Clear Sky + Steam question

It can't be repeated enough:

Don't panic if the game chugs right out of the first building. It is either buggy or so unique that it throws off your framerate estimate. Go to the next area and come back, then tweak your settings.
Man.. this is the first game to really make me feel bad about my system. At 1920x1200 and 1680x1050, the game ran at under 12fps in the beginning area. I ended up lowering resolution to 1280x800. This gives me playability, but the game looks like crap. I guess it's time to give 4870's and gtx260's a look. Anyone else with an old school 8800gts (or hell, even the newer ones) have any luck with certain settings for this game?

Im running the old gts with a 6600 and 4 gigs of ram at 1680x1050. Im running regular DL and its around 45fps, sometimes dipping in the 20's. I'm still tweaking and it is getting better. It does run much better when you get out of the swamps. The tweak guide for CS will be out this week.
I didn't play the first one, but does this game feel like all the graphics are "muddy" to anyone else?

The game has that atmosphere of decay and ruin, basically everything has been effected by the meltdown in Chernyobyl, if that's what you mean, then yes.
It can't be repeated enough:

Don't panic if the game chugs right out of the first building. It is either buggy or so unique that it throws off your framerate estimate. Go to the next area and come back, then tweak your settings.

How long are you in this first area???
Should I aim low on settings initially and then adjust then after I get out of that level???? or just put up with a slide show for a while?
How long are you in this first area???
Should I aim low on settings initially and then adjust then after I get out of that level???? or just put up with a slide show for a while?
A few minutes, just to get the first quest to go to the swamps. Aim a little lower just because you have to restart the game for every change.

You'll see what happens. It's not that tricky, just something people need to keep in mind before they worry too much.
It can't be repeated enough:

Don't panic if the game chugs right out of the first building. It is either buggy or so unique that it throws off your framerate estimate. Go to the next area and come back, then tweak your settings.


Admittedly I was a bit depressed when I couldn’t play the game on maximum settings at 2560x1600. I figured however that it must be due to the 30 some npc’s that populate the camp at the beginning of the game.

Until I get a bit further in the game, I've found a good mix of medium and high settings that should get me through the beginning with at least 30 fps and won't look too bad.
Exactly. Stalker SOC on steam is 1.05...period. If you need 1.04 (for mods) or 1.06 (for online play) you're SOL.

Are you saying that the latest patch is not available for Steam customers?
Are you saying that the latest patch is not available for Steam customers?

Correct. I have been unable to get 1.06, and Steam and GSC (or whoever) simply point fingers at each other about getting the patch out.

(unless it's come out in the last couple of weeks, I haven't tried that recently).
I haven’t messed around with the graphics settings too much, I just wanted to play in the 45 mins or so that I had. With my ancient 7900GS I wasn’t expecting much, and I’m used to having to turn down settings anyway. The default 1024x768, med settings, static shadows etc look decent enough to me lol (see previous comment), but your guys screenshots really show me what I’m missing. I’ll probably tweak some tonight and see what I can make playable.

As far as the gameplay goes, anyone that played the first one will be instantly at home. I do like the feel of the dynamic environment with ongoing battles around you, and the feeling that what you do does make a difference to the strength of the faction. I didn’t really feel this much in the first one, so that’s nice. However, it does seem to happen too fast.

For example, I went off to secure a location, I get there and I’m in the middle of killing, when I get a message that another outpost needs help. So I drop the last guy I’m fighting, start to head back and I get the message that I failed. Then a minute later, another outpost needs help. I open the PDA to find where to go, take 2 steps, and again I get a message that I failed. There couldn’t have been more than 15 seconds from warning to fail message. Maybe there was only 1 good guy left there IDK, but WoW.

I may just have to ignore some of the auxiliary stuff, and concentrate on the main objectives. Because that could seriously piss me off.
Im running the old gts with a 6600 and 4 gigs of ram at 1680x1050. Im running regular DL and its around 45fps, sometimes dipping in the 20's. I'm still tweaking and it is getting better. It does run much better when you get out of the swamps. The tweak guide for CS will be out this week.

I really hope you meant 8800 or at least 8600!

Thanks for the tip... i'll try the higher resolutions in the swamp when there's less activity around.
Correct. I have been unable to get 1.06, and Steam and GSC (or whoever) simply point fingers at each other about getting the patch out.

(unless it's come out in the last couple of weeks, I haven't tried that recently).

1.06 was never officialy released - version which is available is leaked beta - if GSC release officialy 1.06 it will be available to Steam users few days later.
I really hope you meant 8800 or at least 8600!

Thanks for the tip... i'll try the higher resolutions in the swamp when there's less activity around.

I think the captain means the processor! wow, beat me to it vengence
Shadow of Chernobyl hit v1.006, which is what I think people are confusing it with.
Shadow of Chernobyl hit v1.006, which is what I think people are confusing it with.

Right, and it confused me as well, as i didnt immediately associate the SOC acronym to Shadow of Chernobyl. That's why I felt the need to clarify that Clear Sky is all patched up on steam.
I haven’t messed around with the graphics settings too much, I just wanted to play in the 45 mins or so that I had. With my ancient 7900GS I wasn’t expecting much, and I’m used to having to turn down settings anyway. The default 1024x768, med settings, static shadows etc look decent enough to me lol (see previous comment), but your guys screenshots really show me what I’m missing. I’ll probably tweak some tonight and see what I can make playable.
I recommend you start at 1024x768, turn everything as low as it will go and try to enable at least some dynamic lighting. The shadows really help make the atmosphere in this game, so avoid static lighting if your computer is able to.[/quote]
For example, I went off to secure a location, I get there and I’m in the middle of killing, when I get a message that another outpost needs help. So I drop the last guy I’m fighting, start to head back and I get the message that I failed. Then a minute later, another outpost needs help. I open the PDA to find where to go, take 2 steps, and again I get a message that I failed. There couldn’t have been more than 15 seconds from warning to fail message. Maybe there was only 1 good guy left there IDK, but WoW.
The swamp battles are weird like that. Things slow down to a better pace when you join a faction out in the rest of the world and start assaulting objecctives. Some people actually think it slows down too much at that point.
Can't wait till a reviewer compares xp versus vista on stalker so I can be tempted to reinstall the older OS. :(

<pic "Ugh Not this shit again">

I doubt your going to see anything significant between Vista and XP when they are both running the same DX9 version of the game. I am sure however, there will be a huge difference between DX10 and DX9, as there is massive lighting effects there.
I recommend you start at 1024x768, turn everything as low as it will go and try to enable at least some dynamic lighting. The shadows really help make the atmosphere in this game, so avoid static lighting if your computer is able to.

Thanks, I'll give that a shot.
DX10 versus DX9 in this game is VERY noticeable. I started out on DX10 but was having some issues so tried DX9 and wow........not even close. But, DX9 does look a lot more like the original Stalker so I guess you could console yourself that your keeping it real......oldschool.......ummmm.
I haven't tried DX10, but will once i finally get the 4870 x2 installed. To busy playing the game to care lol.
I haven’t messed around with the graphics settings too much, I just wanted to play in the 45 mins or so that I had. With my ancient 7900GS I wasn’t expecting much, and I’m used to having to turn down settings anyway. The default 1024x768, med settings, static shadows etc look decent enough to me lol (see previous comment), but your guys screenshots really show me what I’m missing. I’ll probably tweak some tonight and see what I can make playable.

As far as the gameplay goes, anyone that played the first one will be instantly at home. I do like the feel of the dynamic environment with ongoing battles around you, and the feeling that what you do does make a difference to the strength of the faction. I didn’t really feel this much in the first one, so that’s nice. However, it does seem to happen too fast.

For example, I went off to secure a location, I get there and I’m in the middle of killing, when I get a message that another outpost needs help. So I drop the last guy I’m fighting, start to head back and I get the message that I failed. Then a minute later, another outpost needs help. I open the PDA to find where to go, take 2 steps, and again I get a message that I failed. There couldn’t have been more than 15 seconds from warning to fail message. Maybe there was only 1 good guy left there IDK, but WoW.

I may just have to ignore some of the auxiliary stuff, and concentrate on the main objectives. Because that could seriously piss me off.

You don't have to answer every call, they're optional. The AI has battles on its own, and sometimes they win without you. Similarly, sometimes they lose without you. You only get a reward if you help, though.

Think of them as spontanously-generated side missions. Instead of going to an NPC to get a task, it generates one whenever two hostile AI factions clash.

As a side note, I am completely gutted that the GTX280 I ordered to play this game in its full sunshafted, DX10 glory is broken, and that I've not heard back from BFG re: an RMA after a week.

The game is good enough to love with everything on Horrible mode, as far as graphics go, but it would be nice to play it with all the lighthing effects and wet surfaces I saw. Maybe next play through, provided I don't end up with a GTX280 OC -shaped paperweight.
You don't have to answer every call, they're optional. The AI has battles on its own, and sometimes they win without you. Similarly, sometimes they lose without you. You only get a reward if you help, though.

Think of them as spontanously-generated side missions. Instead of going to an NPC to get a task, it generates one whenever two hostile AI factions clash.

Yeah this has been my experience as well. They've normally one without me. When I get there it sometimes takes a lot of effort to turn the tide of the battle and other times I kill like one guy and they do the rest before I can accomplish anything more.
Whats the verdict on the 4870X2 so far? I see most get good framrates with it, even at 2560x1600, but certain light settings and areas seem to bring it down to its knees.

Also, is [H] going to be covering any cards or these game releases, especially with Crysis Warhead coming out in a couple of days, with its supposedly better optimized engine?
Whats the verdict on the 4870X2 so far? I see most get good framrates with it, even at 2560x1600, but certain light settings and areas seem to bring it down to its knees.

Also, is [H] going to be covering any cards or these game releases, especially with Crysis Warhead coming out in a couple of days, with its supposedly better optimized engine?

You'd have to speak with Brent or Kyle on that. I'd be surprised if some of these new games didn't get some attention.
Sounds good to me. Finally some games besides Crysis to tax systems out at 2560x1600.
Sounds good to me. Finally some games besides Crysis to tax systems out at 2560x1600.

Yeah, with two Geforce GTX 280's in SLI firefights brought the performance way down at 2560x1600. However the third card seems to have cleared that up. I've had zero performance issues since adding that.
DX10 mode takes an age to load in the textures, it will sit there for a minute seemingly doing nothing. DX9 mode loads in 3 times as fast. Decided to go with DX9 route just because of that. Both modes run pretty smoothly but I can run it on high with DX9 as opposed to medium for DX10.
DX10 mode takes an age to load in the textures, it will sit there for a minute seemingly doing nothing. DX9 mode loads in 3 times as fast. Decided to go with DX9 route just because of that. Both modes run pretty smoothly but I can run it on high with DX9 as opposed to medium for DX10.

Well I never tried DX10 on the Geforce GTX 280 SLI setup. I upped that at the same time I added the third card back in for 3-Way SLI. Since that went in and I upped my settings I found better performance than I got off of two cards.
DX10 versus DX9 in this game is VERY noticeable. I started out on DX10 but was having some issues so tried DX9 and wow........not even close. But, DX9 does look a lot more like the original Stalker so I guess you could console yourself that your keeping it real......oldschool.......ummmm.
I'd love to do DX10 but don't feel like going to Vista. Have a huge backlog of oldgames setup and ready to go on XP that I need to get through and don't want to tempt fate.

Almost did it just for this game, though I think after playing it a bit I realize I'm not missing out on maxed graphics from the game of the millenium here.
DX10 mode takes an age to load in the textures, it will sit there for a minute seemingly doing nothing. DX9 mode loads in 3 times as fast. Decided to go with DX9 route just because of that. Both modes run pretty smoothly but I can run it on high with DX9 as opposed to medium for DX10.

It loads fast enough for me. Like 15sec or less.
Also, is [H] going to be covering any cards or these game releases, especially with Crysis Warhead coming out in a couple of days, with its supposedly better optimized engine?

We are (I am) doing a STALKER piece, but I don't know about Warhead or any of the other games just yet.