comp not booting after installing 8800gt


Limp Gawd
Sep 23, 2007
so i just got home from a funeral and finally got to put in my new 8800gt. when i hit the power button everything comes alive but the monitor never comes out of sleep. the video card fan spins up to what i am assuming is 130% speed. evga told me to start the rma process but i'm thinking its my power supply.i have a 500w thermaltake let me know what you guys think as it seems i wont be enjoying my card anytime soon.
not never boots up and it seems that my dvdrom and HDD never spin up which i'm guessing is the boot process halting whenever it reaches the video card.
If you put in another card and it boots, then I would definitely say you need to RMA it.

You also might want to be sure you have it PUSHED IN ALL THE WAY.
seems there is really a problem with this cards inq posted it before the release of 8800gt first i thought it was bs but now i think it can be true
Well in fairness, the majority of users are pretty pleased with it so I don't think it's pitchfork-and-torches-RROD-worthy, just thought I'd add that to the discussion. I'm sure an RMA will fix it right up, but the wasted time and money spent shipping back is a bummer.
Yesterday I bought the BFG 8800gt bestbuy has. Once it was in my computer I couldn't even get my machine to post. I tried everything I could, but ultimately went back to best buy and exchanged it. Put the new one in and it booted right up, so I'm not going to complain.
3 reported failures AFAIK reported in these forums, and how many thousands sold ?

(of course that means little if you get a dud, but still)

(of course that means little as not all owners, good or bad card, post here)

seems there is really a problem with this cards inq posted it before the release of 8800gt first i thought it was bs but now i think it can be true

I tend to disagree. (You are entirely entitled to your opinion and I respect that, just expressing mine)

A google of "8800GT boot failure" shows a handful of people with problems but throw out the "silly" ones like people trying to get it to work in a 4x Asrock slot, or on a AMD server board /shrug. If I am wrong we will know for sure in a week a more get delivered and installed.
I would try booting with one of your 7600 gs's. That 500w psu should be enough. I know it might sound silly but did you hook up the 6 pin pci-x power to the card?
500 watt from thermaltake is enough (hope it is cause i plan to buy one and mine is 480 cooler master which is doing well with oc 8800gts and core 2 duo )
I just want to say beforehand that I am not saying my videocard is defective or definitely killed my power supply. I am not trying to add to any rumors but sharing the story of what I went through when installing my new eVGA 8800GT KO. The card is working perfectly now with my new temp power supply.

Well I am not sure what is going on but I ran into some interesting problems during the installation of my eVGA 8800GT KO. I will break the story down for easier to read.

1. I turned my computer off, unplugged the power cord from the back of the powersupply, disconnect the PCIe power connector from my old 7800GTX whatever, remove it from the computer, install the new 8800GT KO, connect the PCIe power connector, connect the monitor and get ready for 8800GT KO goodness. Before trying to turn it back on I clear the CMOS with the jumper just to be on the safe side and because I was having a wierd issue with one of my Raptors in my RAID setup and was going to reinstall windows. I wanted to make sure my overclock did not mess anything up.

2. Get back in my chair, press the power button, computer starts to boot after some delay, and then it happens. The screen looks like all the graphics are distorted. I could not even read the post screen at all. After about 5-10 seconds, system shuts down. I have the Asus P5K3 Deluxe motherboard so it tries to power back on thinking an overclock has failed. As noted, system has defaults loaded so no overclock causing issues.

3. Thinking WDF, decide to put old videocard back in to test with, and notice system is very slow to power up again but does boot up and has normal video. Power system off, and put back 8800GT back in, power on system and same distorted video.

4. Think lets try the other PCIe slot to see if it works there, remove tv tuner since it is in the way, install 8800GT in bottom slot, connect power up, power on system, system is still delayed in booting but boots with perfect video.

5. Think WDF again, power system off again, move videocard back to top slot but leave out tv tuner, power system on and it powers back on after the new delay issue, and system has perfect video.

6. Think there is some weird compatibility issue between 8800GT and tv tuner and since I hardly use the tv tuner I am fine with leaving it out. That is until I cannot make it past the post process. The system will always reboot before making it through the post process completely. Reboot system and go into the bios setup, and start checking around. I go into the Hardware Monitor and get a pretty good view of what my problem is.

7. My beloved and trusty PC Power and Cooling Tubro Cool 850W powersupply has a 12V rail reading around 9.3V and a 5V rail reading around 4.3V. I am thinking wdf could have caused this. I shut the system down so nothing gets damaged from the 12V being so low. I start searching the internet for possible problems on my laptop and noticed nowhere on the PC Power and Cooling website does it mention the Turbo Cool 850W power supply.

8. Realize my only hope to get my system back up and running this weekend is Best Buy and time is getting close to them closing for the night. Run up there and get a Rocketfish 700W powersupply for temporary means. System is running perfectly fine and I can say that the 8800GT is awesome now that my system is working fine.

What killed my PCPC Turbo 850? I have no clue but it definitely did not like something. I have put a RMA claim into PCPC since I have a 5 year warranty on it and hopefully it will get replaced with the 1kW unit. I will post back after getting in touch with PCPC. Did the new videocard kill my power supply? Not sure. Maybe it was just a big coincidence and my power supply had issue but was able to provide the power but could not provide the power that the new card needed. I do not have an overload system. It is just a basic Intel E6420 oc'ed to 3.41GHz, Asus P5K3 Deluxe, eVGA 8800GT KO, 2-74GB Raptors, 500GB WD, DVD burner, soundcard, tv tuner, floppy, a few 120mm Yate Loons, and pump for watercooling system.
just got off the phone with evga and he told me to just rma it. we never tried using the 2nd pci-e slot but i think i remember reading that my MB wont utilize that slot anyway outside of SLI. anyway the situation sucks but he hooked me up with the cross shipment and prepaid shipping to return the old one.
Do you have the latest bios that your motherboard manufaturer put out? I mean its a new card im pretty sure your old bios might not detect the card at all.

I bet its that....

Try to update your bios and try again then rma.
actually last week i was bored and updated my bios to the latest one from asus and my comp was blowing ass. it wouldnt boot with my overclock and it seemed sluggish at stock. so i went back to the original and all was well. i'm gonna give a shot though. thanks

update: tried the bios the same sluggish bios interface and no boot with OC. keyboard and mouse were taking about 15-20sec to light up. i went back to the 3rd release of bios which came with my MB. anyone else think this could be an incompatibility with between the vid card and MB.