Dell Computers Better at Cheating in PUBG Says Dell Spokesperson


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Ben Mansill from PCPowerPlay went to China last week for the Intel 8th Gen Processor reveal and many other PC and laptop vendors attended as well. While he was there he listened in on the Dell presentation and was surprised to hear the Dell spokesperson rave about how good their products were for cheating in PUBG. I guess you could say she was playing to the audience since Chinese cheaters abound in PUBG, but this wasn't a good look for the company if you ask me. It wasn't long after this story hit the web that Dell decided to set the record straight and Dell Australia said the company doesn't condone cheating and they further condemned the use of cheats. All I have to say is Dell better watch it or their gaming market outside of China might take a hit. Thanks, stinger608.

She spoke of how Chinese gamers are the most innovative and dominant in the world by using "plugins" to, for example, run faster than other players, or blow up ten cars at a time, and that these top gamers can really use 8th-Gen power to "run more plugins to win more at Chicken Dinner", and that the top players run the most 'plugins' so that's where 8th-gen Dell power gives them the gamer's edge. Behind her a video proudly shows various cheats in PUBG in action (they really like the one with the massively oversized gun and show that a lot), with the new Dell gaming laptops shown every few seconds while Sally told us that gamers should buy a Dell because they're better at running many plugins. Wow.
That is the dumbest shit ever. They proabably need to plugins to be competitive when those Dell computers are running off igpu.
All the big OEMs are completely brain-dead at marketing. Intel at VRLA put on a weird scripted skit. It had the same veneer of sleaze and tone-deafness Automobile marketing has.
More reason not to play PUBG.

That, and it gets boring after a while.

I enjoyed it when I first played it late last summer.

Right after the FPS-only patch came out, I played it for a couple of months and won a few chicken dinners, but then it started to lose its appeal.

Cheating in general - however - has tuned me off from most multiplayer gaming these days. It just isn't fun anymore now that cheating is so rampant. I wish there would be some draconian action on that front.
I don't seem to understand this. What is unique about Dell computers that makes them so good for cheaters? Or is this perhaps just more marketing hyperbole that will hopefully backfire on them. Or if they are so good at cheating in games, how about other things, like scamming money out of Dell?
All the big OEMs are completely brain-dead at marketing. Intel at VRLA put on a weird scripted skit. It had the same veneer of sleaze and tone-deafness Automobile marketing has.

You realize we as the specialist are the worst market segment to market towards right? We are not high volume at all. It would be 4 times as dumb to market more to power users imho.
I don't seem to understand this. What is unique about Dell computers that makes them so good for cheaters? Or is this perhaps just more marketing hyperbole that will hopefully backfire on them. Or if they are so good at cheating in games, how about other things, like scamming money out of Dell?
They are catering to online cheaters, these are not bright people.
This is Dell's mainstream non-commercial audience.
JUst the I9 CPU.

It is what makes the Dell "so gud 4 cheaters"

Trying to sell high end.

Put a 10-20 Core CPU from AMD or other and it will be "good 4 cheating"
Whew! Glad I didn't decide to pay for this. Picked up Far Cry 5 instead, having a blast!
They are catering to online cheaters, these are not bright people.
This is Dell's mainstream non-commercial audience.
Which brings up another question: how's Dell doing financially are they getting desperate or are they just extra greedy? While I serviced a Dell or two back in the day, I never owned one...I do believe that goes together i.e. I was not impressed by what I found under the hood, but that was in the dinosaur days of 8086/88.

But now that I think on it maybe it would be possible to design an ASIC that promoted cheating in a specific game (until the game makers caught on anyway). A corollary of Moore's law was moving more software to silicone so why not build in some cheats while you're at it? ;)
People expressing surprise at this - did you guys read the article? This was a local event in China with someone local in Dell China.

Cheating like this isn't considered taboo. It's a cultural thing. This rep probably didn't think twice about making these statements - to her they weren't unusual at all. If Chinese players were reading our comments they would wonder what we are being so uptight about.

We may all live on one planet but we do NOT share common culture or values by any stretch. Concepts of personal space are where our cultures also diverge and those differences in opinion/acceptable behavior are annoying too.
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The Chinese (I.E people living in China not necessarily people of Chinese ancestry) are culturally Trash. Cheating and Lying are a way of life there and they ruin everything they touch because of it.
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DocNo nailed it. She was right to do what she did given the audience she was addressing.
People expressing surprise at this - did you guys read the article? This was a local event in China with someone local in Dell China.

Cheating like this isn't considered taboo. It's a cultural thing. This rep probably didn't think twice about making these statements - to her they weren't unusual at all. If Chinese players were reading our comments they would wonder what we are being so uptight about.

We may all live on one planet but we do NOT share common culture or values by any stretch. Concepts of personal space are where our cultures also diverge and those differences in opinion/acceptable behavior are annoying too.

Which is why we should embrace the great firewall.

Completely cut them off from ruining the rest oft he world. Just cut off all internet connections to that god forsaken hellhole of a country.
People expressing surprise at this - did you guys read the article? This was a local event in China with someone local in Dell China.

Cheating like this isn't considered taboo. It's a cultural thing. This rep probably didn't think twice about making these statements - to her they weren't unusual at all. If Chinese players were reading our comments they would wonder what we are being so uptight about.

We may all live on one planet but we do NOT share common culture or values by any stretch. Concepts of personal space are where our cultures also diverge and those differences in opinion/acceptable behavior are annoying too.

Just because something is part of someone's culture doesn't mean it is right or OK.

In the culture of rural residents in many Muslim cultures today, it is OK to force a woman to marry her rapist.

Multicultural tolerance is great, up to a point. Some cultures are just plain wrong about certain things, and we can't let them ruin everything for us.

The solution in this case, since we can't likely change their entire culture, would be to restrict the game such that Chinese cheaters get to play with other Chinese cheaters, and the rest of us don't have to deal with them.
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