Conroe pre-orders showing up on Froogle

ToastMaster said:
I'm gonna get a vote:

how many people think the roughly $200 difference between the E6600 and E6700 is worth the cost?
Not at all because the E6600 can be overclocked to the same thing as the E6700.
but then the 6700 can oc from stock n leave the oc 6600 behind lol. But who need such a marginal difference between the 2 anyhow? Shuks, for $200 you can go buy some other thing to make ur computing experience better lol
Benton The Race said:
Not at all because the E6600 can be overclocked to the same thing as the E6700.
Uh-huh, comparing stock to overclocked is totally fair :rolleyes:

OC both to the max and see what happens. Not only will you find that the E6700 can overclock (imagine that ;)), but you will find that it overclocks much better than the E6600 due to the higher multiplier and Intel's highly effective speed binning.
Pretty funny, the Director of Operations of BLT confirmed to me in an email this morning that they don't expect to ship before the 23rd. They still haven't updated their 7-5 ETA though, perhaps trying to get more people to preorder with them, knowing everyone would hold out to buy from places like newegg and zipzoomfly if all stores released on the same day (which will probably happen).
ToastMaster said:
I'm gonna get a vote:

how many people think the roughly $200 difference between the E6600 and E6700 is worth the cost?

Man that is a tuff assed question. I'm going with the E6600 because I need the $200 saved to buy RAM. Now if I had the extra Cash, wanted to overclock more or even run a bit faster at stock, I'd go E6700, sheesh! I'd still see the E6600 as the best deal even if I did go 6700. Man, talking about sitting on the fence, hell sorry I wasted your time! :(
InorganicMatter said:
Uh-huh, comparing stock to overclocked is totally fair :rolleyes:

OC both to the max and see what happens. Not only will you find that the E6700 can overclock (imagine that ;)), but you will find that it overclocks much better than the E6600 due to the higher multiplier and Intel's highly effective speed binning.

QFT! :)
So is the overall consensus that pre-ordering is a smart move if you want your E6600 ASAP? If I pre-ordered from TankGuys will I be included in the first shipment?
Kilomph said:
So is the overall consensus that pre-ordering is a smart move if you want your E6600 ASAP? If I pre-ordered from TankGuys will I be included in the first shipment?

I might not believe all Core 2 Duos will be in short supply but there COULD be for the E6600 that's way popular.

You'll be include on Tankguys or the other for that matter on a FIFO, First In, First out. The first ones to order are will get their orders filled first and everyone else in order afterwards. Then they'll fill the none paying pre-orders as they received them as well. Not only Tank Guys but the other will (or should) do this as well.

For the record, I've not pre-ordered yet, don't get a cut from Tank guys or any others, I'm just trying to help.
alan2990 said:
Are all these coming thru pre-order ("Box") considered OEM or Retail processors?

From what most of the preorder sites have listed, it's retail.

Given that these are amongst the very first shipments of Conroe, I would expect them to be boxed as well. :)
Just preordered from tankguys. Wish I had done it earlier but whatever, glad I did it! Hope it comes by July.
Just ordered from TankGuys too @ 9AM this morning. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!

Those are some cool cats. Good communication. Hope they get a ton of E6600's in!
please i need to know.

price is less than $400? woohoo!

is this new chip faster than my p4 550 3.4ghz, can anyone tell me? :confused: :D
Cross posted from XtremeSystems (sorry :p):

TankGuys said:
I'll tell you guys what I know.

I have hundreds of these on order, from every single one of the major Intel distributors. ETA's from them range from today (ha) to September 18th. If I've learned one thing over the years, it's that those ETA's are pretty useless.

Honestly, I'll be surprised if anyone starts shipping these by the 14th. It's certainly possible, and I'd love it - but it'd be surprising. None of the distributors even have any yet, and keep in mind, these have to filter through many levels of the supply chain before they start shipping to you consumers.

If you have people at BLT (or anywhere else) saying anything before July 27th, I'd take it with a grain of salt. Not to say they are trying to con or decieve - they may well get them early. I'm just saying I wouldn't bet on it. They may be giving out this information based on erroneous data from thier suppliers.

To be clear, the ETA's from BLT are the inventory information from Ingram Micro, one of the big distributors. This is the information showing when the processors are SUPPOSED to arrive at IM's warehouse - NOT when BLT will have them. I can also tell you from experience that IM's ETA's are quite inaccurate. To further complicate matters, I've got the first 60 or so of thier 6600's going to us.

We've been taking pre-orders for about 5 days now, and we are not promising any specific date, just for this reason. I'm assuming I'll have them by the original July 27th date, but it remains to be seen. I'd say it's good to assuming the original launch date, and not get too excited if people claim to have them before then :)
well i checked on BLT site and they used to show a backorder number of 80something but today its a 0.

im pretty sure they didnt get any in yet .. probably just cleared out their backorder list so more will pre order :)
Receipt of the E6600 by BLT has been pushed back to 8/4 per an email they just sent me.
I also pre-ordered from blt. I keep hearing of people getting these e-mails, and I keep checking my e-mail but have yet to receive any such e-mail.

Edit: LOL, I checked my e-mail after I posted the message. My message was posted at 12:24 my time, I received the e-mail at 12:26.
tys90 said:
I also pre-ordered from blt. I keep hearing of people getting these e-mails, and I keep checking my e-mail but have yet to receive any such e-mail.

Edit: LOL, I checked my e-mail after I posted the message. My message was posted at 12:24 my time, I received the e-mail at 12:26.

Yeah i got the e-mail as well. I was one of the first few to pre-order from them too. I'll be cancelling my order most likely unless Conroe availability is a PITA at launch and prices are above current pre-order prices which there is a good chance of that happening.
MOZZ said:
well i checked on BLT site and they used to show a backorder number of 80something but today its a 0.

I'm fairly certain that backorder number doesn't include the incoming CPUs. It's for orders above and beyond what they expect to have available. They have 3040 incoming (I haven't counted, but the actual # isn't important) and if they had 3140 orders, 100 would be backordered, I think.
I sent this email off to BLT about an hour ago, will update when I get a response:

Some people are saying they're getting a July 23 date from you. Did
these people order earlier than me, are they wrong, or is there a
chance I might get one then? Also, how does the queue for an E6700
compare to the E6600?

(end email, what follows are just my comments here)

I may order an E6700 instead if I can get one notably earlier.
I dont think BLT or anyone has a clue when they are getting them, I called BLT yesterday and the owner told me that the E6700 has issues, I asked him to explain, and he said he had told me to much already, I hope its BS but why would he say that ???? Mabey this is what he was talking about but thats only the ES though.
dandragonrage said:
I'm fairly certain that backorder number doesn't include the incoming CPUs. It's for orders above and beyond what they expect to have available. They have 3040 incoming (I haven't counted, but the actual # isn't important) and if they had 3140 orders, 100 would be backordered, I think.

the backorder number is actually how many pre-orders they have taken to date.
so if you were to order one the backorder number would increase +1.

at least thats what blt told me :)
qdemn7 said:
Not at all. If you notice all quantities all in either FIVE or ZERO. That tells me (since I work in a Distribtuion Center --- not any of these) that they come in a Master Case of 5 EACH. Thus they are ordering even case lots of each sku, to get a better price. Plus it's easier for Inventory Control to keep track of cases rather than individual pieces. So 1620 pieces equals 324 cases.
Yeah - my old boss is a distributor or rep firm for Intel and when he orders one board for a sample - he gets five. So once he orders a board, he usually doesn't order for a while.
Humm seems like the pricing is going up a little across the board
i see tank guys bumped up their pricing to 350. Alot are showing eta first week in August.
hopefully more motherboards will be out by then
MOZZ said:
Humm seems like the pricing is going up a little across the board
i see tank guys bumped up their pricing to 350. Alot are showing eta first week in August.
hopefully more motherboards will be out by then

Tank Guys went from my Pre-Order $339.95 to $350.

Throw out the top and the bottom (Both possible mistakes) and prices look just as they did since the 5th of July.

I canned my Mobo order, have the E6600 processor on pre-order and will get the 2GB of RAM. even added a newer case.

RAM Case

I axed the Mobo

Still might go i965 though.
looks good Donnie27
im holding out on the motherboard
i also just orderd some g.skills as well
good luck!
Donnie27 said:
Tank Guys went from my Pre-Order $339.95 to $350.

Throw out the top and the bottom (Both possible mistakes) and prices look just as they did since the 5th of July.

I canned my Mobo order, have the E6600 processor on pre-order and will get the 2GB of RAM. even added a newer case.

RAM Case

I axed the Mobo

Still might go i965 though.

I'm highly likely going with the E6600 too.

I'm also interested in that ram. You'll likely have your Conroe system built before I've ordered my parts, so when the times come, could you give me some input on how the ram is working? It'd help in my decisions a lot :)

And nice case choice. I've been debating whether to go back to mATX (only with one of the Asus TM-210 cases), or going with ATX and sticking with my trusty Alienware MJ-12 case that took a lot of searching to find (and which I like a lot minus the fact it came short a few drive rails I need/needed :( ).

But overall, looks nice. I'm going to wait and see how p965 performs with Conroe compared to the 975 boards with Conroe, at the review sites, and then decide from there.
im definitely holding out until they have a motherboard that will do sli ..
like the dfi lanparty board .. but on xs they say it might not be avaible until september
ToastMaster said:
I'm highly likely going with the E6600 too.

I'm also interested in that ram. You'll likely have your Conroe system built before I've ordered my parts, so when the times come, could you give me some input on how the ram is working? It'd help in my decisions a lot :)

And nice case choice. I've been debating whether to go back to mATX (only with one of the Asus TM-210 cases), or going with ATX and sticking with my trusty Alienware MJ-12 case that took a lot of searching to find (and which I like a lot minus the fact it came short a few drive rails I need/needed :( ).

But overall, looks nice. I'm going to wait and see how p965 performs with Conroe compared to the 975 boards with Conroe, at the review sites, and then decide from there.

If Mine is up sooner, I'll do just that. If the RAM is not good, I'd rather see no one else buy it than covering up my screw up.

All of the Xtreme systems guys say i975 over i965 for extreme overclocks. I'm not that crazy for that much speed. I wanted Conroe for its lower power and heat dissipation that wild overclocks many will get. I'd like to shoot for only about 3 to 3.3GHz.

I love plain cases but I'm building a Wooden one just for Mod's sake, not everyday use ;) For my main rig, Hell I don't have Windows, Lights and etc... Though I think they're cool! My other case is very simlar to it.
applejacks said:
looks good Donnie27
im holding out on the motherboard
i also just orderd some g.skills as well
good luck!

Good luck to you as well. I wanted the DS4 version of that DS3 Gigabyte board.
I wonder if i got a good deal...

Apparently is a new company, opened up in April 06, but i've found some good reviews on them on google, so i went ahead an placed this order.

EDIT: OH SNAP !!! Looks like product code for E6400 .... Hmm.. what do i do...? cancel the order, or throw a fit when it comes in and see if they'll send me the E6600? I probably wont have the board and ram by then... so....? what do you guys thinks?
menlatin said:
I wonder if i got a good deal...

Apparently is a new company, opened up in April 06, but i've found some good reviews on them on google, so i went ahead an placed this order.

EDIT: OH SNAP !!! Looks like product code for E6400 .... Hmm.. what do i do...? cancel the order, or throw a fit when it comes in and see if they'll send me the E6600? I probably wont have the board and ram by then... so....? what do you guys thinks?

That's why I posted that we should throw the top and bottom two out! Most prices are the same but a few increased by $8 to $13.
menlatin said:
I wonder if i got a good deal...

Apparently is a new company, opened up in April 06, but i've found some good reviews on them on google, so i went ahead an placed this order.

EDIT: OH SNAP !!! Looks like product code for E6400 .... Hmm.. what do i do...? cancel the order, or throw a fit when it comes in and see if they'll send me the E6600? I probably wont have the board and ram by then... so....? what do you guys thinks?

yes its a listing mistake. they should correct it today. if you also check their site for the 6600 100 more. i would cancle your order and just order the 6600

this is the correct one!!!!!!!GBA&ID=777668