Company of heroes, open beta.

PiratePowWow said:
Somebody said this game was like close combat. That person needs to be shot in the face. If you liked close combat, you will more than likely not enjoy this game. This is another squinty eyed ADHD micromanagement german whacker-guy tactical retardation bla bla God damn I hate what the rts genre has become.

Reasons I hate this game and the rest of the games like it:
1.You can not sit back and enjoy this game and its graphics.
2.You capture points for "resources". Resources? Who ever invented resources requires salvation badly. For some reason it's 'fun' to capture magic points that allow you to win the game faster. No battle commander is concerned with resources.
3. Construction. Everything you have to win the battle with in the end should be in your posession in the beginning.
4. Whack-a-mole gameplay.
5. No time for any decent level of strategy. Some people think a diversion and flanking is genius tactics, give me a break, any 9-year-old could come up with that.
6. Only being able to see a small area of the map at a time. Lends itself towards ADHD.
7. I don't have ADHD.

Otherwise the graphics are pretty neato, too bad my 6800nu is only enough for less-than-medium graphics settings.

Are we playing the same game? What exactly is "whack-a-mole" gameplay?
Wow, PiratePowWow, you just described every single RTS. Good job!
Ok....I have the CoH ready to download in my que in BitComet, but it hasnt started yet. Do I need the key first? What am I missing? And how does the "key" differ from the actual download? I'm not too familiar with BitTorrent
Khaydarin said:
Ok....I have the CoH ready to download in my que in BitComet, but it hasnt started yet. Do I need the key first? What am I missing? And how does the "key" differ from the actual download? I'm not too familiar with BitTorrent
You can share keys but if someone is logged on then you won't be able to. You can install CoH beta but to play online you need to create an account which requires the cd key.