Dell error in my favor: What to do?


Jan 7, 2006
So I bought a Dell 1905FP last week... and with tax and shipping it was $350. When I got home today I was surprised to see a shiny delivery on my doorstep! The monitor arrvied exactly as ordered, delivered by UPS with no dead pixels. Woot!

But here's the twist. An hour later, FedEx shows up at my door... with the same monitor! I obviously check my order online, thinking, oh shit I ordered 2 on accident. But nope, even after looking at all of my accounts (small business, education, home office, etc) I clearly only ordered one. Called my bank... they only show one Dell purchase.

Has this happened to anyone? What to do? Will dell find out and charge me later if I open it?
Just leave it in the box for a while. If they ask for it back then oblige them, otherwise, enjoy the free monitor.
I don't know how the law works in America with regards to these things, so I'm going to suggest the honourable thing and phone Dell to explain the situation. Above all, REFUSE to pay for the return costs yourself if they ask it of you. It's their fault and they should pay for it.

Hey, perhaps they'll give you a discount off future Dell purchases as a thank-you ;)
there's plenty of stories on the dell forums about double deliveries

you WILL be charged for it, best to return it now and save the headache
ya, if you had to sign for it, then they would have it on record. But ya, wait it out for a while, just incase the the first one, messes up
what i meant to say was that i crawled the dell forums and could not find examples of double-order cases. maybe i just suck at searching, but does anyone know of any specific examples? this seems to be google proof.
You asked for advice,
I agree with Hazzamon .... "Do the honorable thing and tell Dell."
There is a federal law that grants anyone recieving federally delivered mail ( USPS ) to keep the mail. As long as it is in your name of course, be it a letter or parcel.

Or am I the only one that remembers that commercial from the mid - late 80's with the two Eskimos, getting the small oscillating fan delivered to them in at north pole?

Legally, you can keep the extra monitor.
In the same boat with a monitor RMA. They said they were going to charge me a hundred bones as a deposit. They didn't. They also said they were going to ship me a return label with the new monitor. They didn't. I've called them twice to get a a shipping label sent. The last time was right after Christmas; I still don't have a return shipping label. Isn't there a "rule" that if you call them twice and they don't respond then you get to keep the 20 inch widescreen free of charge?!?!? No?!? I didn't think so, just like the JC "rule" that if the instructer doesn't show up for class within 5 minutes you are free to go. I'm probably going to let it ride until they do charge me or contact me.
MikeyB said:
Just leave it in the box for a while. If they ask for it back then oblige them, otherwise, enjoy the free monitor.

I agree with this. If they ask give it back no problems. If they don't, then just say hi to dual 19s.
Ultra Wide said:
I agree with this. If they ask give it back no problems. If they don't, then just say hi to dual 19s.

Or wait it out a week or two, return the first one, sell the 2nd, and buy a 2405 ;).
NulloModo said:
Or wait it out a week or two, return the first one, sell the 2nd, and buy a 2405 ;).
evil genious (not even lex luthor of superman 4 would think of that). Only problem is that I don't know if I could do that AND sleep at night. I've already called dell and asked about their policy on double shipments - they wouldn't give me any straight answers. Kept on saying, well if you give me your account number, I could find out for you right away, sir. This makes me so much more inclined to just keep it if all checks out.
SixFootDuo said:
There is a federal law that grants anyone recieving federally delivered mail ( USPS ) to keep the mail. As long as it is in your name of course, be it a letter or parcel.

Legally, you can keep the extra monitor.

But, UPS/ FedEx are not federally owned.
When dell makes mistakes and you own up to them, they ususally ask if you are willing to buy the goods at rediculously discounted values. They NEVER want to take anything back. EVER. So call them up and tell them what happened, they'll try to get you to buy it at a really low price. Then sell it on ebay.
SixFootDuo said:
There is a federal law that grants anyone recieving federally delivered mail ( USPS ) to keep the mail. As long as it is in your name of course, be it a letter or parcel.

Or am I the only one that remembers that commercial from the mid - late 80's with the two Eskimos, getting the small oscillating fan delivered to them in at north pole?

Legally, you can keep the extra monitor.

The important thing to remember is that they are legally allowed to charge you.

Who knows if they'll ever find out if it's YOU they sent a second 19" monitor to? It's a distinct possibility that they won't. However, you should call them. Have some moral fiber.

That said, no way in hell should you pay the return shipipng costs. :p
SixFootDuo said:
There is a federal law that grants anyone recieving federally delivered mail ( USPS ) to keep the mail. As long as it is in your name of course, be it a letter or parcel.

Or am I the only one that remembers that commercial from the mid - late 80's with the two Eskimos, getting the small oscillating fan delivered to them in at north pole?

Legally, you can keep the extra monitor.

Legally dell can also charge him for it to, but as stated already, UPS and Fedex are not federally delivered so its still pointless
the problem now is to check your credit card, if they debit it twice, and show that fed ex deliver twice, then you are screw :D