Dead mobo?


Apr 25, 2007
My desktop has been unplugged for about 3 weeks. Today, I transferred all the stuff to a new Antec P180 case. After a few hours of putting things together, nothing boots. No beep, no nothing. Just dead silence. :mad:

So, I checked the PSU first by jumping the green and a black cable, it fires up my HDD and fans. I also checked the CMOS battery, and it's alive. That leaves out the CPU or the mobo. But my thinking is that if only the CPU is dead, the drives and other things would still fire up. So, my conclusion is that my mobo is dead. It's a refurbished DS3 bought somewhere online.

What do you suggest I do? Is there a better way to test to absolutely confirm that my mobo is dead? I don't have a second CPU or mobo.

Might be shorting out somewhere. Does the board work outside the case on a cardboard box or something like that?

A few more questions then, is your power LED hooked up from the case, some report that there might be a grounding issue if that is backwards or not plugged in.

This boards defualt ram voltage is 1.8v so might also be that not enough power is there for your ram if it requires a much higher voltage to startup.

You say you transfered everything to the new case, but was this setup working fine before the transfer? Same mobo, processor, ram, ect? From three weeks ago?
How can I get the mobo to come on outside of the case?

Hook everything up just like you would inside the case, and then short the "power switch" pins using a screwdriver to simulate pushing the button.
A few more questions then, is your power LED hooked up from the case, some report that there might be a grounding issue if that is backwards or not plugged in.

This boards defualt ram voltage is 1.8v so might also be that not enough power is there for your ram if it requires a much higher voltage to startup.

You say you transfered everything to the new case, but was this setup working fine before the transfer? Same mobo, processor, ram, ect? From three weeks ago?

It's the exact same setup that I've had for the past 4-5 months. I moved with it, then transferred everything into the new Antec case. I suspect that the board was fried for some during the moving period. None of the LED lights come on, and there's no activity of any kind from anywhere. I even reset the CMOS and nothing happened. At this point, I'm 90% certain that it's the mobo.
Thanks, I'll try this.

Just make sure you don't do it on something metal or anything like that. Usually the motherboard box is a good option to set the motherboard on. Normally, I'll just hook up the PSU and maybe the video card if I'm checking to see if I get any video.