COD: WaW Zombie, how far did you get?

I never thought I would end up playing this zombie game more than multiplayer. Since the mod tools have been released, is it possible we will start seeing new zombie maps for co-op, or only multiplayer maps? My record is level 20.
New Record for Team 1337...

zombies1337at9.jpg did you do it? It looks like you were upstairs in the grenade room, but what level did you guys go up? I just got to 23 and we stayed downstairs, but one of the 2 watching the wall and windows let them in and they killed me from behind (I was watching door with the other guy). I think we could have made it further if that guy did not let them break the wall down.
We opened up the "mystery box room" at level 7, then we held both bottom rooms... (1) person was in the mystery box room holding off the stone wall and windows, the other (3) people would stay in the main room, we kept doing this to level 17 then moved up stairs by lifting the couch in "mystery box room". At the end of the round when we move the couch we hold a zombie at a window and trap him outside so we have multiple attempts to get good guns. Once loaded with good guns we stay up in the gernade room and create a horseshoe formation facing the main doorway where they all come in at. Forcing all of the enemies into one door works great. We make sure to have the person on the balcony side of the room be closest to the main door so all the zombies come to him, we rotate players into that position in order of who has most laser ammo. TS communication is key to call out reloads and status on ammo. We could have got to 30, but Mach was out of laser and only had a pump shotty lol.

We also used the mystery box to trade in our empty lasers for new lasers. At level 29 it takes almost (2) direct hits from laser to get a kill.
2 Players without voice chat (makes a difference in my opinion) lvl 17.
I also found it useful to switch your weapon when it runs out of ammo for the same gun with full ammo instead of waiting for the max ammo drop. Next time I will try the grenade room, with 1 person always guarding the window, another against the back wall constantly throwing grenades at the door, and the other 2 watching the door. Thanks for the tips.
This addition to the game makes me want to go out and buy it. I love zombie type games. I especially like games where you're against insane odds and need to hold the fort to survive.

I may just pick it up tomorrow.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1033398335 said:
SEALTeamSix, you guys get any further?

Nah, we've been playing Left 4 Dead mainly since it came out - which is kind of a shame really, since I personally because I dig the COD5 zombie mode more. Again, my XFire is SEALTeamEight - throw me an IM sometime if you're down for a zombie level challenge.
We are going to try to hit 30 then take a break, it just sucks because a 30 level session takes soo long. I've been playing alot of mutli lately.
I got to lvl 18 2 players in the same room, generally we can get to at least 15 we cant get past 17 without at least heavy machine guns or laser gun, also we are defending the mystery box room but we open the upstairs to get guys coming in from there so I can get nice clean headshots coming from the main room and it takes a load off the windows and wall in mystery room
There are many strategies that makes it hard for everyone to agree on where to stay, especially when you play with strangers. 1) Never going upstairs and staying in the help room, 2) staying in the help room without actually opening the help door, but moving the 2 couches instead, 3) opening the help room, and later moving the couch in that room, and going upstairs to the grenade room.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1033449816 said:
any new records or is 29 the highest?

We got to 31 prior to my comcast resetting itself. I have noticed that the more you have, the more zombies come each and every round. I usually play with a total of 3 people, however we tried 4 last night with one pickup. We got pummeled round 17 cuz he didn't know what to do.
My friend Rainchaser found that if you crouch then jump
you can get over the rock on the metal stairs in
Last Christmas Zombie mod map. The randonmiser is 950 points away.

Cool eh?
Thanks Rain

This is a Gun mod for Zombie map Two Primary and a Pistol
Stronger damage and other neat stuff

Also if you load a trainer before you go into the single player game
You can activate the cheats in Co-op mode.
Oh My God! The mysteries of Online gaming never end...:D

I was curious what level the game would end at.
I started a single player game with ~/devmap nazi_zombie_protoype for the default Nacht der Untoten map.

I turned on God mode and it was still going strong at level 151 when I shut it down several hours later. Looks like it never ends and the Zombies just get harder to kill.

highest i was able to get with 3 others was 22, just me and my buddy we got to 21

FYI just in case you guys havent found them yet theres a ton of zombie maps people have been coming out with. i think the number of maps i have is like 15 or so? some of them are really innovative, some are complicated, and some are simple but extremely fun, Woods being one of them. you can find them by just googling "world at war zombie maps"
I got to level 25 by using the mystery box room til level 15 then going upstairs with everyone having a browning and ray gun and we just sat on the grenades spot, buying, chucking and ray gunning. we ended up lagging a bit and died, but i bet we could have made it further.
There is no end to this game so for me, it feels a bit futile. The enemies just get stronger and faster to infinity or there might be a boolean rollover at around level 68 thousand or whatever that number is again.
Anyone else have troubles connecting to co-op games? Most of the time I try to join a game and it does nothing. Maybe 1 out of every 10 or 15 I can connect.
the way we've been doing it is level 5 open help room, we each try our luck, and we open the stairs...get upstairs into the grenade room and hold it...1 gets the window and launches nades at the entrance, the other 3 cover the entrance (1 way in) and hold it that way

haven't gotten past level 21 though...frustrating
Having a LAN right now, read all the tips to level 24 and died due a stupid stupid mistake which I'll explain in a bit...

Our strategy was to all buy Kars to begin with and just own them all for the first few rounds, then when someone hits 1000 money you can open the door and get to the randomize box.

At this point you basically want to randomize your weapons the second you get 950 money and can do it, it's tough to randomize later on in the levels due to lack of time and safety, the name of the game is to get 1 laser gun each.

Randomize your gun and if its better than either of your weapons (you can carry 2) then replace the worse weapon, the aim of the game is to end up with lazer guns each dont discard it once it runs out of ammo, make sure you wait for the max ammo pickup from dead zombies.

We got to about level 20 and realised that basically the only 2 weapons capable of doing enough damage are the lazer and the MG, the MG at that point isnt really powerfull enough, you want to forget the MG at about level 22

Up until level 20 we were just defending the 2 bottom rooms, 1 person can handle the 2nd room (we call the randomize room) and 2 people the far end of the start room, with 1 person roaming between the 2 helping where needed.

The problem comes at level 20, we had to make a choice, we knew the only real gun you can use is the laser gun and we knew the only problem with that is ammo, you can only get more ammo by randomizing another one which takes a LOT of time and money. The only "long term" solution available is to let the zombies get in and hope they drop a max ammo upgrade, this is where tactics have to change somewhat, we decided to unblock the stairs in the randomize room and defend the room with grenades on the wall, it has 1 door in and 1 window, 1 person keeps and eye on the window and the rest shoot at the door, this allows the zombies to get in and drop pickups.

At this point the ideal 2nd gun is an MG but only use this once you get an insta-kill pickup otherwise use your lasers, by level 20 they're taking 2 shots each so headshots are important, we kept our backs to the sandbag wall inside that room so they only ran straight towards us and getting headshots was a bit easier.

Ultimately thats the end game, I see no tactic getting you any further, you just had to pray that the ammo holds, if you're very low on ammo at the end of the round the only tactic left is to leave 1 zombie alive at the end, get one person to run the zombie in circles around the room while the other people go down to randomize.

The problem is, near as I can tell you cannot radomise a weapon you're holding, so in order to randomize another laser gun you have to replace it with something crap first and just hope you get another one, you probably want at least 20-30k to realistically stand a chance of getting one, and it takes a fair old while.

Rinse and repeat.

Oh yeah, the thing that killed us at level 24 was someone (no one knows who, but it wasn't me) opened the other blockade which leads upto the room we were defending making 2 routes in and made it impossible to stay focused eventually getting us all down, at which point there was a cheer of "FUCK YEAH WE BEAT THE DEVS AND THATS ALL THAT COUNTS"

Bloody good fun :D