Dameware or PC Anywhere remote client?


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2006
so my testing with Ultra VNC didn't go as well as I wanted it to, and VNC is still choppy as hell and reverses the CAPS Lock 90% of the time which annoys the piss out of me. I'm looking into a remote client solution (not RDP) for around 200 machines. My Boss wants to go with PC Anywhere all the way around, so it's my job to find something cheaper and just as good if I can :D. I hadn't used Dameware in about 5 years, but I see it's still around. I downloaded the trial and am playing with the remote client now. Which of these 2 would you recommend, PC Anywhere or Dameware?

The major requirements are:

1) End to End Encryption, with no plain text passwords stored on the local machines.
2) Decent Latency
3) Ease of deployment

Anyone using eiether of these in an Enterprise environment?
SVT4ME said:
Can't say I have. Sounds like Citrix to me :D
I hate our farm :p

I guess I'll check it out..

Yeah..in the family, a power networked version of GoToMyPC. I use their mid-range product for my clients, GoToMeeting, I purchased a few licenses for it. Works great, my situation, various users..some behind various routers at home, so no having to deal with walking them through port forwarding of various unknown routers 'n stuff. Performance is pretty decent, they have a trial. Just a note..if you sign up for a trial, and don't like it..make sure you cancel.
We use an app called Radmin which seems to be ok. I am pretty sure that it is cheaper that PCanywhere as well. It is also not quite as powerful. I will see if I can track down the link for ya.
"Caps reversing" usually is a case of the remote keyboard already having "cap lock" on already. Tight VNC is what a lot of people use and like. My company just uses the standard real vnc. Works great, and ive yet to run into your issue of Reversing caps (when the keyboard on the other side didnt have caps on). There are programs out there to push VNC down to pcs across the network and install more or less in the background. I use this for approximately 400pc's, 50 servers.
I tried the deployment apps, and they were buggy as hell because we currently have VNC running on all the systems. The uninstall script hangs the service, so then the install script bombs. I deployed one client with the proper rc4 encryption, but after imagining trying to coordinate it to our remote branches as well, well to be honest I got frustrated and started looking for a package deal. I'll still have to uninstall VNC eventually, but with the other software I can at least be happy that I can remote in. The lag in VNC it brutal as well. Anyone else have that problem? The remote branches have dedicated T1's and it's a tad choppy. Even on our LAN at the main building though it's laggy.. wth?
What I suggest is to deploy on premise remote support appliance such as Bomgar or RHUB appliances in order to provide remote technical support. It is only a one-time payment and provides almost all remote support features such as security, encryption, etc. It is easy to deploy as well.
DameWare. Haven't upgraded past 7.5 yet since they got bought out, but you really can't go wrong with per Admin licensing.

pcAnywhere for 200 users would be about $5000 annually just for clients, DameWare (if you just get Mini Remote) is $99.

Remote install of the client is easy as pie (automatic on first connect, assuming you use Domain Admin credentials) but may take a few minutes over a T1.
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Yeah Dameware mini remote is great if all you need is remote access. It does come with an MSI builder if you wanted to go that route instead of pushing down the client on install. For $99 we haven't found anything close to it for ease of use and price.
Another +1 for dameware, it be good.

If you have SCCM you can remote into computers without kicking the current user off. That feature is new in 2012 I think.
Yeah pc anywhere would be real expensive for that many machines. Our company has just purchased a team viewer license. The thing nice about team viewer is multiple users can be into one system at the same time.

Regarding ultra vnc lag, make sure you install the vista add on drivers during the install on windows 7 systems. Otherwise it's just about useless.
++ for Dameware..
Nice thing is it allows 3 installs per license....(at least in the current ver)
I have it installed at 3 customers for supporting them since they call all the time
(nice thing is each one paid for the license!)
Dameware here. Pretty good pricing and great for auditing (a must for us). Performance is much better than any VNC we used and it is secure.
take a look at meraki's system admin. once it is setup on the machines (can be pushed out via GPO) you can then connect to each of the machines from the webpage.

it's free as well
We use both at work and we all prefer Dameware, better resolution, less lag, better options
Used Dameware in the past. That is my vote! Can't beat there licensing model honestly. Used RAdmin in the past. While it worked it was clunky compared to Dameware
Not to hijack but: How do VNC, DameWare, GotoXYZ and so on handle UAC?
having used dameware extensively, i'd have to toss in a vote for that, assuming everything is inside an enterprise network. anything else, that may go over internet, NAT, any goofy stuff like that, Teamviewer...so long as the person could download the client, i've never had it NOT work. even got it on a Macbook with no issues.
Why doesn't people get the right equipment? Since about 3 years back Intel vPro (AMT) supports Remote Access and its very good too?
also love dameware...

anybody else getting the crap spammed out of them since solarwinds bought them?

holy crap... had to unsubscribe... was getting sometimes 2 or 3 a day...
Not to hijack but: How do VNC, DameWare, GotoXYZ and so on handle UAC?

VNC doesn't work well with UAC. If it's enabled on the pc you remote into and you try to do something which causes UAC to fire off, you can't do a damn thing until the user at the machine acknowledges the warning. You have to turn off UAC on a pc running VNC server.