Confirmed - Modern Warfare 2 will have 3rd person gameplay


Oct 3, 2006
I'm hoping this turns out to be nothing but over the past few days with MW2 already being leaked I've seen alot of rumors popping up that MW2 will include 3rd person gameplay (with multiplayer lobbies that are 3rd person only). Buddy of mine sent this to me earlier.


Don't know if it's legit or not, guess we'll have to see. I'd find it odd that IW would suddenly add 3rd person 10 or so games into the CoD franchise...
Yea there's a third person play list now

I read somewhere that someone "translated" that from another language's playlist (or something) but I was skeptical because he listed "Capture the Flag" when clearly IW went out of their way to emphasize that it is "Flag Runner." Figured it was either a really bad interpretation or bogus.
It's spectator mode... note the guy moving around while he's opening up hypercam or w/e

edit: maybe not, in the video that i saw on kotaku it had the loading screen and stuff cut out, just the guy running around doing stuff, so im not so sure it is a spectator mode, or maybe it's a replay mode, because you saw the guy looking through folders right before the match loaded up.
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As long as it's optional and avoidable for those of us that don't care about it, it's no big deal IMO.

The problem is that games utilizing both do one or the other badly. At least that's been my experience.

It's spectator mode... note the guy moving around while he's opening up hypercam or w/e

Hopefully that's the only place we see it.
The problem is that games utilizing both do one or the other badly. At least that's been my experience.

Yeah they added 3rd person in to Thief3 and it totally fucked up the first person movement, it was awkward and irritating just to navigate because your shoulders would turn into your vision and changing direction was unresponsive.

Sure 3rd person view was an option, but the game had clearly been built around that option and the 1st person suffered massively, and it was through and through a 1st person perspective game.

Plus 3rd person online allows cheating by looking around corners while in cover, would totally mess up balance and have everyone camping using it.
The Hitman games are the same way. The first person view is clearly an afterthought while 3rd person had the most attention to development.
I'm hoping this turns out to be nothing but over the past few days with MW2 already being leaked I've seen alot of rumors popping up that MW2 will include 3rd person gameplay (with multiplayer lobbies that are 3rd person only). Buddy of mine sent this to me earlier.


Don't know if it's legit or not, guess we'll have to see. I'd find it odd that IW would suddenly add 3rd person 10 or so games into the CoD franchise...
What 3rd person would be a waste of time and effort. Activision should have got the game out earlier and stopped fucking with stupid bullshit like this.
Its been update with a translation of the game modes and only a hand full of the game modes mention 3rd person, so it looks like no 3rd person in regular game modes. It has been mentioned that if a game has 3rd person, some one will hack it and unlock it for regular multiplayer, may I point out there were 3rd person hacks for BF2 and COD4MW (aka MW1).
The fact that they are adding in things that we dont want and removing the things we do shows that IW is totally out of the loop of how things should be in this day and age. They really must not respect the people who have been supporting them over the years. They no longer are going to receive my support and I have been with them since COD1. Gearbox and DICE can have my money.

'You never want to bring a third person along on a date -- not unless that date happens to be November 10th. Infinity Ward's community manager Robert Bowling (A.K.A. fourzerotwo) has taken control and confirmed that a third-person camera viewpoint will be available in this holiday's monolithic Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but only in specifically marked online playlists.

"It's not something you can toggle on and off in ANY game," said Bowling. The special mode can only be played in private matches -- toggled on or off just like "Hardcore" settings -- or in playlists that are designated for third-person play. According to Bowling, everyone playing in a third-person playlist will be restricted to the viewpoint. "This is just another cool way to play the game," he said, "you obviously will still have the option to play gametypes normal as well."

Our friend, the internet, has an inscrutable video of some person running around in third person, but you're probably better off waiting for the "awesome trailer" the folks at Infinity Ward have planned.
Now that it's confirmed, there will be another flood of people bitching about something they can just choose to ignore.

you have got to be F$!ing kidding me, yet again another great reason to not get MW2.

even though it's only in a few matches or w/e, it's a pointless stupid add-on to this game.

IW can't just F up once, they've got to F up a multitude of times before they're satisfied....
Hopefully they add auto-aim to the PC version and keep it enabled in those highly skilled and competitive 5 v 5 matches.

Game is DBA as far as I'm concerned.
you have got to be F$!ing kidding me, yet again another great reason to not get MW2.

even though it's only in a few matches or w/e, it's a pointless stupid add-on to this game.

IW can't just F up once, they've got to F up a multitude of times before they're satisfied....

As long as it doesn't affect the core gameplay at all it won't bother me. If it somehow does so (they make it act odd to compensate for 3rd person gameplay) I will be upset though.
you have got to be F$!ing kidding me, yet again another great reason to not get MW2.

even though it's only in a few matches or w/e, it's a pointless stupid add-on to this game.

IW can't just F up once, they've got to F up a multitude of times before they're satisfied....

Oh noes! How dare they add a completely avoidable feature in the game! :rolleyes:

Seriously, if you don't like it, don't play in matches that have it. How could it possibly be a bad thing?
Cool, SOCOM mode.

I thought the video just looked like spectator mode..

CoD:WaW had a third person cheat for zombies. (bash triangle after you die [single player only] and you will spawn in third person. Shooting is it turns into a knife fest)

...I'll see what happens, but I don't see why everyone hates 3rd person so much.
Cool, SOCOM mode.

I thought the video just looked like spectator mode..

CoD:WaW had a third person cheat for zombies. (bash triangle after you die [single player only] and you will spawn in third person. Shooting is it turns into a knife fest)

...I'll see what happens, but I don't see why everyone hates 3rd person so much.

People are hating because it's changing one of the core aspects of Call of Duty.

What they are completely ignoring is the fact that it is just an option. :rolleyes: