Dell A90 $299 + Tax & Shipping


Limp Gawd
Apr 17, 2008
Dell site:
SD discussion:

Found via slick deals. Surprised it hasnt' made it here yet. Seems to be the exactly the same as the Inspiron mini 9 with a different bezel, color and name.

Shipping and tax in some states is pretty rough I think, California and New York might be disappointed.

Edit: Not sure how I managed to mess that up. corrected Dell link and added SD discussion
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You don't know what a netbook is? That's like complaining your mouse doesn't have a mini-keyboard built-in.

lol dont be a dick dude..

Just stating the obvious... i acctually bought one of these.. biggest downside is no cdrom...otherwise love the lil guy
lol dont be a dick dude..

Just stating the obvious... i acctually bought one of these.. biggest downside is no cdrom...otherwise love the lil guy

There are external USB optical drives/burners you can buy.

If there are certain discs you use often and you don't to carry an external drive around, create a disc image on your desktop machine and keep them on a thumb drive or something. Run any kind of image mounting software whenever you need to run them.