Crysis Non-Subscribers Beta at Fileplanet.

Screenshots of this game always look great, but I was playing it at 1680x1050 everything high and it didn't blow me away. The explosions, smoke and motion blur effects were great but everything else looked rather average. On the plus side the gameplay was more fun than I thought it would be, but I can't see myself getting addicted to it.
is anyone having problems connecting to servers?? i cant seen to connect to any of the. i have no firewall on so i have no idea what is blocking me.

I wasn't able to connect to any servers from the browser but quick-connect worked.
Screenshots of this game always look great, but I was playing it at 1680x1050 everything high and it didn't blow me away. The explosions, smoke and motion blur effects were great but everything else looked rather average. On the plus side the gameplay was more fun than I thought it would be, but I can't see myself getting addicted to it.

Me being a mature gamer of over 20 years I've yet to see any game that's blown me away. With my standards I just don't think its possible. However, people that say it looks like crap are not being very objective and probably can't run it properly. And I can't think of any current game that compares to the outdoor graphics and lighting in Crysis so far...and that's far from average.

On the other hand, gameplay was eh... so so. Nothing any average PC gamer hasn't already played.
Well back in these days I've been impressed with mario-kart snes, mario 64 and the intro to Bioshock.

But now the beta are open only to subscribers wtf is this?
Graphics are the best yet. There has been noticable improvements from V1 to V3. Looks to be a must have game from graphics and single player alone. Multi might be ok to good. Stable game at this point anyway. I can run all high at 1920x1200 and get a pretty steady 30 fps atm on a 8800gtx 2.6 conroe rig.
i can actually toss everything on high and play at 1920x1080 and get about 15-20fps with a GTS320 (give or take a few fps, i just remember seeing 20 outside)...i was just testing it, i don't play at that resolution
i tried 2048x1536...about 1fps outside..i couldn't test inside because its a real pain trying to move when your hitting 1fps
Can anyone explain to me why the beta runs better at 1600x900 at high settings than it does at 1280x720 and medium settings?

8800GTS 640mB
X2 4600+

1600x900, high

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
  4045,    180000,   8,  35, 22.472
1280x720, medium

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
  3441,    161177,   0,  56, 21.349
i have an acount on fileplanet... but the free one ...i've already Dl'ed the how can i obtain a key? can anyone help...thanks alot
Well my buddy couldn't get the beta to run on his system so my beta key is up for grabs again. First person to PM me gets the goods. ;)

EDIT: Beta key is bye-bye.