Crackgate?: Apple Vision Pro EyeSight Display Randomly Cracking For Some Users


Dec 13, 2008
Given its shape and location, I wonder if this is from repeatedly putting them down on a hard surface. If you were to place it down glass first, the center raised section would be repeatedly impacted, if you placed it down hard enough to crack the glass it would fracture out to the most stressed location which would be the closest edge, which in the picture shown would be the nose bridge.

Not a good thing by any means but it is the only thing that makes much sense given the type of glass they use for the "eye sight".... Jesus that name is too on the nose, I could have done well not knowing that.
Now you look like you're on crack while looking through a crack. Apple is totally garbage - products - company - vision and all in a nice little package of crap. Only apple I own is an iPod 7th gen my 10 year begged me for and hasn't used in several months because he loves his Samsung tablet 900000x moreand Samsung is kinda trashcan as well. My mom's brand new fridge is not making ice and they are doing everything they can to avoid sending a tech to warranty repair her fridge.
This is one of those situations I don't think it's Apple fault. The front glass isn't even made of glass, at least according to JerryRigEverything. So it shouldn't be easy to break it. What I think is happening is that people have been doing stupid things with their Vision Pro like leaving it on the floor and stepping it. They could be giving it to their kids and kids will be kids. I don't think it's so much random cracking as much as people thinking these things are indestructible. The blame is on it getting hot due to left charging over night, but that doesn't make sense unless Apple idiotically routed the charging circuit near the front glass. Even still, there's no way charging it over night is gonna get it nearly as hot as when it's in use. If you're dumb enough to pay $3,500, then you're most likely dumb enough to leave on the floor and step on it.
This is one of those situations I don't think it's Apple fault. The front glass isn't even made of glass, at least according to JerryRigEverything. So it shouldn't be easy to break it. What I think is happening is that people have been doing stupid things with their Vision Pro like leaving it on the floor and stepping it. They could be giving it to their kids and kids will be kids. I don't think it's so much random cracking as much as people thinking these things are indestructible. The blame is on it getting hot due to left charging over night, but that doesn't make sense unless Apple idiotically routed the charging circuit near the front glass. Even still, there's no way charging it over night is gonna get it nearly as hot as when it's in use. If you're dumb enough to pay $3,500, then you're most likely dumb enough to leave on the floor and step on it.
I don't think it's even that complicated, take ski goggles for an example, many of them have a similar curvature, and they are all prone to cracking similarly from simply being put down onto solid surfaces too hard.
Imagine if you will, you are taking the device off your head, do you gingerly place it in front of you onto your desk delicately facing away like you were placing down a nice hat? Or do you plop it down glass first as that is the way it is going to be facing as you move your hands naturally downward? It's curved, that will be the impact point, and it's plastic, so a hell of a lot easier to damage than the more resilient glass, though the $800 replacement cost is robbery I tell you.
Maybe go back to the drawing board from the 90s?

I don't think it's even that complicated, take ski goggles for an example, many of them have a similar curvature, and they are all prone to cracking similarly from simply being put down onto solid surfaces too hard.
Imagine if you will, you are taking the device off your head, do you gingerly place it in front of you onto your desk delicately facing away like you were placing down a nice hat? Or do you plop it down glass first as that is the way it is going to be facing as you move your hands naturally downward? It's curved, that will be the impact point, and it's plastic, so a hell of a lot easier to damage than the more resilient glass, though the $800 replacement cost is robbery I tell you.
Glass is harder than plastic and will shatter if flexed, while plastic will flex a lot more before it breaks. It takes a lot more force to break glass but it takes a lot more flex to crack plastic. The crack being right in the middle tells me that it was stepped on, and owners who spent an embarrassing $3,500 are blaming Apple instead of themselves in order to get a free repair. It could have also been dropped and the weight of the device will favor it impacting glass first. Willing to bet that a lot of people who bought Vision Pro's didn't buy $500 AppleCare, because the device is already expensive as it is. The fact that people are calling it CrackGate are taking advantage of Apple's history of design mistakes, which I still don't believe this is one of them.
vision pro break.jpg
people buy 1-$2K phones and toss them around all the time. Hell what am i saying, have you seen how people treat their cars?

I cant remember the phone but which one was it that they were under all the media fire for the screen cracking when people sit on it in their back pocket? Bendgate or something? Everything gets a 'gate now lol.

Doesn't seem too common of a failure so far at least. Does look more like a polycarbonate crack than glass, propagating perfectly straight. Wonder if theres a plastic overlay on the glass?
Glass is harder than plastic and will shatter if flexed, while plastic will flex a lot more before it breaks. It takes a lot more force to break glass but it takes a lot more flex to crack plastic. The crack being right in the middle tells me that it was stepped on, and owners who spent an embarrassing $3,500 are blaming Apple instead of themselves in order to get a free repair. It could have also been dropped and the weight of the device will favor it impacting glass first. Willing to bet that a lot of people who bought Vision Pro's didn't buy $500 AppleCare, because the device is already expensive as it is. The fact that people are calling it CrackGate are taking advantage of Apple's history of design mistakes, which I still don't believe this is one of them.
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Yes that crack surely looks like it was bent. Maybe pushed too hard into their face?
Perhaps they walked into a wall!
All kinds of things can go wrong with these snorkle goggles!
What I think is happening is that people have been doing stupid things with their Vision Pro
This is enough of a agreement statement for me right here.

Oh no the phones have a tendency to bend! what do you mean I shouldn't be able to put it in my back pocket and sit my fat ass down on it?

Cars accelerator is getting stuck... lemme drive my truck through a dealer because they won't refund my money on it and say the accelerator was stuck.
No. It's because it's a brand that always has problems with it's devices.
I wouldn’t say always, but Apple has a very large and eclectic customer base. From the this is my job users to the are you sure it’s OK to be letting them have that unsupervised users. Many who have more money than brains, and they do seem to excel at breaking things and being very public with it.