - is charging $100 more for the 9800m GT.

I called to try modify my order to get the 8800m GTX, but they wouldn't let me. Although the modifications specialist I spoke with admitted immediately they were the same, he said his operations managers wouldn't let them change the order because of "an agreement with nVidia". I don't know, but where I come from, this is called systematic fraud.
One final nail in the coffin...

The 9800m GT is nothing but an 8800m GTX with a new sticker slapped on it (rebranded). Dell - the shady SOBs that they are - is charging $100 more for the 9800m GT.

I called to try modify my order to get the 8800m GTX, but they wouldn't let me. Although the modifications specialist I spoke with admitted immediately they were the same, he said his operations managers wouldn't let them change the order because of "an agreement with nVidia". I don't know, but where I come from, this is called systematic fraud.

Could you post a link backing up evidence of your assertion? Thanks.
Could you post a link backing up evidence of your assertion? Thanks.

Not assertion, fact.

Exibit1: both card's chips are G92 with EXACT same specs (mhz, shaders

nVidia has conveniently omitted some specs on the 9800m gt page on clocks and memory interface, but GPUz and identical performance proves they are exactly the same cards.

Exibit2: A poster over at nbreview removed the actual heatsink off his "9800m GT" to find... (last post on page)

Exibit3: Dell is selling dual 9800m SLI for $100 more than dual 8800m SLI, and have been for the past month. To add insult to injury the 9800's are highlighted as "Dell Recommended"

Exibit4: You can easily flash an 8800m GTX to 9800m GT, although there are absolutely no perfomance changes.
While the above may be true, that's an NVidia thing, not a Dell thing... At least it appears to me.
While the above may be true, that's an NVidia thing, not a Dell thing... At least it appears to me.

But if Dell knows about it (which according to harmattan's phone call to Dell, they do) and they're charging $100 more for the 9800M, that's definitely Dell's issue. Nothing short of a scam.
But if Dell knows about it (which according to harmattan's phone call to Dell, they do) and they're charging $100 more for the 9800M, that's definitely Dell's issue. Nothing short of a scam.

No mistake, Dell knows precisely what they are selling and how to price them. If they don't, they should fire their procurement and pricing teams.
Are you guys able to call dell and get them to reinstate the original price? I still have the damn laptop in my cart... :(

Who are you calling and what are you saying? What info do I need?