Copper Foil Shortage

wow they got you hook line and sinker! you do know before this created catastrophe that there was and is plenty to go around. they are creating chaos so they can probably eventually instate martial law. you think the rich people care if they got to spend a couple extra hundred on a computer, or on their gas bill? no, they are still eating just as good as they were before this started. did you cheer during greta thunsberg's latest speach? the "blah blah blah" speech? (for those that don't know what i'm talking about: ) please wake up and realize you're being lied to. and good luck getting china to go "net zero"... lol. she keeps preaching to the choir.

What does anything you just bitched about have to do with a copper foil shortage?

"It's the JIT inventory system to blame!"

"It's the SJW's!"

'It's the clean energy movement!"

"It's the global economy!"

Spoken like true idiots, follow the leader lemmings going over the cliff leaving logic behind. Or blaming anyone but themselves for their problems...
It's covid primarily, hurting the efficiencies of a global market that was just a little complacent in regards to resiliency.
It's covid primarily, hurting the efficiencies of a global market that was just a little complacent in regards to resiliency.

Well said, agreed that is primarily COVID. Supply issues are not part of some BS conspiracy garbage.

The underlying long-term problems were negligence and greed - cutting costs to achieve fragile, ultra-efficiency with no resilience.
But we are in this present supply mess thanks to COVID being mishandled - lack of coordinated efforts and a lot of mismatched responses. On the one hand you've got China which will lock down an entire critical port or region to isolate a handful of cases (crushes supply chain), on the other you've got US where we've been too scattershot with health policy - leading to more cases and transmission which disproportionately hurts workers integral to supply chains. Add to that all of the fiscal aid packages which, needed or not, increased demand and spurred inflation (hurts supply chains).

TLDR - This was a slow train crash just waiting to happen. COVID is what finally sent global supply chains off the rails and we all share the blame.
What does anything you just bitched about have to do with a copper foil shortage?

"It's the JIT inventory system to blame!"

"It's the SJW's!"

'It's the clean energy movement!"

"It's the global economy!"

Spoken like true idiots, follow the leader lemmings going over the cliff leaving logic behind. Or blaming anyone but themselves for their problems...
It's covid primarily, hurting the efficiencies of a global market that was just a little complacent in regards to resiliency.
Covid hurt most industries in exactly zero forward ways.
16 months ago everyone was scared shitless that we would take 10 years to recover and barely survive.
Two months ago everyone realized we were going to post record profits even in spite of covid.
We've, locally, gotten significantly MORE efficient due to covid. Covid has highlighted wasted costs everywhere.
What has hurt is demand is going up but supply is less certain than during the "almost recession" period a few years ago.
The system was never built for shocks and it received a shock. This is the result.

The supply chain shortages getting blamed on covid exclusively are pretty much someone who has absolutely no idea how the system works trying to boil down an incredibly complex train wreck on a single data point.

Saying "it was covid" is like saying a single drop of water caused a 50 car pile-up by causing a tire to slip on a poorly made road at twilight during a thunderstorm while the driver of a semi was asleep at the wheel. It's "technically true" while being completely false.

The current disruptions to supply(at least from an industry point of view) have been building for the last decade. ANYTHING was going to trigger this. The only thing that will recover it is time or a very sharp economic correction no one wants.
What does anything you just bitched about have to do with a copper foil shortage?

Spoken like true idiots, follow the leader lemmings going over the cliff leaving logic behind. Or blaming anyone but themselves for their problems...
It's covid primarily, hurting the efficiencies of a global market that was just a little complacent in regards to resiliency.

don't worry guy, the government is here to save you. but to answer your question, a lot.

"you will own nothing, and you will be happy" - klaus schwab

i attatched some reading material for you. it's a book by your boy klaus called "covid 19 - the great reset"


  • Klaus Schwab - COVID-19 (The Great Reset).pdf
    2.3 MB · Views: 0
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