College Says New E-mail Font Will Save Money

At Western Technical College in La Crosse, WI, each student has a printing account of sorts. Each student starts with $3 (might be more, I don't remember off hand), as part of their course costs, at the start of their first semester and printing costs are take from that ($0.06/singe sided B&W page, $0.09/double sided B&W page, and because I'm in the HVAC program there we occasionally print out CAD drawings which cost $0.12/page from the plotter, regardless if it's B- or D-sized paper). Students can check their remaining balance online and can add more money when needed (minimum $3).

Before they did this, it was free printing and people were printing personal crap up the wazoo.
(Cursed lack of edit...)

On the other hand, based on the (ridiculous) number of handouts for my classes so far (3 semesters plus summer class completed, and 3 classes left), and keeping each class separate, I will end up with 17 (!!) binders of handouts and notes. Most of those binders are 1", one 2" and a couple of 1/2" binders.
At my university it costs the school 2.5 cents per page to print single sided and 3.5 cents double sided. We pay a technology fee that allows us unlimited printing (bar the fact that next year the fees may go up if too much is printed...). Currently, we are using 1 pallet of paper of week (400 reams or 200k pages) it was 1/2 a pallet a week last semester. Departments are not allowing professors to print materials for their classes so the professors tell students that they can print for free in the labs. So...we are going to get charged more because it has been shifted to IT...

However, talking with my boss about the matter he said we are probably going to be changed to a system that gives us x number of pages for free and beyond that we have to pay a fee per page of paper printed...

Also, we also have MyGateway an electronic resource that we transitioned to sometime around 2001 and it was supposed to eliminate the amount of paper being used by submitting the work online...

Yeah, right... I have had 2 professors use this feature. I think we should go paper less...

Oh, don't get me started on how college students cannot use staplers. FFS, it is a stapler and you are in college. It is not that hard to use! I keep telling my boss we should go to paper clips since it would save us money and the hassle of dealing with morons...
We print a ton of stuff at work (laser printers.) I once recommended that ALL printers be set to DRAFT mode. There is zero reason to use HIGH QUALITY for what we use the printouts for, since they all get tossed within a few days. Yeah, it didn't go over so well. :/
Yeah, but we say things like "Where are you going?" instead of "Where are you going to?" so we save some ink there. :D

I prefer to say "Where ya goin'?". May not be grammatically correct, but I tend to type how I talk. So that saves even more ink then your Canadian way and no u's are harmed in the process.