Crysis 1.1 patch released

Yep. I installed it then it said it needed my dvd in the drive to continue, i put it in then got the error. Then tried it again while the dvd was in the drive, same error. i think it could be a securerom problem, or a problem with daemon/alcohol utilities?

try using a real CD and not emulating...
I got that same 1334 error but I'm using WinXP. (and the map pack and custom .cfg files) *sigh* This is annoying. Too lazy to uninstall/reinstall/patch now...
I got that same 1334 error but I'm using WinXP. (and the map pack and custom .cfg files) *sigh* This is annoying. Too lazy to uninstall/reinstall/patch now...

Same here. I'm not in the mood to try the uninstall/reinstall now as well...maybe after dinner while I'm watching TV.
This is what you have to do, go and restore the videos that you put in another folder (hopefully) to skip and right click and run the patch as administrator.
Over at the main thread for this at they said that starting with a fresh install of the game helped the patch install in the event of the 1334 error.

Others say that they had modded video files and configs and even the map pack installed and got no errors... so I have no idea. I hope when I get home I can just pop in my thumb-drive and the DVD and install without a hitch but all signs point to that not happening, and I have the disabled video files, and the map pack installed on Vista x64.

Just got home and installed it, not a problem at all. Modded video files and map pack installed and it patched just fine.

I put in the DVD, closed the 'auto-play' pop-up, hooked up my flash-drive as i downloaded the patch at school in-between classes to save time when i got hime, and just right-clicked and 'Run as Administrator'd it up. Now to see if I notice any performance differences.. I mean, all signs pointed to me having trouble installing from all the threads and that went fine, and they all also say that there is no performance increase, hmm. Let's see.


Just got out of some playing, definitely smoother, no tearing anymore, feels better, of course, those aren't numbers and if I feel like I can actually play the game now, I don't want to know what they are.
Thanks for the heads up, downloading now. I'll keep you posted.
Patch 1.1 Change List - November, 2007


*Fixed: Potential crash in D3D10
*Fixed: Orange boxes apearing when hispec savegame loaded into lowspec game.
*Fixed: Inconsistent damage dealt to vehicles when shot by LAW.
*Fixed: Reflection resolution on D3D10, MultiGPU reflection update fix
*Fixed: Memory leak with FSAA modes
*Fixed: Infinite ammo hacks.
*Fixed: Memory leak in D3D10 when switching screen modes
*Fixed: Muti optimizations
*Fixed: When player melees during gun raise animation, their gun will be in a permanantly raised position.
*Fixed: Crash when loading savegame with level exported recently by editor

*Fixed: Virtual keyboard does not function properly when a game pad is connected
*Fixed: Users can lose the ability to look around with the Right Stick
*Fixed: Setting screen resolution to "default" stops user from selecting last resolution
*Fixed: Bug when changing resolution in D3D10
*Fixed: Issues with Depth of field and water droplets in D3D10
*Fixed: Crash on NaN warning


*Added: Motion Blur UI and V.SYNC UI options
*Optimized: Motion blur
*Optimized: FSAA (Full Scene Anti-Aliasing)
*Optimized sound id implementation
*Enabled VSync functionality in D3D10
*New benchmarking files for ice CPU benchmark.
*http/xmlrpc password protected remote control session
*Marked debug cvars as cheat

*F12 (screenshot) now works in restricted mode as well


*Reduced LAW splash damage vs. infantry in PowerStruggle mode
*Slowed Rocket projectile speed down in MP slightly
*Disabled automatic turret bounding boxes on vehicles to prevent issues with LAW hit detection
*Reduced grenade explosion radius in multiplayer
*Clamped water tesselation to avoid cheating in MP
*MultiGPU improvements with depth map updates
This is sad.
2 months and thats it?

I wonder how many patches this game is going to have through its life span. Pathetic.
i just consider crysis not 'really' out yet(like a leaked beta), and will play it later, it'll definately be worth it, but for now, gonna let them patch it up, and let new hardware come out.
I'm gonna say it is smoother and there are parts where it is definately running higher frames than before, on the very first part where you come out of the water mine used to run high 30's 1280x1024 DX10 V64 all on high and now runs mid 40's and it now launches on my Vista 64 like it should instead of launching in a window half the time or just sitting there until I start and exit task manager, but performance still degrades over time requiring restarting the game to regain fps especially when you encounter an icy scene.

In the First Light part of the game if you looked straight up there was also a funny looking little thing that looked like it was blowing smoke in the sky and thats gone. There is a room downstairs in the building where you rescue the CIA agent that has a lot of weapons in it and all the furniture is invisible, now I guess that could be drivers but I didn't change them and it was never like that before and it stayed that way even after an exit and reboot.
I got rid of the 1334 error by uninstalling and re-installing the whole game.
The patch seemed smoother for me, at least until I started getting all sorts of graphical artifacts, texture failures, and random screen blackouts in the middle of firefights.

Major downgrade from 1.0, where the only problem I had was this:

i installed the game and immediately patched it, played a multiplayer game for about 30 minutes, no problems at all and performance was more than playable.

settings: 1920x1080
all settings high except shadows on low.
I got a pleasent surprise when I learned that I could play it on medium with my 8500gt.
I got a pleasent surprise when I learned that I could play it on medium with my 8500gt.
at 800x600 maybe you can. with an 8600gt, which is TWICE as fast as an 8500gt, I get 30fps in the gpu benchmark on medium at 1024x768. I doubt you could even get 20fps for an average at those settings.
Just an FYI I fixed my 1334 error when patching by renaming the intro movies back to their original names. I had renamed them earlier so they would automatically be skipped prior to loading the game. Neato.

UPDATE: GPU.bat bench numbers: Before patch - Avg. 42.33 fps After patch - Avg. 44.26 fps

Exact same settings/hardware were used. Not bad, not bad at all.
I didn't notice much difference, still laggy in most areas at 1024x768 with my 7600GT with a custom .cfg file. Oh well, going to have to wait for a new video card for this doozy.
Just an FYI I fixed my 1334 error when patching by renaming the intro movies back to their original names. I had renamed them earlier so they would automatically be skipped prior to loading the game. Neato.

UPDATE: GPU.bat bench numbers: Before patch - Avg. 42.33 fps After patch - Avg. 44.26 fps

Exact same settings/hardware were used. Not bad, not bad at all.

Crap i deleted them cuz i hated watching them :(
At 1920x1080, it did indeed give me a small boost. 2fps on average.

At least it went up, and no graphical anomalies. So far.
LOL I blew up the two KPA tanks on the recovery level and the Jap chic and dude just sat in the building...... I finished all the objectives and ........ wtf nodda

my third time playing the game had no problems before the patch, geez good job crytek

switching to rocket launcher while cloaked results to missing RL when uncloaked just a red dot.

The AI dudes were humping glory holes in the walls instead of shooting me .
LOL I blew up the two KPA tanks on the recovery level and the Jap chic and dude just sat in the building...... I finished all the objectives and ........ wtf nodda

my third time playing the game had no problems before the patch, geez good job crytek.

This was a problem before the patch. It happened to me on my first run through the game. I simply can't say how happy I am that Crytek has addressed such a simple scripting/trigger issue. BTW, you'll have to restart the level from the begining cutscene to try to get the level to progress.
Sadly, this patch didn't do a damned thing for me. I've given up on this game.

I have Vista 64, 4 gigs of PC8500 RAM, 8800GT, Intel 9650, everything's updated and I just simply cannot get this game to run in any conditon whatsoever without random freezes, crashes, occasional BSOD's.

It's just a complete wreck. This game simply was not ready to be released to the streets IMO.

I am glad I have almost no issues with Crysis. I have had fun with it, but it's getting old, I only play the jungle levels and have replayed though them on Delta which wasn't much harder than hard. The ice levels and the carrier mission = CRAP :rolleyes: EA can suck my left nut :) along with the guy that said you could run it maxed out on current cards....well, you can, if you like 2-5 fps. *ahem*

Far Cry 2 looks to be far better, let's all look forward to that, but it's a long ways off it seems....
Just thought I'd add that the patch worked fine for me. I don't have the map pack, but I do have a custom config. It took about 60 seconds to install, and actually increased my performance enough to turn all but a couple of options up to Very High. (which resulted in me ditching my config file, though I need to add the light-rays back in) It looks like they managed to get it to work on at least a couple of configs. I still think it's ridiculous that they didn't seem to test it more thoroughly, (especially with the delays.) Makes me wonder what they were up to, since the change list isn't that large. (I suppose "optimizing" can be a bit of a task though.) Anyway...
Sadly, this patch didn't do a damned thing for me. I've given up on this game.

I have Vista 64, 4 gigs of PC8500 RAM, 8800GT, Intel 9650, everything's updated and I just simply cannot get this game to run in any conditon whatsoever without random freezes, crashes, occasional BSOD's.

It's just a complete wreck. This game simply was not ready to be released to the streets IMO.


Just because it doesn't run stable on your system doesn't mean it's the games fault. There are many people who have no problems. Remember, we're all using the same disc and the same patches. I'd try to find the source of your problem, not just blame the game.

Man, I couldn't load the 64bit executable. I was forced to use the 32 bit executable
Man, I couldn't load the 64bit executable. I was forced to use 32 bit executable

Why can't you run the 64-bit one?

Sadly, this patch didn't do a damned thing for me. I've given up on this game.

I have Vista 64, 4 gigs of PC8500 RAM, 8800GT, Intel 9650, everything's updated and I just simply cannot get this game to run in any conditon whatsoever without random freezes, crashes, occasional BSOD's.

It's just a complete wreck. This game simply was not ready to be released to the streets IMO.


Sounds like something is wrong with your system dude. Runs perfectly fine for me, (well, slow, but it doesn't BSOD or crash ever.)
Why can't you run the 64-bit one?

Sounds like something is wrong with your system dude. Runs perfectly fine for me, (well, slow, but it doesn't BSOD or crash ever.)

It loads then never gets to the EA screen. I can see you're running 2GB . I wonder if the KB929777 hotfix is conflicting since I'm running 4GB
This was a problem before the patch. It happened to me on my first run through the game. I simply can't say how happy I am that Crytek has addressed such a simple scripting/trigger issue. BTW, you'll have to restart the level from the begining cutscene to try to get the level to progress.

No you don't. You just continue on up the river to the cave if you get tired of trying to complete this section "right".
i just consider crysis not 'really' out yet(like a leaked beta), and will play it later, it'll definately be worth it, but for now, gonna let them patch it up, and let new hardware come out.

You'd not really be missing much if you decided never to get it.
It loads then never gets to the EA screen. I can see you're running 2GB . I wonder if the KB929777 hotfix is conflicting since I'm running 4GB

Could be, but I'm also running SP1 RC, which I should probably have listed, and I actually formatted off my XP partition... so let me update that...
Just because it doesn't run stable on your system doesn't mean it's the games fault.

When I've eliminated every other possibilty, yes it does.

There are many people who have no problems.

And there are many people that do. This is a worthless argument.

Remember, we're all using the same disc and the same patches. I'd try to find the source of your problem, not just blame the game.


I don't mean to take it out on you, but you can do a search for Crysis on this forum and all over the Internet and see, plain as day, what a train wreck this game is for a slew of people on a myriad of software or hardware configurations.

I'll give your logic right back to you: Just because you've been LUCKY, yes LUCKY, to not have any problems with Crysis doesn't mean a whole lot of other people haven't. And for most of them, you'll see: There's nothing wrong with their systems, either.

It's well known that the game shipped to street essentially unfinished. Even the developers all but admitted it in past press releases and interviews. No, I'm not going to spoon feed that to anyone, either. Easily looked up, although some of it was in print magazines.

So to anyone who's really had no problems, which I frankly doubt, congratulations. You're very fortunate.

Optional87 said:
Sounds like something is wrong with your system dude. Runs perfectly fine for me, (well, slow, but it doesn't BSOD or crash ever.)

There's nothing wrong with my system.

I've done all kinds of tests to assure that, if nothing else.

I've had my new system for two weeks and I have 75 problems without solutions and most of them are Crysis related in some way, shape, or form. The Blue Screen Error Codes I've looked up are not hardware related in the slightest.