CM Wavemaster Owners "Post your Temps Thread"


Jun 5, 2004
If you have a Cooler Master Wavemaster or CM Praetorian case, would you please post your temps? Post your specs., and if you have the Wavemaster, post whether or not you have the top fan installed. If you have "modded" your case at all, post that also. This thread might be helpful to current and future owners of the Wavemaster & Praetorian cases. People considering either case should also find this helpful. I am wondering how my temps are, and whether I should install the top fan, switch cases, etc....

System Specs. are in sig. The P4 3.0c is not OC'd at all. (yet :D)
A LeadTek 5700LE is what I have installed right now, 6800GT not here yet.
These are the temperatures according to Asus Probe and I don't know how accurate it is.
STOCK Intel Fan & Heatsink Room Temperature was 71F

CPU 37C / 98F
MB 28C / 82F

PLAYING UT2004 for about 5 minutes
CPU 41C / 105F
MB 26C / 78F

Again, I DO NOT have the top fan installed in my Wavemaster. With these temps would you install the top fan? And if you would install it, would you have it blowing air INTO the case or OUT OF the case? I would prefer to keep the Audio / USB / Firewire ports if I could. Thanks for any input you can give.

I have a Preatorian case and a 2.8E, Radeon 9500pro (w/ artic silencer), Antec tru 550W PSU, DVD-R, DVD-RW and 2 SATA HDD's and 2 IDE HDD's. Lotsa heat producing goodies......

With all the stock CM fans my case temps were about 40C and CPU temps 48-50C (OC'd prescott). I replaced all the fans with Antec 34Ccfm 80mm fans and removed the foam filters from the intake screen and blowhole screen and my case temps dropped about 1-2C. I also made my new blowhole fan blow out of the case as CM had it blowing in for some reason. The mesh grill on my intake and blowhole are terrible for airflow and need to get hacked, once I find a suitable replacement I'm sure that'll be worth a few more degrees.
My other problem is that I have 4 HDD's blocking the intake fans and those two SATA's in raid 0 produce some serious heat.

I would reccomend replacing all the CM fans in the case with something a little more powerful, removing the front and top mesh screens and adding a side intake fan (mine will be a 92mm) blowing over the cpu/gpu and be sure the blowhole fan is blowing out and not in. I love this case, but it does take some work to get good airflow with it.
Are your CPU temps Under Load or Idle? Just curious. One minus for the wavemaster is how blocked the front intake fans are because of how the case is constructed. At least the Praetorian has a nice big opening. That 120mm side fan you plan on installing should make a big difference for your video card and proc. At least your hard drives are getting good fan coverage with the way the case is setup. I know the drives are blocking the fans for the rest of the case, but at least they are blowing on the Hard Drives. With that many hard drives, that is probably a good thing.:D

If you have the CM Wavemater or Praetorian (or ATC equivalent) post your temps here.
sorry to bust in on the whole temp thing, but i have a 201sx4 and was wondering if the pretorian is essentially the 201 just renamed after the company sold that part off?

I was looking for a windowed side panel (factory) for my autofinish painted 201.... and was wondering if any of the pretorians were of the same finish/paint?
I think the praetorians are made with only a flat black brushed aluminum finish or a plain brushed aluminum finish, I never came across one with a nice auto grade paint job :(

my case idles at about 36*C system and 35*cpu with my athlon at 2.3ghz, load is like 38* system 50* cpu

I might put a higher cfm fan on the top blowhole and reverse the flow to outward to see if that helps temperatures

I do have a VGA silencer on my 9800pro so that helps temps a lot
Forcefed14psi said:
sorry to bust in on the whole temp thing, but i have a 201sx4 and was wondering if the pretorian is essentially the 201 just renamed after the company sold that part off?

I was looking for a windowed side panel (factory) for my autofinish painted 201.... and was wondering if any of the pretorians were of the same finish/paint?

I have a Black Praetorian & Black Wavemaster and I can tell you that they are identical. I even used the motherboard tray out of the Praetorian in the Wavemaster and vice versa. I think the only thing different is the front. And if you think about it, BLACK wavemaster owners wouldn't want to order a brushed aluminum windowed side for their case because then they would have a different finish on each side. So, with that said, I know you can order black "auto finish" windowed sides for the wavemaster, so you should just order one of those. Usually they even say "for Wavemaster & Praetorian". From what I read in another thread, I think has the black "auto finish" windowed sides for the Wavemaster, so you might check there. Hope that helps.
I have a similiar case as a Praetorian.. ;)
4 Fans
Stock heatsink (running 50%)

Idle: 37c (all the time)
Load: 52c (burn in testing)