Company of heroes, open beta.

I used a squad of M4 tanks. I was able to take down the base without many problems. I also used my commander points to call in airborne strikes and paratroopers as well.

This was just one game though, probably won't always work, especially if people know what's coming.

The match took almost an hour and a half though which is cool.
Just wait til you run into some Flak 88's or a single Panther with a swarm of M4's....oh the terror...mwahaha...

Allied tank swarming, or tank swarming in general, is probably the single least effective strategy in the game.
lol, I just played my few game as Axis with the Flak 88. Oh the humanity!

I noticed my opponent was using one road heavily to funnel troops to my base. I setup 2 Flak 88's along with 2 MG crews and a squad of infantry as cover. I was fighting elsewhere when I heard a massive boom, looked over and sure enough my ambush had worked. Cleared out 6 vehicles and a whole load of infantry in no time at all.

I never knew what kind of range these 88's have. It's insane! Well out of range of retaliation from any ground based troops. Arty tears em up though.
Use tank traps to full effect as a funnel to where you want the enemy to come. Then just put AT guns or Flak 88's there. After there first decimation against them, they will probably try to flank. Leave a gap in defenses, but line it with mines and a few mobile AT's on a flanking arc to start hitting them if they try that route. Now they've wiped 2 tank columns against fairly cheap static/semi static defense while you've built up a tank force, then they die.
SilverSliver said:
Just wait til you run into some Flak 88's or a single Panther with a swarm of M4's....oh the terror...mwahaha...

Allied tank swarming, or tank swarming in general, is probably the single least effective strategy in the game.
And that's why I won with little fight with my swarm of tanks? It all depends on the situation.

It will be fun to see what works and doesn't work as time goes on. :)
LynxFX said:
And that's why I won with little fight with my swarm of tanks? It all depends on the situation.

It will be fun to see what works and doesn't work as time goes on. :)

You won because you probably faced some guys who had just logged into the game for the first time ever.

3 squads of Grenadiers with Panzershreks can completely decimate an allied tank convoy.
only problem I see with the game so far is that the Axis seems a bit over powered. I know its true to real life but it makes it very difficult in multiplayer.
SC385 said:
only problem I see with the game so far is that the Axis seems a bit over powered. I know its true to real life but it makes it very difficult in multiplayer.

What seems overpowered?

Their tanks are generally better, however stack up with Sticky bombs and/or Rangers/Paratroopers with their stachel/bazooka and you can get them.

I usually use riflemen with sticky bombs myself, because once you hit the tank the bomb stays on it whereas with the satchel they can move out of the way, etc.
That patch is out, for those of you that didn't know. Fixes at least some of the problems, as my nephew can actually play now.
Only been on the tutorial so far and this game is awsome! Reminds me so so so much of starcraft and is the first to get me this much in anticipation of a game. I also got a nice Westinghouse 27" LCD TV that makes it all to real playing at 1360x768 resolution.
Last night I played through all the tutorials and it's friggin sweet. I also connected to a game but lost because my opponent capped the whole map within 10 minutes with those little motorcycles. (That son of a bitch).

I'm liking it alot so far, hopefully I can get online today with people that will actually build up a little more lol.
whats with the server problems? if they are going to release a beta where you cant even log in to test it then maybe they should have at least released a single player mission or 2.
Would you have rather them released the game and THEN have the server issues, or do a beta, work out of the server side bugs now, then release.

This is Relic's first attempt at hosting the games multiplayer themselves. They have plenty of bugs to work out and knew that. Which is the whole purpose of a beta.
cLaWz said:
Would you have rather them released the game and THEN have the server issues, or do a beta, work out of the server side bugs now, then release.

This is Relic's first attempt at hosting the games multiplayer themselves. They have plenty of bugs to work out and knew that. Which is the whole purpose of a beta.
I'd rather the game be complete when its released but whats the point to a beta you cant test? I just think they could at least release a single player skirmish mode with the current maps.
I just spent nearly the last 30 minutes trying to either join games or create my own with no luck :mad: . And that god damn "There seems to be a problem with your connection with Relic Online" messages really pisses me off.
The whole point of the beta is to work out bugs with the multiplayer, and the server. What would be the point of a skirmish mode. People would begin to play that and it would decrease the number of people testing what actually needs to be tested.

If your having issues, search the beta forums, if you can't find what ya need, post in the correct forum. Ever stop to think that all these people that aren't able to connect are helping them get things sorted out for the masses?

If you want skirmish mode, etc. Wait for a demo.. not a beta.
Wow, just gave this a try. Very fun and the graphics are superb. I also like how it's very similar to DoW.
This is one game that has held my attention beyond my expectations for a WHILE... The last ones I played were Prey and Oblivion. Finished Prey, got bored out of Oblivion. CoH looks interesting in the way that it has this "new" factor combined with "fun". Prey had the "new", it sort of lacked the "fun". I played 4 games last night, won all 4. So that might be why I'm liking it! I really enjoy that small 1v1 map with the church.
I'm going to be getting online again tonight, had a 3v3 game last night with no lag, but my side got completely owned.

On axis I have'nt seen the flak 88 what building is it built in? I've seen the nebelwelfer (I think that's what it's called) it's pretty cool.

What I've noticed from playing online is that the faster you are in capturing every damn munitions/fuel point on the map your most likely going to win.
i cant get online, i could yesterday but now its like busy or something? it says there is a problem with my connection to relic online, anyone else have this problem?
yeah this sucks... not being able to connect that is. like even when i do get into the multiplayer part, i can never connect to a game. :mad:
Are people able to connect again, I did'nt try playing last night, so I dont know.
Sweet looking game I'm going to use my reminaing 5 gigs of 80 total for this game haha gonna ahve to start burning off these DVD Backups soon!!!

Havn't had any problems personally.

I just finished playing a 2 hour long game, 1v1 - was excellent. I eventually prevailed with some carefully placed mortars and snipers.
NVM I never read through the whole thing..

well it is closed and I am pissed.
Somebody said this game was like close combat. That person needs to be shot in the face. If you liked close combat, you will more than likely not enjoy this game. This is another squinty eyed ADHD micromanagement german whacker-guy tactical retardation bla bla God damn I hate what the rts genre has become.

Reasons I hate this game and the rest of the games like it:
1.You can not sit back and enjoy this game and its graphics.
2.You capture points for "resources". Resources? Who ever invented resources requires salvation badly. For some reason it's 'fun' to capture magic points that allow you to win the game faster. No battle commander is concerned with resources.
3. Construction. Everything you have to win the battle with in the end should be in your posession in the beginning.
4. Whack-a-mole gameplay.
5. No time for any decent level of strategy. Some people think a diversion and flanking is genius tactics, give me a break, any 9-year-old could come up with that.
6. Only being able to see a small area of the map at a time. Lends itself towards ADHD.
7. I don't have ADHD.

Otherwise the graphics are pretty neato, too bad my 6800nu is only enough for less-than-medium graphics settings.
Disagree with some of your points. Constructions and resources are what makes StarCraft and WarCraft games so fun.
PiratePowWow said:
Somebody said this game was like close combat. That person needs to be shot in the face. If you liked close combat, you will more than likely not enjoy this game. This is another squinty eyed ADHD micromanagement german whacker-guy tactical retardation bla bla God damn I hate what the rts genre has become.

Reasons I hate this game and the rest of the games like it:
1.You can not sit back and enjoy this game and its graphics.
2.You capture points for "resources". Resources? Who ever invented resources requires salvation badly. For some reason it's 'fun' to capture magic points that allow you to win the game faster. No battle commander is concerned with resources.
3. Construction. Everything you have to win the battle with in the end should be in your posession in the beginning.
4. Whack-a-mole gameplay.
5. No time for any decent level of strategy. Some people think a diversion and flanking is genius tactics, give me a break, any 9-year-old could come up with that.
6. Only being able to see a small area of the map at a time. Lends itself towards ADHD.
7. I don't have ADHD.

Otherwise the graphics are pretty neato, too bad my 6800nu is only enough for less-than-medium graphics settings.

As a fan of games like Myth and Total war I do agree with many of your points (I tend to prefer to focus a lot more on the actual comboat then Resource management/building crap) However I don't think it's far to group this game into the usual resource types of RTS games ala Warcraft/AoE.

IMO It's a lot more in depth and tactical then your usual RTS games, there's many many different counters and defensive/offensive ways to go that it doesn't boil down to the usual "Harvest>zerg units" like many other rts games do.
I really wish that this game wasnt closed....I start school on the 5th (college) so I dunno how easy it will be for me to get on the 16th. Hopefully I'll have some open weekends.
Khaydarin said:
I really wish that this game wasnt closed....I start school on the 5th (college) so I dunno how easy it will be for me to get on the 16th. Hopefully I'll have some open weekends.

Damn you for bringing this thread up and getting me all excited! :D I don't know how I missed this one, but the gameplay in the video linked looks fantastic!

I don't generally like the resource-management aspect of many RTS games, although I think they implemented it in a much more tolerable way in this game than in some games in which you literally harvest some damned resource.

Too bad they closed the beta, I guess I'll be waiting for the demo :(
Does anyone know where you can still download the beta, I have a key my friend gave me and I'm dying to play =(