Company of Heroes-A good game?

Kinda, it still takes a while to get AT guns. They slowed down the stug building times I believe. You think the stugs are bad? Wait till you see a German side that have the Artillery Stug cannon. Those things rip through infantry like no other.

Stickies will work well until you can bring out the AT guns. The StuH 42 can really mop up infantry, but is only available for the Blitzkrieg doctrine. I find that the Ostwind works well for that as well.
Well, for those of us that maybe aren't able to compete on the competitive level.... anyone wanna play? Comp stomp or vs, whatever. I like to be at least somewhat acquainted with the people I play with. PM me or something, post here, whatever. Playing by myself (while enjoyable) gets old sometimes.

You pervert.

I'll play! You can search for me on 1 v 1 as SPARTANXBA. Go to the "Leaderboard," select 1 v 1 on the drop down, then switch it to Wehrmacht, and use the Search on the bottom right to type in SPARTANXBA, the left click me and add. I'll get the add request when I sign on next. :)
If not, a gaggle of expert computers always tests ones' resolve.

All in all, versus games generally are the most enjoyable, win or lose, as long as it's a good battle fight, and not a one-sided win. A fair challenge is what we should hope for!
If theres a CoH throwdown I want in!

My name's Weinertron in relic online, i'll jump on looking for you guys :)

I haven't played in months, but I used to be good (in 1.7).
I could never get into the game for one simple reason, and maybe someone can crack the problem for me.

No matter how much I played, it was about 3-4 minutes before tanks would start absolutely overwhelming me, and sticky bombs and mines were hardly enough to stop them. Is there a more effective defense against them?
You have to move out and harrass with your first infantry units. Capture lots of territory, or else your opponent will and he'll be able to tech up quickly. If that's too hard for you, then keep practicing and don't worry about the tanks coming later. It is a difficult transition moving from infantry to armored vehicles, but the game gives you time to retreat and build your own units back up, provided you've done the necessary harrassment and aggressive attacking in the early game.

It sounds like you're playing US. 4 or 5 rifle squads should be able to overwhelm just about anything in the early game, provided you know how to flank machineguns and when to charge the enemy. At the macro level, learn to cut off strat points, and when it's safe to send a lone rifle squad off capturing and use your other 2 or 3 to push up against his troops. Once you've pushed the Germans around, go for the AT gun or M8 quickly.

Or just watch a replay. All the build orders, macro strategy, and micro techniques are right there in front of you. Then watch your own replay and see what's different. Be sure you're doing automatch so you're going against similarly-skilled players, not a hosted game that might have someone much better than you.
If theres a CoH throwdown I want in!

My name's Weinertron in relic online, i'll jump on looking for you guys :)

I haven't played in months, but I used to be good (in 1.7).

Yeah baby! Maybe we can get some team-based action going soon!

my username is FrozenLiquidity, if you couldn't guess.
You should instead try the Combat Mission series. Although not real-time, it strives for realism. Good games too.

Latest CM game (Shock Force) has both RT and the old wego system. I still prefer the old system. It was quite buggy when released but they have released numerous patches and is now worth buying. If you like the CM games then you should definitely also get Panzer Command: Kharkov. The rules are slightly different to CM but it plays very similar to CM games.
I have been playing the CM series since CMBO was released. The new Shock Force game fell flat on its face and even the fixes do not increase the appeal for me.

/end threadjack
I remember being super pumped for Shock Force. But then when it was released all I heard about the game was "bugs, bugs, bugs, unfinished". My desire was squashed right then and there.
Alright, added Frozen Liquidity, then did a search for PoweredBySoy and added the first one I found. Hope it's you Soy!

<edit> Just added Weinertron. If no one is smurfing, looks like we may be around the same area in experience, Weiner looks like he plays the most. I have less than 100 games under my belt though.
I'll start playing again once they release that big balance patch. Fun game still though. I still have to get through the German campaign.
No little blue men here.

Played Soy this afternoon, it was a pretty even match, though I am not sure how even it would be if we had chosen different factions. Even so, we're likely not too far off skillwise. I've just played almost no online multiplayer. It's usually just with friends or versus the computer. Though I seem to do OK even so.

Guess we'll find out.
Played Soy this afternoon, it was a pretty even match, though I am not sure how even it would be if we had chosen different factions. Even so, we're likely not too far off skillwise. I've just played almost no online multiplayer. It's usually just with friends or versus the computer. Though I seem to do OK even so.

Guess we'll find out.

That was a great game, and it's always more fun when you find someone of somewhat equal skill level. When you go online (or at least when I do), it usually seems to be a blowout - one way or the other. We'll hone our skills and then go do some 2v2's!

I feel asleep last night thinking about the match, and new strategies. haha.

I gotta say though, what the hell did they do to Beauxlands. It used to have 4 VP's, and now it's 3 with one in the center. Except, the one in the center is on the south side of the bridge. So once that bridge is blown (inevitable), it gives the southern player a distinct advantage. Or so it seems. They should have made the bridge invulnerable and put the VP in the middle.
..... the fuck. You telling me there's more than one PoweredBySoy out there!?? Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, facestab!

Hahah, probably right below PoweredByRamen.. :D

That was a great game, and it's always more fun when you find someone of somewhat equal skill level. When you go online (or at least when I do), it usually seems to be a blowout - one way or the other. We'll hone our skills and then go do some 2v2's!

I feel asleep last night thinking about the match, and new strategies. haha.

I gotta say though, what the hell did they do to Beauxlands. It used to have 4 VP's, and now it's 3 with one in the center. Except, the one in the center is on the south side of the bridge. So once that bridge is blown (inevitable), it gives the southern player a distinct advantage. Or so it seems. They should have made the bridge invulnerable and put the VP in the middle.

Somewhat forces the Northern player to concentrate on general map control first rather than play to the VPs. Pretty much what I do on every map anyway. Control the map first and the VPs will follow. But I can see the center VP being a problem in a close game.
I'll play online with you guys as well. I'm DieselPower.

Same skill level as most of you guys. I haven't played in months.
That was a great game, and it's always more fun when you find someone of somewhat equal skill level. When you go online (or at least when I do), it usually seems to be a blowout - one way or the other. We'll hone our skills and then go do some 2v2's!

I feel asleep last night thinking about the match, and new strategies. haha.

I gotta say though, what the hell did they do to Beauxlands. It used to have 4 VP's, and now it's 3 with one in the center. Except, the one in the center is on the south side of the bridge. So once that bridge is blown (inevitable), it gives the southern player a distinct advantage. Or so it seems. They should have made the bridge invulnerable and put the VP in the middle.

Yeah, I was thinking to myself that I had a slight advantage once the bridge was blown. But of course, it was your and your artillery which was responsible for that.. Not me. :p

I was surprised I didn't see any AT halftracks from you. It would have allowed your hummels to escape when my chruchhills came in at flank speed to take them out. Stupid artillery was tearing my slow-ass infantry to pieces.
I'm sorry that I ditched you guys! Real life tends to intervene. I don't get much real gaming time except on weekends, I hope to see you guys. For whoever commented that I play the most, it was all on 1.7 :O. I've played a grand total of 6 games with Opposing Fronts. I'd still love to play with you guys, I'll just get my ass whooped!
Alright, added Frozen Liquidity, then did a search for PoweredBySoy and added the first one I found. Hope it's you Soy!

Got the invite. Accepted.

I seem to suffer from a mild form of retardation, because I still don't see how to add new friends. Perhaps someone could explain to me, real slow like... with pictures.

FrozenLiquidity said:
Yeah, I was thinking to myself that I had a slight advantage once the bridge was blown. But of course, it was your and your artillery which was responsible for that.. Not me.

lol. You mean my Hummels did that? And here I thought you were pulling some leet strategy on me or something by blowing the bridge. Yeah, those emplacements are brutal. I launched 3 Hummel barrages right on top of you and then followed up with some infantry. What do I get for my trouble? A 17lb'er right in the face.

I did a ton of PE research today though. It's almost embarrassing how bad I fumbled with my build order last night. Hopefully next time I'll be able to put up a bit more of a challenge.
lol. You mean my Hummels did that? And here I thought you were pulling some leet strategy on me or something by blowing the bridge. Yeah, those emplacements are brutal. I launched 3 Hummel barrages right on top of you and then followed up with some infantry. What do I get for my trouble? A 17lb'er right in the face.

I did a ton of PE research today though. It's almost embarrassing how bad I fumbled with my build order last night. Hopefully next time I'll be able to put up a bit more of a challenge.

You thought I did that? How could I have!? You slaughtered every single sapper I had until I sacrificed my churchhills to dispose of your hummels. Even then, that 17 pounder was the only emplacement I got up the *entire* game. Didn't get a 25 pounder up because I was sure you'd arty it, and I was more worried about the maraders that I thought would be coming so I focused on getting a task force of fireflies to deal with the armored threat that PE usually brings.

>_< You'll probably whoop me next time. If you sucked at PE, I'd hate to be playing against you when you know what you're doing! Then again, I would hardly consider myself to be very good with the brits. I can only hope we're as evenly matched next time!

BTW, it was fun scooting around your base with the churchhill trying to take out hummels, while the marader tried to hunt me down. I think my tanks may have survived, but your 20mm flak "base defenses" managed to slow them down enough where even with flank speed they were too slow to escape.
Got the invite. Accepted.

I seem to suffer from a mild form of retardation, because I still don't see how to add new friends. Perhaps someone could explain to me, real slow like... with pictures.

They didn't make it easy. Couple methods, but I searched for your username on the leaderboard.

1. Login
2. Click Multiplayer
3. Click the leaderboard tab.
4. Select 1 v 1
5. Select Wehr/USA/UK/PE
6. Type username in the Search box on the bottom right
7. Results appear on the left.
8. Pray thats your guy, left click and add as friend.

This only works if they play ranked games so you may be fiddling with filters until you find your guy.

The easiest method is to probably jump into a chatroom at the same time and just add from there.
Need more [H] peeps to play!! Liquid and I have had a few pretty intense matches so far.

Haven't seen you online yet, Spartan.
Need more [H] peeps to play!! Liquid and I have had a few pretty intense matches so far.

Haven't seen you online yet, Spartan.

I'm on and off. I was on last night around midnight (Pacific time) and just went on a few minutes ago. I don't stick around if I don't see anyone else on so it's easy to miss me. :D
Need more [H] peeps to play!! Liquid and I have had a few pretty intense matches so far.

Haven't seen you online yet, Spartan.

I'll play :) Search for me on 1 v 1 as Rebel44 - select 1 v 1 on the drop down, then switch it to Panzer Elite
I'm on and off. I was on last night around midnight (Pacific time) and just went on a few minutes ago. I don't stick around if I don't see anyone else on so it's easy to miss me. :D

If you have Steam Friends, add me as 'PoweredBySoy'. I'm almost always logged on.
I cant decide on whether to pick this game up with its expansion, or get warhammer 40k dawn of war platinum....

Decisions are hard in life.... :(
probably have more fun with the upgraded/newer engine of CoH than DoW, just sayin.
probably have more fun with the upgraded/newer engine of CoH than DoW, just sayin.

I will admit that the sheer beauty of this game is one of it's biggest draws. The explosions, the sound effects, the soldiers yelling..... it's just so gdamn fun to watch, even when you're not playing.
I'll play with you guys-
My CoH name is Gautama
and my steam name is professor_so

Above is a fun game my friend and I choked on. We ultimately won, but made many many mistakes. For instance, mediocre sniper micro on my part but some counter sniping made it worth while. Carelessly lost my last sniper at the end of the game. Poor macro too, couldn't baby sit everything.

My buddy, as Panzer Elite, made a fun marder base rush and set the brits back a bit. Threw up an 88 to counter churchill's, but got it hijacked mid-game and UK used it to decimate his base over, and over, and over. I stuka'd the crap out of the sim city but could never take out the hijacked 88. That 88 practically made the entire right side of the map off limits and just rounded out the UK emplacement farm.

Brit player didn't capitalize on his success with that 88, it seems. True he crippled |||blue|||, but he was so preoccupied with base raping him, he didn't mind the VP points essentially making it a 1v1 game from mid to late game.

I think I counted a total of 4 or 5 howitzers used between US and UK players.. relentless arty strikes..

Assault nades probably saved me on my front. Ranger blobs < assault nades.

SPARTANXBA asWe hrmacht (Blitz doctrine)
|||blue||| as Panzer Elite (Luftwaffe)
USA (Infantry Company)
UK (Royal Engineers)
Its good gameplay and mechanics wise but I just cant stand the WW2 setting. Dawn of War 2 will solve that though. Cant wait! Its going to own SC2!

/runs away before flaming begins
just started playing OF...seems really fun so far but - much like DOW - i cant really grasp the resource system thta well. I UNDERSTAND how its supposed to work...but i just cant harness it to get to success. I'm probalby just way too used to playing starcrack though. although, initially I'm feeling like theres alot of "trash" units that dont erally serve a purpose for strategy or back up strategys...maybe i need to keep getting familiar...but evena fter reading some guides and stuff - i'm left with the impression that if you build X unit, you were stupid. money was far better spent on X unit.

i may be overthinking this because typically, the same holds true in starcraft, unless you know exactly how to use X who knows. I hate trying to learn new RTS because its so much suffering until you get the grasp of it haha
Is the Original game online community still alive? I don't have the expansion, still haven't beaten the single player yet.
Is the Original game online community still alive? I don't have the expansion, still haven't beaten the single player yet.

They've made it so those with and without the expansion can still play with each other. Basically, those without the expansion are forced to download the expansion armies via 2.3 patch, you just can't play as them until you add an OF serial key to your Relic Online account. Can still play with OF players or against them, but may be at a big disadvantage if you play against them and know nothing about their tech tree.