Computer Program Finds New Uses For Old Drugs


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Researchers at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have developed a computer program to find new indications for old drugs. The computer program, called DrugPredict, matches existing data about FDA-approved drugs to diseases, and predicts potential drug efficacy. In a recent study published in Oncogene, the researchers successfully translated DrugPredict results into the laboratory, and showed common pain medications -- like aspirin -- can kill patient-derived epithelial ovarian cancer cells. Wow, talk about an excellent use of computer resources to help humanity! The cure for cancer may already be developed and in use out there for something else. We can only hope! Read the paper here. Also, please stop by the Distributed Computing forum and talk to the folks there about using your unused computer cycles to do all sorts of medical research!!

DrugPredict searches databases of FDA-approved drugs, chemicals, and other naturally occurring compounds. It finds compounds with characteristics related to a disease-fighting mechanism. These include observable characteristics -- phenotypes -- and genetic factors that may influence drug efficacy. Researchers can collaborate with Xu to input a disease into DrugPredict and receive an output list of drugs -- or potential drugs -- with molecular features that correlate with strategies to fight the disease.
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Right now we are ranked 4th place overall.
Interested in seeing the reaction to this. What the perception of big pharma and medication is.

I know many here are anti-anti-vaxxers, but all also anti-big-corporations.
Computers: FINALLY good for something besides entertainment and pr0n.

<cue applause>

Greatest part is that you can watch that entertainment while supporting the research at the same time. Come in and join us. It gets quite toasty in there. :)
Slightly off topic of the OP... I know stuff like WCG are for helping out and all, but something just irks me about doing this stuff for "free" (at a cost to me, albeit minimal) for a pharmaceutical industry that makes billions by charging people who need the medication ridiculous prices, while they pad their personal bank accounts.

Why does it always seem like it's the poorer people helping out the wealthy? I mean distributed computing hasn't been around that long, and look at the price of medications during that period skyrocket. Gee, you're welcome. Or wait, I mean thank you for the medication I can't afford.

/cynical old man :oldman:
Slightly off topic of the OP... I know stuff like WCG are for helping out and all, but something just irks me about doing this stuff for "free" (at a cost to me, albeit minimal) for a pharmaceutical industry that makes billions by charging people who need the medication ridiculous prices, while they pad their personal bank accounts.

Why does it always seem like it's the poorer people helping out the wealthy? I mean distributed computing hasn't been around that long, and look at the price of medications during that period skyrocket. Gee, you're welcome. Or wait, I mean thank you for the medication I can't afford.

/cynical old man :oldman:

I have had these same thoughts myself but if the work we do in any way accelerates things towards getting new treatments / drugs out there then this will save lives and make things better for us as humans. Also its a free market and if they were not making money then drug treatments would be 50 years behind where they are now.
I wonder how many people would be willing to stop mining while losing all the money they could possibly gain and instead use their PCs to help medical research like this.
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We're still holding onto 4th place. Dropped down to 5th place this morning, but we had a good hour bump that gave us a 2.3M point lead around noon EST.

I thought you were supposed to feed your old pills to the pigeons and squirrels in the park.

So that explains the squirrels' behavior. I always thought they were a bit neurotic, but this....

Anyway, more on topic - I am glad to see something like this. Too often, the medical world gets a bit myoptic on treatments, and this could be a great benefit to lots of people.
So that explains the squirrels' behavior. I always thought they were a bit neurotic, but this....

Anyway, more on topic - I am glad to see something like this. Too often, the medical world gets a bit myoptic on treatments, and this could be a great benefit to lots of people.

Join the HardOCP WCG team and help find a cure.