Computer wont recognize two cd drives...

Aug 6, 2003
I'm having troubles getting my computer to see both of the cd drives that I have hooked up. To start with I had a CD-RW drive that had jumpers set to slave(forgot to look before installing) and was plugged into the master channel on the IDE cable. Computer never had an issue. Now I have added a DVD-RW drive. The first setup had the DVD jumpers set to master and the CD-RW set to slave. The DVD-RW drive was plugged into the master channel and the CD-RW was plugged into the slave channel. I booted up and the computer only saw the CD-RW drive. Tryed unhooking the CD-RW and leaving the DVD-RW on the master channel and the computer saw no drive at all. Tried plugging the DVD-RW into the slave channel and the computer saw it. Added the CD-RW on the master channel and only saw one drive (I forget which one it was now). Set both drives jumpers to cable select and had the DVD-RW on the master channel and CD-RW on the slave channel and only saw the CD-RW. Anyone know what could be the issue? I'm a little stumped with it. Thanks for the help.

Well you got me a bit confused with all of that.
Try putting them both on the same channel, jumper one drive for master, the other to slave.
Where is your hard drive ?
'some times' HDD's and CD's dont play nice on the same channel.
You might check your BIOS and make sure all the IDE are set to auto.
Hope that helps
Why dont you put both drives on the master channel, with the jumpers on one set to master, and the other set to slave. or cable select. your choice.
That was weird to read. Lol. Images of Cable set up would be nice..

What are you Slaving the CD-RW to? The DVD or the HD still?
Oh, and how many HD's do you have?

Anyways I would connect them thus:
DVD Slave -- HD Master -- MOBO
CD-RW Master -- Floopy -- MOBO

More than 1 HD:
DVD Slave -- HD 1 Master -- Mobo
CD-RW Slave -- Floopy -- HD 2 Master

There is a ton of options. I dont like using Cable select, especially when back in the day when both ends were the same color and you had to "guess". Now they are labeled. Haha. Anyways, Update things?

Drivers? What version of Windows?
abudhu said:
That was weird to read. Lol. Images of Cable set up would be nice..

What are you Slaving the CD-RW to? The DVD or the HD still?
Oh, and how many HD's do you have?

Anyways I would connect them thus:
DVD Slave -- HD Master -- MOBO
CD-RW Master -- Floopy -- MOBO

More than 1 HD:
DVD Slave -- HD 1 Master -- Mobo
CD-RW Slave -- Floopy -- HD 2 Master

There is a ton of options. I dont like using Cable select, especially when back in the day when both ends were the same color and you had to "guess". Now they are labeled. Haha. Anyways, Update things?

Drivers? What version of Windows?

You gotta be careful hanging a HD and a ROM drive on the same cable. You'll knock your UDMA 133 HD down to PIO mode (at worst) or UDMA 66 (at best).
Yeah, but I have 2 SATA Drives...which don't connect to anything anyways :)

Interesting..I never knew that though, about how the performace...In this old comp I have the CDROM as Slave to the bad I dont have any spare cables laying around...
Sorry for the confusion. By master and slave channel I meant the master and slave plugs on one cable. Here is how it is currently setup.

DVD-RW(jumper set to master)----------CD-RW(jumper set to slave)----------Mobo

The computer only sees the CD-RW out of the two cd drives.

The motherboard is a MSI K8N Neo Platinum and I am running Windows XP Pro with SP2.

Thanks for the help. Maybe that will clear some of the confusion.
Sounds like you have two drives that just won't play nice on the same channel. Try this: Put the DVD on the primary channel, master position (set the jumper to master). Put the CD on secondary channel, master position (set jumper to master). Boot the machine, see if it recognizes both drives. If so, you may end up trading one (I'd pick the CD, they're cheaper) for a different manufacturer.

I've got two optical drives out in my shack that won't play on the same is a Sony, the other Samsung. I just made sure they never ended up in the same box.
Mad Machinist said:
Flakey ribbon cable????? Seen it a bunch of times. :D

Ah yes LOL! Do the simple stuff first! Dang it, my boss once told me I'm the first one to put an analyzer on a light switch to find a burnt out bulb! I do believe he may have been right! :cool: