Convince me not to SLi 1080 Ti

Should I SLi 1080 Ti


    Votes: 16 20.5%

    Votes: 27 34.6%
  • No, SLi SUCKS!

    Votes: 9 11.5%

    Votes: 26 33.3%

  • Total voters


[H]F Junkie
Mar 19, 2003
Post all the games released in past 6 months that don't support it and those that did!

My running list is:
Titanfall 2
BF1 (many issues, works now)
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
Resident Evil 7

Any more?
I'm doing it. 4k60 needs more than one card its as simple as that for me. I would not be happy with the fps I would see from one. We aren't there yet pure and simple. Maybe Volta will put USD over the top but not this gen. So I'm in for two and I'm hoping going forward SLI gets supported decently. Overall my experience with SLI has been pretty good albeit sometimes frustrating but overall I don't regret it.
You're doing it right if it's the top two cards. For me "real" scaling was 30-40% for the same smoothness. If 30-40% and dealing with random game breaking bugs (that are usually fixable via configs) is worth it to you then go for it.
I've been running SLI in my gaming rigs for as long as dual graphics cards has been a thing. It has had some issues over the years but not nearly as bad as some of the nay sayers on here would leave you to believe. I will never NOT run SLI. The pros far outway the cons and I love having high FPS with all the settings cranked up. :) :) I say do it!
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I'm doing it. 4k60 needs more than one card its as simple as that for me. I would not be happy with the fps I would see from one. We aren't there yet pure and simple. Maybe Volta will put USD over the top but not this gen. So I'm in for two and I'm hoping going forward SLI gets supported decently. Overall my experience with SLI has been pretty good albeit sometimes frustrating but overall I don't regret it.
Isn't the Ti supposed to be a 4k ultra 60 fps single card solution? If its not then i might as well just SLI 1080's on the cheap.
Isn't the Ti supposed to be a 4k ultra 60 fps single card solution? If its not then i might as well just SLI 1080's on the cheap.

Sort of yes and no. It really depends on the game/settings you use and how optimized the engine is for pc etc etc. The way I am personally I like fps to spare. I need retarded fps above 60. I just like knowing I have it in reserve and always have. I mean my current rig with 3 x gtx 980's when playing a game that runs SLI properly like say BF4/BF1 will run neck and neck with sli 1080's fps wise. I love that lol. SDo to answer your question yes in most cases it is supposed to be 4k60 strong in most games maxed or near max but I need moar. :)
My concern is I buy a 1080Ti (single) and it's "ok" for now, say 70fps on high settings. But the next AAA game may see that drop to <50fps. Certainly within the year.

But the outlay for Ti-SLI is huge. Perhaps I would be better served just getting a Ti edition card every cycle (I've had my 708Ti-SLI for 3+ years).

As I said, still debating.
I know I'm not going to get the performance I want from a single 1080Ti at 3840x2160@60Hz in a lot of games. That's just not going to work for me. I know developers are getting worse about properly supporting SLI but it should still help in a lot of cases. When it doesn't, I'll still have the fastest single card I can for that.
Pick up one now and then see if AMD has anything better when Vega comes out. Pick up another one then. I've done SLI and Crossfire in the past and regretted it. Always seemed the games I played most were fails for scaling but that was with triple monitors as well. Single card and single monitor gaming is where I'm staying.
GOW 4 has zero multi gpu support


titanfall 2 as well


cod no sli either


forza 3 nope


and RE7 none


so no you shouldn't but i totally would cause i like all my slots populated.

Errr...that's all at 1080p. Are you sure those benches are not the result of a CPU bottleneck?

Can the same be shown of 4k?
GOW 4 has zero multi gpu support


so no you shouldn't but i totally would cause i like all my slots populated.


This is so damn depressing. SLI has been around for so damn long , there is literally no excuse other than pure laziness and shitty console ports to not have SLI support for "AAA" titles. Then again so many new games are just shells with zero to limited replay-ability. Maybe im getting old but old school games like doom, quake, and UT seem to stay installed while new games either never do or only stay installed until i grow bored of them halfway through and then uninstalled.
This is so damn depressing. SLI has been around for so damn long , there is literally no excuse other than pure laziness and shitty console ports to not have SLI support for "AAA" titles. Then again so many new games are just shells with zero to limited replay-ability. Maybe im getting old but old school games like doom, quake, and UT seem to stay installed while new games either never do or only stay installed until i grow bored of them halfway through and then uninstalled.

It's really fucking stupid when SLI isn't supported on well established or older game engines like Unreal 3.x. Batman Arkham Knight is a great example of that. That game had zero credible excuses for it's lack of SLI support.
GOW 4 has zero multi gpu support

titanfall 2 as well
cod no sli either
forza 3 nope
and RE7 none

so no you shouldn't but i totally would cause i like all my slots populated.


All new games. Most of us have a backlog with SLI supported games that could last us the next 2 years.
Only Forza on that list is even worth a concern.

If you game on 4K, you want SLI. If you game on 1440p or less, don't act like it's not your problem.
Soon you will want more power too and it won't be available.
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Just do builds like I do these days, run ITX boards with sff cases then you only have one slot to populate. (y)
All new games. Most of us have a backlog with SLI supported games that could last us the next 2 years.
Only Forza on that list is even worth a concern.

If you game on 4K, you want SLI. If you game on 1440p or less, don't act like it's not your problem.
Soon you will want more power too and it won't be available.

DX12 put multi-GPU support on the developers and not graphics card drivers. That's the problem.
All new games. Most of us have a backlog with SLI supported games that could last us the next 2 years.
Only Forza on that list is even worth a concern.

If you game on 4K, you want SLI. If you game on 1440p or less, don't act like it's not your problem.
Soon you will want more power too and it won't be available.

i do game on 4k and it is my problem.

so no multi-gpu support = me no buy.
So I think I need to make myself clear. My running list was of games that DO NOT support SLI. I have had SLi for 4 years and just sold one of my 1080s yesterday and was going to order 2 1080 Ti but then some common sense came into me and I came here for support.

Just order 1 and try it out, if it does not perform as you would like order another.
Fair point. What happens when we look at other AAA games from the same period as those shown above? Are we just being shown a cherry picked list?

Is there any evidence for a year-on-year decline in the percentage of AAA games that are released (or never updated) with SLI support?
I've done SLI for 3 generations now, and I'm done. I had GTX570s, GTX680s, and 980Tis...

When it works, it's great, but it's working in fewer games these days, and as DX12 gets more popular, I'm guessing the multi-GPU support will drop even more. I'd rather just get one top-of-the-line card and be done, no headaches, no poor scaling issues, less noise/heat.

Consider that not all games support SLI, and on those that DO, your scaling can vary from 30-40% up to maybe a max of 70% in real-world use. So you're paying double the cost to sometimes get ~50% more performance.

That being said, if money is no object, then go nuts man.
So I think I need to make myself clear. My running list was of games that DO NOT support SLI. I have had SLi for 4 years and just sold one of my 1080s yesterday and was going to order 2 1080 Ti but then some common sense came into me and I came here for support.


sorry bout that.

i did check BF1 it has some sli/crossfire scaling.


but only in dx11 mode not dx 12 mode


dx12 seems to be the issue.

Just doooooeeetttt. Lol. Obviously a bit of a tough call since I had the same thoughts as you when thinking about this upgrade. In the end, like Dan, I knew I would not be happy at 4k with the performance so that made my decision for me. I just hope Nvidia leans on/throws some money on developers going forward to push SLI support in dx12 games going forward.
sorry bout that.

i did check BF1 it has some sli/crossfire scaling.


but only in dx11 mode not dx 12 mode


dx12 seems to be the issue.


I don't play bf1 in dx12 only dx11. What's the point anyway? I never read any reason why I should bother with the dx12 path in that game. Maybe I missed it. In dx11 I get very good tri SLI scaling. All three GPU's are almost always maxed on my rig at 4k.
Nvidia is supposedly releasing a heavily revamped and fully updated dx12 driver soon that is supposed to bring solid double digit performance increases to their Pascal lineup... Will be interesting to see how it helps games that have dx12 support... and support SLI.
Do you folks just play games as a sort of tech demo? I'd sell that 4k monitor and get something that allowed me to play all games I wanted to play. I play games because I enjoy playing games. I do not buy games because I own expensive hardware that needs using. 4k looks awesome but as of today only the Titan XP seems to be able to keep a playable frame rate.
Post all the games released in past 6 months that don't support it and those that did!

My running list is:
Titanfall 2
BF1 (many issues, works now)
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
Resident Evil 7

Any more?

I'm sure you as most ppl on this forum are WHORES when it comes to graphics....I have ALWAYS went SLI and will upgrade my 980 Ti's to 1080 TI's and I can't wait! It's funny becuase I always justify this by saying, i'll just swap out my current hardware and put it in my kid's computer or the wife's...Been doing this so much that all my swap rigs have nice gear already that i'll have to buy or build another shitty rig to swap out to so I can justify an upgradeo_O That's straight up whoring!

Oh and i'm sure u know that with RE7, you can force SLI using inspector and changing the prfile to Batman Origins. Works great and my cards are utilizing 70-85% in SLI and no glitchy crap on the screen that I have seen

I'd be the first asshole to order 3x or 4x GTX 1080Ti's if I thought I'd get any use out of the third or fourth cards. As it is, the second card's usefulness is in serious question going forward.

Count me in as the second asshole.....:banghead:
SLI served me mostly well for 2+ years.

Saw the writing on the wall though when I preordered Deus EX, and noticed the game looked objectively worse in SLI because of the broken TAA.
I need 1080 ti SLi.... for no other reason that I can talk shit that I have an expensive gaming rig.... its looks pretty in the glass case with the water cooling and the RGB lighs

... chics dig it...

you don't need a 12 cylinder super car to get to back and forth to work either.... but the chics dig it.
SLI obviously has it's limitations but it can be nice boost in a number of games. Plus it's nice to have the additional monitor outputs for multiple monitors. I plan on getting two 1080 Ti's, go for it I say if it's in your budget.