Dell Poweredge SC420 For $229!!! Celery 325J

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Doh. I hesitated. Was gonna use it for a HTPC. Gonna just go with the 'Egg now.
274 bucks is still a steal, just picked one up to probably use as a MythBackend / fileserver. Can't really beat that deal.
Sgarissta said:
274 bucks is still a steal, just picked one up to probably use as a MythBackend / fileserver. Can't really beat that deal.
i think he complained more on the principle because obviously the hardware to make something similar is going to cost more at newegg. LOL

amd ati FO SHO said:
We apologize, but coupons or online promotions cannot be added
Why are you still trying this? Just because someone got lucky and scammed out a free 1GB upgrade doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone. Look at the free "Quadruple or Double your Memory FREE!" offer details page:

FREE Quadruple Memory
Select Latitude notebooks2

FREE Double Memory ALL Dimension desktops
ALL OptiPlex desktops
ALL Dell PrecisionTM workstations
Select Inspiron notebooks3
ALL Tower Servers
ALL Rack Servers
ALL SC Value Servers

Expires 01/05/05.
You didn't miss out on anything. It was a free upgrade from 256MB to 512MB or 512MB to 1GB (512MB was $99 more than 256MB) on the SC420.
Mine came in today, the chassis is surprisingly heavy. :)

I very much so like the interior construction, it is extremely nice.
Why are you still trying this? Just because someone got lucky and scammed out a free 1GB upgrade doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone.

i was expecting a no... :D
atherton213 said:
i was expecting a no... :D
:D good work.

Dell is so uneven. I couldn't get them to give me a 6800nu PCI-E upgrade for $162 (as when originally configuring) after trading in my x300 SE on another system. Dell has a 21 day upgrade policy for new systems to do exactly that. But they would let me keep the old video card, gave me a $75 off $75.01 coupon and let me buy a 6800GTO for $297 ($297 - $75 - $45 or $50 the x300SE is worth = almost the same overall price as the 6800nu for $162 after returning the x300SE). :rolleyes:

Oh well, the x300SE will go into the SC420 when I sell it to my brother (after stealing the 3.4F :D) since he needs a DVI port and doesn't play games. I used the $75 off coupon and a dellf coupon to buy a couple of things (retail ND3500A and Lite-On combo) dirt cheap.
I just received my SC420 today - I'm enjoying it a lot. The build quality is outstanding. I already have Arch linux and mythbackend running on it.
kleptophobiac said:
I just received my SC420 today - I'm enjoying it a lot. The build quality is outstanding. I already have Arch linux and mythbackend running on it.

Did you have any trouble with hardware recognition during init? What kernel version are you using? I'm planning on doing a Gentoo install when I get mine(hopefully tommorow)
I received my two today, they are really nice, especially for the price. :)

I have a fresh install of Windows XP SP2 on them, but need Video and Network drivers for the integrated parts. The drivers included on CD won't install because a prompt comes up saying they don't support this operating system.

Does anyone have links to download the XP drivers for these? I'd really appreciate it because I'm on S L O W dial-up out here at work and it would save me a LOT of time.

The drivers from the CD do work. They worked for me on both my systems. When you install them they say that they are not digitally signed by Microsoft. That doesnt matter. Just say "Continue Anyways"
Thanks, but that's not how it happened for me. I must have done something differently than you.

Did you search the CD through the Update Driver step?

At first I ran the tool off of the CD and it acted like it was going to but a scripted box popped up and said that it would stop the installation because "this OS is not supported".
When that didn't work I put the Network drivers onto the harddrive and had Windows search in that folder, it said it didn't find acceptable drivers.

I'll try again, but I must have done something differently since you got it to work.
For those who have recieved it what 80 gig drive are they packaging with it? I want ot buy another and raid them.
Jovian said:
For those who have recieved it what 80 gig drive are they packaging with it? I want ot buy another and raid them.
I got a Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 (ST380013AS). Those are on pricewatch for as low as $62, but you also have to buy another SATA cable.
Wonderfull I was hopeing it would come with that one. Luckily I have some SATA cables lying around.
blindrocket said:
Thanks, but that's not how it happened for me. I must have done something differently than you.

Did you search the CD through the Update Driver step?

At first I ran the tool off of the CD and it acted like it was going to but a scripted box popped up and said that it would stop the installation because "this OS is not supported".
When that didn't work I put the Network drivers onto the harddrive and had Windows search in that folder, it said it didn't find acceptable drivers.

I'll try again, but I must have done something differently since you got it to work.

Boy, you certainly have not done your homework. This is like the 3rd thread that reached 6+ pages regarding this deal. And every single thread has clowns like you asking the same damn question (I know, b/c I was one too :confused: ).

Unzip the drivers for Server 2003. Then, using device manager find the device that needs a driver, right click, and hit update driver. Then browse for the files u extracted before. It will bitch about them not being digitally signed, but ignore the message. You should be all done.
Jasonx82 said:
damnit was gonna buy one but they jacked up the price.. Darn..

Yup me too. I'm sure the deal will be back soon. Was just about to do it today.
amd ati FO SHO said:
anyone know how many sata drives this server can support?

Does your mommy still wipe your ass too? Seriously though guys, search before posting idiotic questions like this. The reason why this thread is over 9 pages long is because you retards ask the same damn questions over and over again.

This will answer any and all questions regarding this server. Oh, and for the sherlocks out there....
blindrocket said:
Thanks joecool, you're very informative for an asshole. :)

I wasn't trying to be an asshole. It's just incredibly annoying to parse through page after page of the same damn questions. A search of HotDeals for SC420 returns 6 separate threads. I'm sure anyone of those threads has an answer to any and all questions.

Dat's allz I'm sayin.

P.S. I purchased two more of these systems about 2 hours before the price bump. Unfortunately, I didn't bitch to the right person to get the free 1gig upgrade.
joecool234 said:
Does your mommy still wipe your ass too? Seriously though guys, search before posting idiotic questions like this. The reason why this thread is over 9 pages long is because you retards ask the same damn questions over and over again.

This will answer any and all questions regarding this server. Oh, and for the sherlocks out there....

seriously what a DlCK!!... well if you don;t like it go to a different forum.... people like you ruin the net. people who sit on there computer all day and put people down, only cause they can hide behind there computer screen, way to go, your mom must be proud
amd ati FO SHO said:
seriously what a DlCK!!... well if you don;t like it go to a different forum.... people like you ruin the net. people who sit on there computer all day and put people down, only cause they can hide behind there computer screen, way to go, your mom must be proud

Actually, my mom is real proud. I actually have a job that utilizes my engineering degree...I get paid to sit here and bitch at you people. But seriously, informative people like myself are what have shaped the internet into what it is today. Why should you go around pissing people off? And before you start telling to go to other forums, why don't you learn how to use this one first...before asking a question, do a search first. Anyone member with any sort of experience knows this.
Joecool, dude, chill out. So what if people are asking the same questions, that is why people come to forums, they seek information. Some people are more comfortable with asking others versus searching for it themselves. Cut them some slack. I see nothing wrong with people doing that. Yea it get's repetitive, but so what? Just relax man....
digilink said:
Joecool, dude, chill out. So what if people are asking the same questions, that is why people come to forums, they seek information. Some people are more comfortable with asking others versus searching for it themselves. Cut them some slack. I see nothing wrong with people doing that. Yea it get's repetitive, but so what? Just relax man....

Look man, all I did was treat this noobie the same way I was treated when I signed up for the forums...almost 4 years ago. Asking stoopid questions that can be answered with 5 seconds worth of searching simply hogs up thread does me having to justify my stance. Shit man, anyone need to know the color of the system?
joecool234 said:
Look man, all I did was treat this noobie the same way I was treated when I signed up for the forums...almost 4 years ago. Asking stoopid questions that can be answered with 5 seconds worth of searching simply hogs up thread does me having to justify my stance. Shit man, anyone need to know the color of the system?

What color is it?
lol joe, your last couple posts are useless. if you really believed that people shouldn't post useless stuff then; why didn't you just ignore the responses in the first place?
digilink said:
Did you have any trouble with hardware recognition during init? What kernel version are you using? I'm planning on doing a Gentoo install when I get mine(hopefully tommorow)

Kernels 2.6.9 and 2.6.10 picked up and ran beautifully with this system. Be warned that if you want to run X for some reason (I needed it to configure mythbackend - it has no way to configure it otherwise) then you'll be stuck with the vesa drivers, as there isn't an accelerated driver for the i915 chipset yet.
Thanks. That's good to know about X, I will be running X, but not locally so hardware acceleration won't matter to me. I will be admining the box via plain old SSH and VNC or tunneling X over SSH.
I'm with JoeCool. People need to start searching about the stuff.

I think I posted 3 times about the drivers for this system. If you cant install drivers for a device then . . . wow . . . back away from the computer.
Also, I got mine with the P4 2.8, and it has a fantabulously huge heatsink. It makes my SLK-900 like wimpy.
elfletcho said:
And this thread goes careening off the road causing a 62 car at 11.
And now you're adding to it. And now look what you made me do. . . Adding another one.
Scheizekopf said:
I'm with JoeCool. People need to start searching about the stuff.

I think I posted 3 times about the drivers for this system. If you cant install drivers for a device then . . . wow . . . back away from the computer.

Amen brotha!!!

Anyways, since the deal for this is over...and enough people have them...a new resource should be developed to assisst everyone with their new found beastware. Anyone interested in formally creating an official help thread...possibly to be used as a sticky? I'm sure some of us could convince the head honchos here if this is reasonable.
i agree with joe cool... should make a help page... or something
and yes i know there is one on the other web page....
kleptophobiac said:
Also, I got mine with the P4 2.8, and it has a fantabulously huge heatsink. It makes my SLK-900 like wimpy.

The P4 upgrade uses a diferent HSF then, since the basic Celeron uses a heat-pipe of some sort. the whole contraption (everything in the green-plastic shroud Dell is famous for) is larger than the psu. My older 400sc uses a standard HSF, so this heat-pipe is a welcome addition. :)

This is also the first machine I've cracked open with a PCI-e slot, and you can tell that this is a "crippled" one, because there are no contacts in the /front/ third of the slot (no copper contacts in the grooves of the slot).

Blah, blah, stuff everyone already knows....
Just got mine today. Quite the machine. I am very impressed with the build quality, this is the first Dell system I have ever owned. Can't wait to get home(Im at work atm) and start installing Gentoo on this baby.
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