Corsair: 650D

I love the case -- I fit 2x Asus 6950 DirectCU II's in it easily.



this stuff just makes me drool live action 6950s ultraquiet and beautiful. thank you for the photos.
Don’t you think Redbeard is a huge asset on this thread? I do, and am sure many more who love Corsair products would agree. I am trying to do him a simple payback favor, just to say thank you for helping us with the fantroller issue and other personal customer services that he has provided for the 650D case since it's release. The only thing I can offer anyone that lives in the Corsair Headquarters area of northern California is some great San Francisco Giants baseball game tickets. Behind homeplate home games at ATT Park tickets are $150 each, I have an affiliation with the club and would love for you, George, to take your family to some homegames, 4 tickets per game is all I can do, at no cost to you, that would be so much fun for your entire family. No strings attached George, just come here as you always do with the usual great insight and early information about new products coming out. You give us a lot! People should be rewarded for the great things they do! Only thing is you will have to buy your own hotdogs, sorry!
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The fan controllers are en route, I know you've heard that before but we really are just awaiting the box to clear customs and get to our facility here so we can ship them out. Sorry for the delay, guys.

As for the fan controller being "broken", some early units had issues with the fan controller - this was fixed almost immediately so the vast majority of units in the field are the new units. The way to tell is if the UPC label on your box says "CC650DW" or "CC650DW-1". The -1 is the one with the updated fan controller.

Where is this UPC label located?
Mesh side panel is being tooled, probably for sale in August. Solid side panel should be up this month.

AWESOME! Now I just have to decide which one I'm going to get. Probably the solid one, but a few more fans can't hurt can it? :D
Woohoo! 2 years on with the Coolermaster CM 690, now the proud owner of the Corsair 650D :)




Didn't have much complaints with the CM 690... until I picked up another Radeon 6870 to CrossFire. As you can see, there's not enough PCI slots in the back for a double-slot video card to use the PCI-e 8x slot on the bottom of the motherboard... so one of my 6870 had to suck hind... air :-(

Another issue with the CM 690, my Corsair HX1000 was too long, so 1/3 of the power supply fan was blocked. Also, the power supply's casing extended PAST the case's opening for me to hide the wires... so I ended up with that rubbish setup.

And now....




So happy with the case :) Though now I need a 10cm CrossFire Bridge... and no local store has it, and no ordering from eBay because our postal services are on strike :-(
Bruce, not sure what the deal is but the MK-13 would not fit properly on the GTX 460.

The mounting bracket underneath just doesn't match up right. Was frustrating after taking it all apart only to be thwarted. On the plus side I did apply new thermal paste to the stock cooler which took off 5-10C!
So i've been thinking of getting this case for my next build whenever x79 comes out and so yesterday I took a trip down to my local Fry's to check it out in person as I haven't seen it in real life yet. It wasn't on the shelf so I asked an employee and he seemingly had never heard of it. We went to look it up on the fry's website and it wasn't there. He then doubted it existed so I pulled it up on newegg. He then just started acting very confused. Has anyone else seen this case at fry's? They had the 800d, 600t and the 600t white edition, but no 650d.

epic fail fry's . . . .
I guess but what good are brick and mortar stores if you can't even go check out products before going back home to order online?
So i've been thinking of getting this case for my next build whenever x79 comes out and so yesterday I took a trip down to my local Fry's to check it out in person as I haven't seen it in real life yet. It wasn't on the shelf so I asked an employee and he seemingly had never heard of it. We went to look it up on the fry's website and it wasn't there. He then doubted it existed so I pulled it up on newegg. He then just started acting very confused. Has anyone else seen this case at fry's? They had the 800d, 600t and the 600t white edition, but no 650d.

epic fail fry's . . . .

Wow, yet more fail for Fry's. Probably a good sign if you ask me; Fry's is bullshit and I'm done shopping there. Co-worker got ripped of for $300 there (bought a new-in-box part and it was a broken return they refused to take back) and since then Fry's has been in my department's "only go there if there is no alternative" list.

Just by the case from Microcenter, Amazon, NewEgg, or any other establishment that has more class than Fry's.

Anyway, I will say the 650D just kicks butt in terms of quality and space for a mid-size case. I almost wouldn't call it even a mid-size it's that nice. Corsair has my business for a long time on cases and this is coming from a Lian-Li enthusiast :p.
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A little PSU surgery, for a home theater pc I am putting together, NOT my 650D with the AX850. This is an older Corsair HX850, they came with too loud of fans for me, non-hybrid fan designs but the Noctua 140mm quieted it down just right. Does this break my 7-year warranty Mr. Redbeard? Duh,Yep. Hey Joe, in the background you can see the Prolimatech video cooler I was using it on an old ATI 4850, and hard to see but that’s a Noctua 6db ULN attached to it, did you get that far along yet man???

Any word on the H100? I am getting a little Corsair fever.
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Bruce, not sure what the deal is but the MK-13 would not fit properly on the GTX 460.

The mounting bracket underneath just doesn't match up right. Was frustrating after taking it all apart only to be thwarted. On the plus side I did apply new thermal paste to the stock cooler which took off 5-10C!

Well damn Joe, the Prolimatech website says the MK-13 supports the GTX460, check out the photo above, maybe you can mod the bracket with a dremel or drill man, thought it would be an easy mount up, I did have to get some extra small black washers for the bracket from the hardware store for a tighter fit, but other than that it was simple, well crap! Well if nothing else works out man save the cooler, it does not fit my Asus 6870 but that is due to the positioning of the components on top of the card, not the bracket mount, but it does fit other Asus cards the 6950 and 6970 and Nvidia models so when you upgrade then maybe it will work out. If you can't mod the back plate, give Prolimatech a call they might just send you out a new bracket for free or a nominal cost, they claim to upgrade ALL hardware for the cooler as new cards come out, so maybe worth a quick phonecall. All I can tell you is the cooler is so large 555grams so much surface area, well you know that, even in the summer your 460 should run in the 20s and that Noctua 6db is inaudible, it's a sweet mix, hope you find a way to use it.

maybe if you Don't use those extra washers, is it an alignment issue or a threading of the attachment posts issue?
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This is an older Corsair HX850, they came with too loud of fans for me, non-hybrid fan designs but the Noctua 140mm quieted it down just right. Does this break my 7-year warranty Mr. Redbeard? Duh,Yep. Hey Joe, in the background you can see the Prolimatech video cooler I was using it on an old ATI 4850, and hard to see but that’s a Noctua 6db ULN attached to it, did you get that far along yet man???

Any word on the H100? I am getting a little Corsair fever.

Heh, of course that breaks the warranty. Hopefully since it's a media PC you're not going to be using that much power. The Noctua fan is quiet because it spins a lot slower and pushes a lot less air - which means the PSU will run a lot hotter. Keep the power low - that's my suggestion.

H100s should start leaving China this week and will be in stores within 3-4 weeks.

A little PSU surgery, for a home theater pc I am putting together, NOT my 650D with the AX850. This is an older Corsair HX850, they came with too loud of fans for me, non-hybrid fan designs but the Noctua 140mm quieted it down just right. Does this break my 7-year warranty Mr. Redbeard? Duh,Yep. Hey Joe, in the background you can see the Prolimatech video cooler I was using it on an old ATI 4850, and hard to see but that’s a Noctua 6db ULN attached to it, did you get that far along yet man???

I did that to an Antec in my HTPC 2 years ago. It was super quiet. It popped after 6 months. Lol, keep the rpms up a bit.
H100s should start leaving China this week and will be in stores within 3-4 weeks.

Crap, guess I'll cancel my preorder as I've already been charged by my retailer and don't want that money gone for another month or more.
lol, The corsair site said the h80s and h100s would be available in late june. Looks more like mid july.
The H80s are shipping already, H100 was slightly delayed.

H80 reviews should start popping up in a couple of weeks, should see it at stores around the end of next week in the US.
I have a question regarding the 200mm fans. Are these fans simply attached via magnets?

The reason I'm asking is that I just ordered a 650D from and when I opened it up, the top fan was rattling around loose inside the case. I popped it back in to place and it seems to stay, but I'm not 100% confident about it.

Normally I wouldn't worry too much about it, but it will be a few weeks before I have a chance to migrate everything from the old case to the 650D. If it sounds like I am going to have an issue with fan, I just assume address it with Newegg while the case is just sitting there.

Thanks for the help.
I have a question regarding the 200mm fans. Are these fans simply attached via magnets?

The reason I'm asking is that I just ordered a 650D from and when I opened it up, the top fan was rattling around loose inside the case. I popped it back in to place and it seems to stay, but I'm not 100% confident about it.

Normally I wouldn't worry too much about it, but it will be a few weeks before I have a chance to migrate everything from the old case to the 650D. If it sounds like I am going to have an issue with fan, I just assume address it with Newegg while the case is just sitting there.

Thanks for the help.

No they are attached with screws.
got my 750ax today
so h50, 750ax, and 650d. Im pretty set lol, if only the h100 was released earlier lol
I just re-read my question and realized how horribly inarticulate that was - it is definitely past my bedtime.

The actual fan frame was still attached to the top of the case, but it was the fan blade that was loose. There is center peg that the blade appears to just slide on to and this is what I was wondering about.

Does that make more sense?
I just re-read my question and realized how horribly inarticulate that was - it is definitely past my bedtime.

The actual fan frame was still attached to the top of the case, but it was the fan blade that was loose. There is center peg that the blade appears to just slide on to and this is what I was wondering about.

Does that make more sense?

The way that sounds is the fan blade is removable from the frame, Which they arent.

You may need to contact redbeard about getting a replacement fan.
Heh, of course that breaks the warranty. Hopefully since it's a media PC you're not going to be using that much power. The Noctua fan is quiet because it spins a lot slower and pushes a lot less air - which means the PSU will run a lot hotter. Keep the power low - that's my suggestion.

H100s should start leaving China this week and will be in stores within 3-4 weeks.

I have left my AX850 just factory fresh, no need to change anything, the hybrid-silent fan never runs, maybe twice a week for 30seconds, I love that PSU. But I do worry about that little tiny sticker on the bottom that covers that little screw and rubs on the metal 650D psu platform, if that sticker rubs off, it’s going appear as if I broke the seal, even though I didn't, hope it last 7years of very mild vibration. When I take out the dust filter on the front of the 650D for cleaning it has some mild accumulation, but the PSU filter is always particle free, it’s an amazing design, the fan does not spin, so it’s fanless 95% of the time since it uses the psu chassis as a heatsink that in turn uses the 650D chassis as a heatsink, so the fan just sits there looking pretty! Cannot wait for the “new” Corsair PSU line-up , that line-up which we are not yet allowed to speak of.

Some late night humorous aphorisms…

“I found myself Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe.”

An oxymoron: A Thong , in size Extra Large…they actually have them at Victoria’s Secrets, they look like circus tents.

An Adult Beverage: Tequila Mockingbird

“Oh I’m smitten alright, I am in deep smit.”

“Let’s just get this right up front; I am way out of your league. If your league were to explode, I wouldn’t hear it for another three days.”

“She thinks Monogamy is some kind of wood.”

And my favorite of all time:” Just hide me in your humiliation, they will never find us there.”

the end

That H100 better become available quick! I'm losin' it man!;)
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The way that sounds is the fan blade is removable from the frame, Which they arent.

You may need to contact redbeard about getting a replacement fan.

Thanks for the info. I will probably start with Newegg as I just received the case from them. I don't really want to ship the whole thing back, so I may contact redbeard if necessary.
You wouldnt have to ship it back. Just ask redbeard and he'll see to it you get a replacement fan free if it comes to that.

Corsair has the BEST CS there is IMO.

I dont know what newegg would do for a fan thats messed up, Because they dont stock the fans that come with the case.

Send a msg to [email protected] or ask redbeard.
Can you easily see the difference between the 650DW and the 650DW-1 on the box? I ordered a 650DW-1 recently but I've received some mixed signals from the seller. Wouldn't want to come to the nasty conclusion that they've given me the 650DW version after I open the box.
Does anyone have a pic of a 650DW-1 UPC label?