Crazy windows crap thats crazy!

Sep 15, 2008
ok so i just got my hardrives back from WD (RMA) and went to install ultimate 64 and when i got to the "windows is copying files" bar when it finished it throws a prompt that "windows faild to load please insert your windows instalation disk and select repair computer" the problem is i can't get to that screen and windows of course isn't even installed yet... so i installed kubuntu to insure my hardware is working. Linux works fine but windows will not load... wtf?
Run any utility of choice to completely wipe the drive, including the MBR. Then try running Vista's installer again.
Seconded. Just re-run the install. You could try repairing it but it'll be a ton safer in the long run if you know it's a good install from the start.
yeah what they said, you didnt take out the cd/dvd out of the drive though right?
ok so im running dban and it screws up... and wont work now... it did that on my last hard drives.... is there a format utility that you guys like that will do the job? Because DBAN is just not cutting it anymore
It is your computer. Hardly a reason to nuke the drive with DBAN unless you're giving it away.

Just use the format tool on the Windows install disk.
how much, and how many sticks of RAM are in the PC?
you're not doing anything retarded like trying to load an OS on an OC, are you. TechFre@k did this and was having all sorts of issues...of course, he didn't tell me he was running C'd when he did his install about a week after he fixed the issue...n00b.
ok new development... i formated using killdisk... but no dice... same problem... and if i knew what you meant by running on oc i would tell you... there are currently only 1 stick of 2 gigs ram in b/c you can't install windows with 4 gigs in... wtf... is my windows disk bad?
ok new development... i formated using killdisk... but no dice... same problem... and if i knew what you meant by running on oc i would tell you... there are currently only 1 stick of 2 gigs ram in b/c you can't install windows with 4 gigs in... wtf... is my windows disk bad?

OC means trying to install with the machine overclocked, rather than running at stock speeds..
I'd start running memtest and/or a hard drive diag as well. By the way, the issue of Windows not installing with 4 GB of memory was only for some small group of chipsets, like some Nvidia ones, and was resolved with SP1. So, if you are using media with SP1 incorporated (and you should be), this is a non-issue. You could also try clearing the CMOS and resetting the BIOS values again.
Sounds more like stability problems with the hardware. Do as others say and reset the bios to default. Run memtest to rule out any bad memory. You have a good power supply?
Been there done that .. i have let memtest run for about 20 min to no avail, no my ultimate is not sp1 included but i have it on a seperate cd, OC'd... yea i feel stupid:p .... i recently reset my bios right before i formated the hard drive, my hardware should be fine as i have had this computer running for quite some time until installed kubuntu and it destroyed both operating systems
20 m in isnt enough, let it go 24hrs
is this machine overclocked?
remount ur cpu. I had one machine where the CPU was not mounted properly and it was doing the same thing.

took the cooler off and remounted it, problem solved.
I had this issue and it all came down to HD boot priority. I had my WD Raptor 150 set as primary boot in BIOS, and I had also installed Vista to that drive. But, for whatever stupid reason, it threw the boot data on the one PATA drive I had installed. So I had to change the boot priority so the machine was booting from the PATA drive, but it was actually loading windows from my Raptor. Weird, eh? Now I unplug every extra drive when I reformat.
i have run mem test for about 20 hrs now with no problems found. I can't see it being my cpu as i can install linux and its fine. Boot priority is suspect because how can that matter if nothing is written to the drives yet? I cant even get to the installation screen!?
Are you honestly using a legitimate copy of Windows Vista? If it is a downloaded copy, some "modified" versions can fail to install correctly.

Are you confident in your motherboard? Unplug all drives except the drive you want to install Windows to. Try a couple of different SATA ports if it is a SATA drive. Try a different SATA cable as well.
yes it is verified genuine... I have been using it for a while till this happened. Yes i have unplugged the other drives, the motherboard is a evga 780i FTW so yea im pretty confident. I can run Linux just not vista... thats whats so crazy about it. If it helps the error gives the status 0xc0000225
seriously this has got me to the point were i am considering going and paying to get this fixed ... has this never happened to anyone else?
... has this never happened to anyone else?

Yep. It's not all that uncommon, actually.

It'll be something up the shit with either the disk or your machine. The fact that you've been able to install one OS doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to install any and all OS's. Different ones have different tolerances to stuff.

You can often install Linux on a box which makes the Windows installers shit themselves. You could often easy enough install Win 98 to a box which had memory mismatch issues which made the XP installer shit itself. That kinda thing.

Likely suspects here:

Crapped up Windows disk
Optical drive on the way out
Drives not adequately configured in BIOS
Hard drive on the way out
Motherboard BIOS update needed
Failing or weak, generic power supply unit

etc, etc, etc....
well on that front, its a brand new computer, Corsair psu, brand new optical drive, hardrives were just RMA'd, I have hit the bios reset button to restore to default. There is no bios update for the 780i ftw mobo. So i guess the most likely is a windows disk failure? What is window's waranty like?
Forget Windows warranty until you've tried using that install disk with another 'pooter ;)

Brand new, up to date, latest technology hardware is the MOST LIKELY stuff to have compatibility issues, by the way. Part of the price we pay if we wanna be 'early adopters'. BIOS revisions and/or drivers simply ain't matured yet.

Not saying that's gonna be your problem here, of course. Just saying you can't rule that out just cause it's new.
Some chipsets don't get along with the generic Vista SATA AHCI driver if you are in RAID or AHCI mode with your SATA controller. Try using your vendor's specific driver for your MB. Supply the driver during the drive selection phase, even if your drives appear properly.

This has solved a wierd installation issues for me.
i don't have a friend with vista... I have had this setup working for several weeks untill my hard drives failed... now i can't get vista to install. Do i need drivers for hdd's that are not in raid? So what im getting is that its most likely the mobo or windows?
Unless the disc is damaged physically, there is not a good chance it is the disc. Do you have extra parts around? Try a different hard drive. Try a different power supply.
i just noticed that both hard drives are set to primary, would that matter? But would that effect anything when i only have the one plugged in?