core speed shows up low

Nov 11, 2006
On CPU-Z my core speed shows 1866, is that normal?

my specs are

eVGA 680i
2 gb corsair dominator
3x seagate 160 gb in raid 5'
x-fi extreme music
I think not.

Sounds like you have a 7 multiplier instead of the 9 you should have. My guess is that you have the wrong multiplier set up in your BIOS. Assuming that you built the system yourself and that it wasn't built for you by a shady character.
Yeah I built it myself, I'll check it out tomorrow, accidentally left the power cord in my car :eek: I'm pretty sure I left everything in the bios as default. I'll post a screen tomorrow
reducereuserecycle said:
Yeah I built it myself, I'll check it out tomorrow, accidentally left the power cord in my car :eek: I'm pretty sure I left everything in the bios as default. I'll post a screen tomorrow

Even if you left everything at default... My E6400 defaulted to 7x rather than 8x.
run some CPU intensive programs and see what it shows about the cpu speed. i am guessing its because of intel's advance energy saving features. when your pc is idle, cpu throttles bank and save energy.

Changed the multiplier to 8x
onick said:
run some CPU intensive programs and see what it shows about the cpu speed. i am guessing its because of intel's advance energy saving features. when your pc is idle, cpu throttles bank and save energy.

I thought speedstep dropped it to x6 multiplier. Also, pic isn't loading for me from imageshack.