Dark Messiah of Might and Magic



This game came with my video cards. I was wondering if it is worth installing or not? What do you people think of this game?
Free game, might as well try it, no?

I didn't care for it much, all it managed to do was make me reinstall Oblivion :p
Actually much prefer the combat in this to Oblivion's. Ob's fighting was a bit spiritless imo, whereas Dark Messiah is all about the battle. Shows off the Source engine at its best too.
Dark Messiah is a one-trick pony, but it does that trick very well. The combat is extremely visceral, and while most games capture little or none of the intensity and "feel" of hand-to-hand combat, Dark Messiah absolutely nails it. If the fantasy setting gives you the impression that this is in any way at all an RPG, forget about it: Dark Messiah makes Diablo look deep. But for a game that lets you run around beating the crap out of guys in all sorts of new and novel ways, you aren't going to beat it.
I love the assassin's backstab. I couldn't get enough of it, when I was playing this game. Maybe I'll play it again.
Playing it right now. Totally loving the game. As others have said, this games combat system is very fun. If the game is free, by all means, do not hesitate to install and play.
It's an awesome game, i played through it once when i first got it. The game doesn't take too long to play all the way through, but now i've started playing it with a fully magic using person and it's feels like a new game. Very fun game