Crysis 1.1 patch released

:confused: Use the "other" weapons... They're all over the deck.

can't. I'm full of ammo but none of them will fire. Gauss rifle won't cut it, but I could swap it for the minigun :p

I can't use the rockets at all: I have one in my inventory with 3 rounds, but it's been unusable for 2 levels. It simply will not fire.
Seems that ATI tray tools was the problem... I shut it down and my games started loading again. Weird, especially considering it wasn't really doing anything, no overclocks or anything.
This patch has been great! I've been able to bump up my settings from 1280x1024 to 1680x1050 while maintaining the same great frame rate. I haven't run into any bugs yet and I'm pretty happy. I'm working on beating it again on Delta.
The 1.1 patch has improved DX10 performance quite considerably on my system. The DX10, 'lag' seems to have gone and now I can run it with 2x AA. Pretty impressive. Was DX10 broken on release? certainly it seems like it was not optimised correctly with any levels of AA.
The 1.1 patch has broken my game regarding saving and this seems to be a common problem causing many people to have to restart their games or delete their saved games folder. Just a warning to those thinking of going to 1.1 if they don't need the DX10 improvements. Stick with 1.0 for now unless you've already passed single player.
1.1 didnt break my saves, just throwing that out there. I was playing single player and I got the 1.1 patch when I was about 70% through with it. no problems for me!