Coolit ECO A.L.C. factory grease


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
Any word on how good the supplied / applied thermal grease is? I understand the Corsair H50 is very good, but how is it with the Coolit?

Is going to be in my hands in a couple of days and I was wondering if I needed to scrap it off and use some Arctic Silver (the tube I have is 5 years old though).

Off their website it is "Coolit Systems Pro A.T.C. Advanced Thermal Compound."
From one of the CoolIT employees on a thread over @
It is our own TIM called CoolIT Pro A.T.C (Advanced Thermal Compound). Its really good, I wouldn't switch it unless you have to. We'll be releasing it for retail this summer as well.. its as good if not a little better than every TIM we tested for comparison.

Then again, if you have your own that you are partial to... go ahead, its not the end of the world. Maybe 1 - 2 C different.
Obviously he's a big fan of his company's product, but it seems like it might be pretty decent. It's worth a shot; if you don't like the performance, you can always reseat with AS or whatever else you'd like. I'm curious as to how the Eco performs... it seems pretty comparable to the H50. Let us know how you like it when it arrives :)
Yep - true story. I am first a CoolIT employee and then a CoolIT fan. It's easy for me to like us because I know how awesome we are ;)

Seriously though - the TIM is great. I'm happy to send out some sample if anyone wants to evaluate it themselves vs whatever they have. barry.reicker at
I would not get too excited over that review. It has been pretty much proved by people here that mounting the fan/radiator so it pulls in cool room ambient and exhausts into the case where the top mounted power supply fan or other fan then exhausts the warm air is worth several deg of temp drop. Not sure what CoolIT says in the instructions but from what I can gather and see from that review it was mounted in the standard exhaust configuration where warmer internal case air is pulled through the rad. no mention was made of the measurement and control of test room ambient temps.

Still some useful information there and one needs to read the conclusion where further OCing and the addition of a second fan was discussed for a better picture of the units operation at a high performance situations.

All of these units are basic cheap introductions to water cooling at attractive prices compared to top of the line air coolers. If you really want to get seriously wet come on down to the water cooling sub-forum (and bring your wallet with you) ,

Here is a good write up by one of our guys on the practical side of installing and using one of these units and his observations as to performance.
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Here is a good write up by one of our guys on the practical side of installing and using one of these units and his observations as to performance.

I swapped a couple fans around last night so the ECO is now doing intake. The thermometer on the wall said the same temp within 0.2°F this morning, but it felt cooler to me. I wanted to wait until tonight for similar conditions to post "official" numbers, but this morning my CPU temps were about 5°C lower. My VReg and System temps were also lower, which could be due to the sensors being in the new line of airflow and/or the fan change improving general airflow in the case.