Chrome Fades as Users Return to IE, Firefox

After trying Chrome, you:

  • Stuck with it

    Votes: 74 16.4%
  • Switched back to I.E.

    Votes: 36 8.0%
  • Switched Back To FireFox

    Votes: 181 40.0%
  • Never tried Chrome

    Votes: 161 35.6%

  • Total voters
Tried it, liked it, but the feature set isn't up to speed with my needs yet. I'll keep trying new betas as they get released and see where they take the browser.
Have no interest in trying Chrome and aside from Google earth a few times a year have no interest in using anything from the folks at Google.

IE7 works fine & fast for me at the dozens of sites I visit daily and I have Firefox on a thumbdrive that works pretty nice aside from some wicked slowdowns time to time.

They had gone away with one update but the upgrade to FF3 brought them back with a vengance.
Yup tried it for a day disabled it next.I don't trust it at all and never will.
as i was reading this thread thinking about my (5 minute) experience with Chrome (it scrolled pages really slow for me, which is a big no-no in my book) the little pop up notification came up telling me to update my Firefox to 3.0.2


it knows
as i was reading this thread thinking about my (5 minute) experience with Chrome (it scrolled pages really slow for me, which is a big no-no in my book) the little pop up notification came up telling me to update my Firefox to 3.0.2


it knows

coming home late, clothes ruffled, hyperlinks on your colar, smelling like another browser.. i'd never let you update me again!!! ;)
FF3 + Adblock Plus + NoScript + Download Status Bar = best browser experience
Chrome is SO much better than IE and Firefox.
I know im likely going to get flamed for this, but i never thought firefox had anything really going for it over ie.
I find that it loads slower. uses just as much resources. page imcompatibilities.
Never found there was a substantial reason to switch.

Chrome on the other hand is innovative. Fast as all hell. light on resources. and it doesnt have all those stupid tool bars.
Chrome is definately my idea of a great browser.
Chalk me up as "never tried it". I mean, what for? Nothing wrong with Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 7 combination.
Tried it then quickly killed it and back to IE7 and Firefox I went. Need IE7 for some web pages and just can't beat the addons for Firefox. I will be keeping an eye on Chrome though in the future because I did like the speed and the way it broke out tabs into their own processes.

I will say I'm still not a huge fan of the Chrome EULA. I don't like anything that tells me we will update your software automatically and you agree to let us do it by just using our stuff without giving me the option to not do it.

Google Chrome EULA said:
12.1 The Software which you use may automatically download and install updates from time to time from Google. These updates are designed to improve, enhance and further develop the Services and may take the form of bug fixes, enhanced functions, new software modules and completely new versions. You agree to receive such updates (and permit Google to deliver these to you) as part of your use of the Services.

Even Microsoft has a statment in the Vista EULA about updating that says:

Microsoft Windows Vista EULA Section 7a said:
You may switch off these features or not use them.
Beyond Google politics, the biggest problem I had with Chrome was the lack of smooth scrolling. It's been in IE since, what 4.0? It's always been buried in other browsers, but I couldn't find the option in Chrome. I ran Mozilla / Phoenix / Firebird / Firefox back in the day. At the time, Internet Explorer was old and crappy. Microsoft fixed it, and I haven't looked back, except on occasion when I have to edit some HTML and I want to make sure it works everywhere.

IE7 with FF backup on Windows.
FF on Linux.
Safari with FF backup on the Mac.

Maybe Chrome will become my main browser on Linux... if it ever gets released...
Been using Chrome now more then firefox and only use firefox for the ad-infested sites really
I'm still using Chrome with no intentions to switch back. There are some sites that still work better in IE/Firefox so the rare chances that I HAVE to browse those sites (work related) I'll open those up to accomplish what I need.
Oh, if you guys did a search, you guys would of figured out that there is an Ad-blocker and Google Blocker for Chrome already, but means you'll have to manually update Chrome.
I just downloaded it to see what it looked like.

Nothing really that ground breaking or cool, so its in my list of programs I don't use...
will probably uninstall it later.

However, I did download & install the SDK for Google Android. I doubt I'll actually build my own app, at least nothing more than a stupid picture of dialer for me. That I can send to people so I have my own "app" icon for ME. (yes I'm narscistic)

But its been cool playing with the emulator. Google maps/ street view looks great on it. (of course)
Played with Chrome for a weekend. After that, went back to IE8 Beta. Almost thinking of going back to IE7. An IE that follows standards sucks. Don't know how many times I've had to hit that "compatibility" button, just to get a webpage to look normal. Hope by the time IE8 is released, they make that more transparent.
I liked it but it freezes too much on me. And yea all the tabs can freeze at the same time despite what they suggested. And no it's not my computer freezing.
Used it. Read the EULA. Tossed it. Google changed the EULA. Haven't reinstalled it because of section 12.1 and how Google has the right to auto update the software whenever they please without my permission. Sorry but nothing auto-updates on my PC. Even Windows Update only tells me when there are updates ready so that I can look at what is about to be installed/updated. And just removing GoogleUpdate.exe isn't a solution, thats just circumventing the problem.

Disappointing too since I loved the speed and how tabs were broken into their own processes.

Firefox and IE7 or IE8 for me. Just can't beat the addons for Firefox and neither of them auto-update without permission.
There's something important to notice here....
AS of this post ~17% of readers stuck with Chrome. That's pretty amazing for a brand new product to catch near %20 of a market (ignoring any skew due to the audience).

I'm sure apple would be thrilled of they could get that with a single new product release (excepting iPods at least).
There's something important to notice here....
AS of this post ~17% of readers stuck with Chrome. That's pretty amazing for a brand new product to catch near %20 of a market (ignoring any skew due to the audience).

I'm sure apple would be thrilled of they could get that with a single new product release (excepting iPods at least).

less than 20% of a tech enthusiats playground like this is pure fail in my book.

it didnt even touch 1% marketshare when it was released and its losing marketshare since then not gaining.

That may turn around with an official release (Google releasing something not beta?!?!:confused:) but as it stands i dont think anyone would call this launch successful.
There's something important to notice here....
AS of this post ~17% of readers stuck with Chrome. That's pretty amazing for a brand new product to catch near %20 of a market (ignoring any skew due to the audience).

I'm sure apple would be thrilled of they could get that with a single new product release (excepting iPods at least).

But that skew is the reason for it being so high. 17% of 400 people that voted is nowhere near the levels that you would have if you asked everyone on the internet. My guess is that it is probably closer to 1 or 2% for everyone. As other than groups like us, the average public probably has no idea about chrome, how to install it to try it, or why they would want to install it and try it. IE works fine for them, or firefox for those that had it installed by somebody they know. Most are not out there trying to find new browsers to "fix" something that isn't really broke for them.
I love chrome, I use it as my main browser on my home PC but my Linux lappy still has Firefox.
I predicted this right away while people were raving about market share the first week.
It was inevitable that most people once their curiosity was slaked, would return to their full featured browsers.

I did what most people did who gave Chrome the blip in its first week. I downloaded the tech demo tried it and went back to my main browsers (Firefox mainly and Opera sometimes). Chrome is after all a fairly featureless tech demo.

I was a long time Opera user that would check out Mozilla/Firefox on major updates but always return to Opera until the Day when firefox finally pulled ahead.

If Chrome ever gets out of demo stage and become a real full featured browser, I will give it another look. But right now its years behind.
I use Firefox and to lesser extent Flock and Opera… I usually have multiple portable/usb versions of all browsers for website testing purposes. But I’m completely sold on Firefox… Have been since around version 0.8?...

One of the biggest reasons for me to ditch chrome was getting an annoying flash ad with audio about an adult dating site or something while I was on a torrent site. Talk about embarrassing, now everyone thinks I was looking up porn. My Firefox is fitted with Adblocker and Flashblock among many other addons like web developer toolbar, Scrapbook, PDF Download, Download Statusbar, Stealthier.

Still having another browser out there is hardly a bad thing, as long as they conform to the standards. It would be good to see IE loose a ton more market share to browsers like chrome, opera and Firefox. It’s been a thorn in the interest side for so long, limiting the design possibilities of sites, forcing developers to do work-arrounds that result in more lines of code, more bandwidth used and slower load speeds in users browsers. Microsoft either needs to play ball or bugger off, IE6 was a nightmare and even though IE7 is an improvement it still needs tons of work.

(Note on adblocker, a nice thing to do occasionally is disable it and click on some ads on your favorite sites to support them… a click is often worth far more then 1000 views)
No MAC version yet. I will make the call on this one once it comes to OSX.
I have tried it in Windows, and really like it... since I don't really use any FF add-ons anyway.
I liked it but it freezes too much on me. And yea all the tabs can freeze at the same time despite what they suggested. And no it's not my computer freezing.

it's the UI freezing, not the tabs (processes).
the benefit is that the processes are still running in the background, as they claimed, even if you can't see them. it's not completely apparent how this would help people who primarily view static pages and flash, though. but google has an amazing ability of foresight...of course, this is probably due to cataloging every human endeavor on the web for the past decade ;)

not sure what to do about fixing the ui freezing short of shadowing the ui process and then seamlessly switching to the 2nd instance if the 1st one doesn't respond after a few seconds.
No MAC version yet. I will make the call on this one once it comes to OSX.
I have tried it in Windows, and really like it... since I don't really use any FF add-ons anyway.

Its all I use on Windows now, and the moment it is available on OS X that will be my main browser there as well. Webkit speed and a minimal interface, can't go wrong.
I went back to using firefox for 99% of the time, but I listen to a radio station online that wont work with firefox, so I use chrome instead of IE.
I am using Firefox a lot more at home and it's the only one I use at work, primarily because it didn't have exploits and security flaws on it's initial launch day, and if there is a flaw or a security problem it's fixed the same day it makes news, IE, well, that's always having issues they can never resolve completely until they move away from the source code that Vista, 2000, 2003, and XP use since it was leaked years ago.