Critical Firefox Vulnerability, Update Now


[H]F Junkie
Sep 13, 2009
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Thankfully, I have FF set to auto-update so I got this as soon as it was released. Didn't even realize there was an important update until I saw posts about it.
Are you sure it works that way? I used to use FF as my main browser and it was never in a super rush. I just assumed they didn't want to hammer their update server and updates occurred at a steady but throttled rate. Perhaps they can override this for a serious issue, idk.
Are you sure it works that way? I used to use FF as my main browser and it was never in a super rush. I just assumed they didn't want to hammer their update server and updates occurred at a steady but throttled rate. Perhaps they can override this for a serious issue, idk.
Think most updates are pushed out in a relaxed cadence, and installed when you restart firefox. Pretty sure they can push out critical updates faster if necessary, probably with a flag so the browser can notify you.
Think most updates are pushed out in a relaxed cadence, and installed when you restart firefox. Pretty sure they can push out critical updates faster if necessary, probably with a flag so the browser can notify you.
Sounds about right, I have gotten random restart notifications out of FF for security updates before.
Still using netscape navigator, so guess I am still secured as I haven't been told i need to update in a long time.

I still have the installer sitting around for Netscape Navigator 4.79...

I also have the installers for Firefox 2, 3, 4 and 5 I think.
Thanks for unbolding the title mods, It doesn't seem quite so urgent now that I've known about it for a day...
I was wondering why it kept crashing today.

Didn't you know that crashing is a feature in Firefox? I migrated off of Firefox back when they killed modding support in FF 57, but severe memory leaks and crashes were the norm back then as well. I couldn't leave FF open on any machine with even one tab open for more than a day or two because it would literally start eating gigabytes of system memory.

Firefox is still mostly a monolithic process, which is why it is so unstable. It runs everything in three threads: The host FF process, one thread for all tabs and one thread for plugins. If one website misbehaves, it will take out all opened tabs. In Chrome, each tab gets its own thread so if it crashes, it only takes itself out.