Couple Sells Kids to Play Online Games

Also 1 child max rule = good friggin idea. What you want half the world to starve every night? Kudos to China for doing something about it. Taxing people mutiple kids is a good idea. It's very capitalisitic.. Now if we could only get a carbon tax in the rest of the world we would actually be able to do something postive about the enviroment..
If you know anything about American foreign policy, Falun Gong was given support by the CIA to upset the Chinese government by inducing riots and political unrest. This type of support (funding uprising factions, rebel groups, arms trade) occurs in almost every country with strategic resources. Even countries like Africa, the Congo genocide, were all funded through the CIA. Notice why we don't interfere? However, we go ahead and raid Iraq on false propagandized premises? If you notice, most third world countries that the US have forced free trade on are completely raped? Free trade allows US companies and the USD to force economic takeover to benefit American companies, and to control foreign economies. That's why China opposes free trade, and that's why we always hear criticisms in the news about it. Our media is almost just as censored and controlled by the government as the Chinese. Any news that may compromise the government's facades are threatened by departments of the US, or the companies suppressed. China is a little more strict on censorship however, because of the fear of uprising that the CIA can incite.

Let me know when American Judges start giving people the death penalty for taking bribes (even if they are "allowed" life in prison good behavior), organ harvesting of prisoners, Falun Gong follower "detention", etc. The list goes on and on.

So stereotype is as stereotype does.
wow people like that should not be alowed to have kids, i have had my times when i was hoocked on mmo's or other games but never ever did i think people would go that far

WTF with this forum always bagging on the Chinese. You CAN disown your kids in the US - and people do that. Hell mothers are known to kill their own kids here. It's just like the Hong Kong homeless story. OMG people live in small homes? Hell here in NYC we have people that sleep in the streets on regular basis...

Pot meet Kettle..sheesh.


disowning your children is one thing, but selling them for a profit to support some stupid internet gaming cafe habit is on a whole new level.
My question is who and where did they sell the children to? What kind of people buy kids from the black market? I'm sure not the law abiding citizen types.
Forget chinese plat farming. They've upgraded to chinese kiddie farming.
wow people like that should not be alowed to have kids, i have had my times when i was hoocked on mmo's or other games but never ever did i think people would go that far


Really? You are going to make that statement about a group of people that breed like rabbits about which ones of them should or shouldn't have children? They are 1.25 billion people. They are all effectively fodder.
Also 1 child max rule = good friggin idea. What you want half the world to starve every night? Kudos to China for doing something about it. Taxing people mutiple kids is a good idea. It's very capitalisitic.. Now if we could only get a carbon tax in the rest of the world we would actually be able to do something postive about the enviroment..

And the marxist envirokooks show up. YAY!!! This thread has come full circle.
WTF, these assholes give Chinese people are bad name. Just GTFO really, proves these parents don't care about their kids and care about online games just to satisfy their own selfish needs.

disowning your children is one thing, but selling them for a profit to support some stupid internet gaming cafe habit is on a whole new level.


I'm sure we have people here who sell their kids off too. Crazies are everywhere. :(
Any news that may compromise the government's facades are threatened by departments of the US, or the companies suppressed. China is a little more strict on censorship however, because of the fear of uprising that the CIA can incite.

Lets go ahead and throw some more conspiracy theories in there. Seriously.
ouch so sad. I guest they wouldn't do like me, having 2 kids and paying over $1,400 per month in daycare cost.

I'm sure we have people here who sell their kids off too. Crazies are everywhere. :(

Yeah, its kind of lame that people are taking stuff like this as an indication of Chinese society as a while.

There are over 1.3 Billion people living there for crying out loud.

Roughly the same percentage of people are messed up in any society. Where there are more people, there are going to be more reports of messed up shit happening.

Think of how much fucked up shit happens here in the U.S... Dumpster babies, casey lee anthony, bombings, school shootings, you name it., Then multiply by ~4.3, cause that's how much larger China is population wise.
And the marxist envirokooks show up. YAY!!! This thread has come full circle.

Marxist envirokook? Since when is name calling a rebuttal tactic? Is that supposed to refute his opinion? How about you tell us why you disagree with him, instead of trying to classify and label him, especially since you did a shitty job.

I agree with his idea of limiting the number of kids people have. It's not Marxist, it's just responsible. I'd like it if we said that every woman gets a license for two kids. Of course these licences can be sold and traded, but two kids per woman. Stop the population growth while the infrastructure catches up.

Hell, we've already seen the average quality of life decline due to an overburdened infrastructure.

It's not about the environment, it's about the people, and right now we're doing a shitty job taking care of the people we've already got.

As someone with no kids (that I know about...) I pay a higher tax rate so that the people with kids can use more government services and get a deduction. The fuck is that?

I figure, if you're going to breed, be in a position to take care of the little snot machines before you conceive. There are plenty of forms of birth control, pick one. If you're not smart enough to use one of them, keep your pants fracking zipped.

As for this idea of a carbon tax... Don't we already have use taxes on energy? God dammit, I'm already paying a carbon tax. How about you let me keep my money. I'd like to do things with it, like eat.
Marxist envirokook? Since when is name calling a rebuttal tactic? Is that supposed to refute his opinion? How about you tell us why you disagree with him, instead of trying to classify and label him, especially since you did a shitty job.

I agree with his idea of limiting the number of kids people have. It's not Marxist, it's just responsible. I'd like it if we said that every woman gets a license for two kids. Of course these licences can be sold and traded, but two kids per woman. Stop the population growth while the infrastructure catches up.

Hell, we've already seen the average quality of life decline due to an overburdened infrastructure.

It's not about the environment, it's about the people, and right now we're doing a shitty job taking care of the people we've already got.

As someone with no kids (that I know about...) I pay a higher tax rate so that the people with kids can use more government services and get a deduction. The fuck is that?

I figure, if you're going to breed, be in a position to take care of the little snot machines before you conceive. There are plenty of forms of birth control, pick one. If you're not smart enough to use one of them, keep your pants fracking zipped.

As for this idea of a carbon tax... Don't we already have use taxes on energy? God dammit, I'm already paying a carbon tax. How about you let me keep my money. I'd like to do things with it, like eat.

Lol. Kiddie cap and trade :D
I agree with his idea of limiting the number of kids people have. It's not Marxist, it's just responsible. I'd like it if we said that every woman gets a license for two kids. Of course these licences can be sold and traded, but two kids per woman. Stop the population growth while the infrastructure catches up.

That is a horrible idea. What else should we let the government decide for us? Also, population growth in the US is barely rising from births. It isn't an overpopulated country by any stretch of the imagination.
So what happens to the people that buy children like in this story? Do they get tracked down/any charges?
I fly... a lot. I see the vast empty stretches of this country. This country is huge. I'd be much happier if the tech centers were closer together.

So space wise, sure we're not overpopulated. Yet we find caffeine and prescription drugs in fish, we have some huge percentage of the population that is unemployed or under-employed, our schools, roads and government buildings are falling apart, we're dependent on the fucking Russians to support our manned space obligations... (Dammit, we're $14.3 trillion in debt. Why the hell couldn't we have made it $14.31 and still have a US manned space program.)

It's not a space or resource problem. It's a leadership problem, and IMO it's been going on for decades.

Other countries are not as fortunate. Many have an even worse leadership problem, without our space or resources.

I understand the rejection of giving the government any more control of our lives than they've already wrested away from us at the threat of armed, jack-booted thugs invading our homes and terrorizing our families.

It's not like it could ever happen. I'll just have to keep dumping birth control into the local reservoir.
As for this idea of a carbon tax... Don't we already have use taxes on energy? God dammit, I'm already paying a carbon tax. How about you let me keep my money. I'd like to do things with it, like eat

True the tax burden is very high - but that doesn't mean we are taxing the right things. The idea is to use taxation to gently nudge behaviour in the right direction. We would have to lower some other taxes to 'make up' for the additional cost of any carbon tax. Would you pay a gas tax if they lowered the federal income tax brackets? I would. It would probably save me money because I don't use a whole lot of energy.

But back to the topic the Chinese approach of taxing addtional children is in fact pretty forward thinking and not very barbaric IMHO. They could have said - have additional kids and go to jail, or get caned or what have you. But they just taxed people instead..
So space wise, sure we're not overpopulated.

The developed world uses a huge amount of resources per person. So sure space wise we have tons of 'room' but we don't have tons of resources to continue expanded population growth AND maintain our current way of life.

This is something China saw coming - as it goes from third world to a developed nation the amount of pressure a large population like that will put on global resources becomes massive. Imagine a billion cars, iphones etc - and think of how many resources is used in creating such items..

And the US is still growing rapidly - 300million now - 600 million projected in 2100. So yeah its not a big deal our land could probably support a billion. But do we want the majority of our citizens to live like they do in a third world country?

The earth might be at a fraction of its maximum population. Buw how many people can it support living a good life? that's the real question.. Not how may people we can pack in like pigs in a commercial farm..
Overpopulation is a myth, if anything we are currently and will be continuously be unable to support the aging generation, especially as advances in science and medicine allow people to live longer.

Do the right thing for the future of our country, have kids and raise them to be productive, contributing members of society.
