Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Screenshots

Not at all. Are you trying to imply something?

If anything, its sort of similar to earth 2150. but not really.
I hope EA dont screw this one up. Wishful thinking I know. Looks good though.
Man I was all excited for this to come out because I loved Generals. Now am all sad cause that looks terrible. No way are they close to NOD/GDI.
Man I was all excited for this to come out because I loved Generals. Now am all sad cause that looks terrible. No way are they close to NOD/GDI.

I liked Generals too, played it last night in fact. I too an a little dissappointed, hopefully the gameplay will be interesting.
Holy nostalgia, playing C&C over Kali was a blast. I hope this game can live up to hype. I have faith that Billy Dee Williams will pull this one off. :D
Out of all the c&c's my favorite is still Red Alert 2 with Yuri exp and a custom ini. I think they should just release a new one of those with high res wide screen support :D
C&C 3 looks ok but with no stragetic zoom... it will hurt the game. I dont think C&C 3 can compare to SupCom in terms of gameplay and lasting appeal, if its anything like how C&C generals was done. Will be interesting comparing the two though. Knowing EA they sure know how to screw up a game.
Out of all the c&c's my favorite is still Red Alert 2 with Yuri exp and a custom ini. I think they should just release a new one of those with high res wide screen support :D
Hell Yeah!!!!!
sexy! I'm probaly gonna buy this on the 360 too.

I probably will also...I never thought I would choose a console over the pc for an RTS but I heard that EA was going to use the same control scheme as they did for BFME 2 which works well for consoles. Since EA's pc releases tend to be buggy early on....seems that the 360 version will be the way to go.
Looks fun! Haven't been excited for an RTS in a long time.... *cowers in the corner cuddling his MMO boxes*
C&C3 and Generals have totally different gameplay. Generals has gameplay similar to starcraft while C&C3 will have the sidebar thingy like in red alert, tiberian sun...
Looks like they took Starship Troopers, StarCraft, War of the Worlds, Stargate, and several guns from UT... mashed it all together and made a game out of it. :D

I know it's popular to bash EA but in this case I don't think it's necessarily wrong... I'll probably give the game a look, but honestly the last C&C game that did anything for me was Red Alert 1 :(
Definitely too much laser pollution for my taste.

I've played pretty much all of the previous C&C games, and I must say that I still love to go back to good old Red Alert once in a while. Too bad that I'll have to buy a new computer to run this with all the flashy shading and 3D...

And, yes...I second whoever thought these screenies resemble the Necrons more than anything else.
My god, it's full of laser beams.

The infantry units in the last pic look very much like the marines in StarCraft. And there's a tank that could pass for a siege tank I guess. Otherwise, I don't seem much similarity.
Only lasers that there should be as Tesla coils!

I was a huge RA/RA2 fan, as well as Generals and Z:H. Basically a C&C lover. While Generals was different that the rest of the series, it was by no means bad.
Only lasers that there should be as Tesla coils!

I was a huge RA/RA2 fan, as well as Generals and Z:H. Basically a C&C lover. While Generals was different that the rest of the series, it was by no means bad.

Tesla? Bah. Obelisk of Light.
I dont think C&C 3 can compare to SupCom in terms of gameplay and lasting appeal, if its anything like how C&C generals was done.

SupCom will also just get better and better as time goes by (as did TA) thanks to all the 3rd party mods, maps and addons that will come out.
SupCom will also just get better and better as time goes by (as did TA) thanks to all the 3rd party mods, maps and addons that will come out.

No doubt, people holding out saying I dont like supcom gameplay, resource system, ui, etc. That will all change in a year from now, when the mods scene starts hitting main stream it will be the must have RTS. You will be able to switch between a star wars RTS mod to a WW2 RTS mod with the click of a mouse in the mod manager in SupCom.
Out of all the c&c's my favorite is still Red Alert 2 with Yuri exp and a custom ini. I think they should just release a new one of those with high res wide screen support :D

Better yet someone should make a well done Red Alert 2 with Yuri expansion mod for the SupCom engine.