Chris Hansen’s “To Catch a Predator” to Seek Revival

Age of consent is 16 in a lot of states. The law does not mean 18+ or no touch. Also in several European countries it is 14. The age of consent at 18 is something that is a very new concept.

Kids not having their work careers start 18 or not having a year or two stint in the military is a new concept.
Maybe some are playing Devil's Advocate here. But it's this simple. There's just NEVER a good reason for an adult, male or female, to go alone to the house of a minor, male or female, that they just met online and think is alone. That's it. Bottom line. Doesn't matter what the age of consent is or anything else. There's just no reason for that kind of behavior that's going to lead to much good.
To me, the show always felt like half the people were paid actors and the other half were guys that probably lived off of Social Security due to being incapable of comprehending how to dress themselves, i.e. mentally deficient and taken advantage of by the "bait" girls.
To me, the show always felt like half the people were paid actors and the other half were guys that probably lived off of Social Security due to being incapable of comprehending how to dress themselves, i.e. mentally deficient and taken advantage of by the "bait" girls.

Not sure how a grown man gets taken advantage of by going over to a stranger's house that no one forced him to go to.
I knew someone that was nailed in this type situation. He basically was a loser type that probably had difficulty getting any type of attention. So now someone on the internets is giving him attention, and yeah, he would do anything suggested. I don't know the circumstances but he got nailed. Was he a sexual predator? I don't think so. Its like the mentally deficient student that was nailed for being a drug dealer because a cop befriended him and pushed him to get some pot. You really need to have some greater standard here.
Not sure how a grown man gets taken advantage of by going over to a stranger's house that no one forced him to go to.

If he lacks the wherewithal to put on a pair of pants, it's unlikely he's got much going on up there to even think of what kind of situation he's being baited into.
If he lacks the wherewithal to put on a pair of pants, it's unlikely he's got much going on up there to even think of what kind of situation he's being baited into.

Baited into? If a grown man has trouble knowing that he has no business going alone to the house of a minor girl that he met online he thinks is alone he needs help.
Anyone care to explain how any of this truly helps anyone?
Anyone care to explain how any of this truly helps anyone?

Hopefully any man who truly didn't really get why they had no business going over to a minor girl's house he met online got some help. Not saying that this happened but yeah, I think that's something helpful that could have come out of this.
Out of touch? Umm...No. Age of minor, is often times the age of majority, which is not the same as age of consent, age to drink, smoke, vote etc etc. Age of majority also changes from state to state, some most states it is 18, others it is 19, others 21, but to be legal across the board, the age is 21. Age of majority just means you have legal control (from your parents etc) by law, however many things are still restricted until 21. So again, not a clear cut age.

As for the minor is illegal, more states have a age of consent (all states do, not just some like you suggest) of 16 than those of 18 (31 are 16yo and only 12 are 18yo).

Tell you what, go to one of those "Age of consent" states and tag some little 17y/o princess against her parents wishes and see how that works out for you. I know a couple guys who did just that and a month after they turned 18 got the brand new lifestyle of informing all their neighbors they are registered sex offenders because the girl feared her parents wrath far more then telling the truth. While you are at it, feel free to name one of those states where 18 isn't considered being a legal adult of military age where they can join without requiring parental consent.

Maybe some are playing Devil's Advocate here. But it's this simple. There's just NEVER a good reason for an adult, male or female, to go alone to the house of a minor, male or female, that they just met online and think is alone. That's it. Bottom line. Doesn't matter what the age of consent is or anything else. There's just no reason for that kind of behavior that's going to lead to much good.

This all day. Ignoring the ones who want to argue this whole age of consent diversion nonsense, the reality is all the girls in this situation were 12-14..far below that age of consent nonsense anyhow. There is never EVER a good reason for an adult to be taking a trip to some kid they met on the internet's house. So no I don't feel any pity for these dirtbags. For that matter if too many of them stuck a gun in their mouth due to "embarrassment" then frankly I view that show as a public service. There should only be 1 thought that passes through any guys mind when a girl that young "invites" them over; HELL NO. If that isn't the first thought, well you have a serious problem.
Anyone care to explain how any of this truly helps anyone?

They caught felons and child predators on the show - not just your typical joe walking down the street. Those people off the street is always a good thing.
Who was it that said something to the effect of, "When a show makes you feel sorry for a potential child molester, you know something's wrong"? I always felt vaguely scummy the few times I watched the show. It just never sat right with me.
This all day. Ignoring the ones who want to argue this whole age of consent diversion nonsense, the reality is all the girls in this situation were 12-14..far below that age of consent nonsense anyhow. There is never EVER a good reason for an adult to be taking a trip to some kid they met on the internet's house. So no I don't feel any pity for these dirtbags. For that matter if too many of them stuck a gun in their mouth due to "embarrassment" then frankly I view that show as a public service. There should only be 1 thought that passes through any guys mind when a girl that young "invites" them over; HELL NO. If that isn't the first thought, well you have a serious problem.

I'm just not getting it. Bait? Entrapment? Consent age? Some really creepy comments being made to defend behavior that's beyond question wrong. I'm not saying that everyone on that show was a pedophile but there's just no excuse for a grown man to be in that situation unless he has some serious problems. Even if they weren't a pedophile they needed help.
Feel sorry for a grown man doing something completely wrong and improper? Nope.

This to infinity.

There is no "higher principle" within the contexts of "rights" the very second that individual actually makes a move...and not just a move - but actually shows up and walks in the door. Noone strong-armed that person into making the decision to go.

They went, and now they pay the price.
I have a feeling lots of lonely dudes on this forum would fall under the scope of Chris Hansen if the show came back.
How the heck does it cost a half million dollars to produce one episode of this show? Its some cameras in a house and a computer which they surely already own.
I guess they probably have lawyers, insurance and other similar kinds of fees. I watched a little bit of an episode just now.... yikes, those guys are totally guilty... I wonder though if there are any cases where the guy doesn't walk into the house and therefore does not get busted? or is he busted the moment he enters the property?
I guess they probably have lawyers, insurance and other similar kinds of fees. I watched a little bit of an episode just now.... yikes, those guys are totally guilty... I wonder though if there are any cases where the guy doesn't walk into the house and therefore does not get busted? or is he busted the moment he enters the property?

They are committing a felony the second they begin that type of conversation with a minor online. So, they're guilty long before they even step foot on property. Remember, the show doesn't "advertise" for these people, they make contact with the undercovers posing as minors in seedy parts of the internet.

Notice that Chris has the log of their (the perverts') conversations with the undercover and knows exactly what's going on.

It's quite ingenious actually. The cops must love the show :p
our justice system doesn't specialize in help. the people heatlesssun are responding to are arguing for the fact that clearly some of the perpetrators needed help so he shouldn't be confused by their points--they agree.

no one was taken off the street. showing up at an underage girl's house is not indicative of a predator--not to our justice system anyway. at worst it's a felony and likely the first felony the person committed, or another sex offense they've already done. all those guys were caught and released with a new brand on their name. no help of any kind except maybe, maybe], sex offender "treatment"

the show costs millions because of production costs but also because they paid private contractors and the perverted justice jokers big bucks.

the cops loved the show alright, but not for the reasons people would suspect. they got dibs on all the goodies they wanted. someone shows up in a nice rig? guess the brass has a new truck come monday. nice mustang? who wants it...

as for whether the prosecution wanted these cases? multiple spokespersons for various jurisdictions stated there were often so many problems with the cases they couldn't make them stick.

those chat logs? this is a tech site and I'm completely baffled why anyone here would put any stock in chat logs as evidence. Hanson was basically holding cut/paste notepad versions of the logs. the logs were kept by perverted justice and redacted the few times prosecutors were able to pry them from their hard drives.

the whole thing was a shit show from beginning to end and it's sad that people would fall for that kind of sloppy version of "justice" simply because it happened to target the pariahs of society. I can't imagine anyone wanting to come to the defense of a sex offender, they even get shit upon and worse in prison, but that doesn't mean we cheer this kind of nonsense on. and it damn sure doesn't net anyone dangerous enough to worry about.

it's easy to not see yourself in the shoes of a sex offender and think they got what they deserved. but if you imagine that some wingnuts got it up their ass to do "twisted justice" or something related to thefts and someone was offering up really nice tablets or phones or motherboards and you all went to their house and got nabbed for theft by receiving or some shit you'd hopefully be singing a different tune.
Tell you what, go to one of those "Age of consent" states and tag some little 17y/o princess against her parents wishes and see how that works out for you. I know a couple guys who did just that and a month after they turned 18 got the brand new lifestyle of informing all their neighbors they are registered sex offenders because the girl feared her parents wrath far more then telling the truth. While you are at it, feel free to name one of those states where 18 isn't considered being a legal adult of military age where they can join without requiring parental consent.

Parents forcing a girl who by law can choose to have sex has nothing to do with the law other than the parents breaking it. And if you think a young person seeking sex doesn't really know what they are doing, you are a very deceived person. I know what I thought about when I was 15-16, and I knew full well what it meant and the implications, hell, even when I was 12, before that I had other things on my mind, but I was still a horny fucker, it is part of our nature, it is built in.

Military is Federal, Federal laws do not state age of consent or have anything to do with it, but personal license only on specific things. Mississippi has one of the highest age of majority, which is 21. But as I said before, age of majority has nothing to do with age of consent.

our justice system doesn't specialize in help. the people heatlesssun are responding to are arguing for the fact that clearly some of the perpetrators needed help so he shouldn't be confused by their points--they agree.

no one was taken off the street. showing up at an underage girl's house is not indicative of a predator--not to our justice system anyway. at worst it's a felony and likely the first felony the person committed, or another sex offense they've already done. all those guys were caught and released with a new brand on their name. no help of any kind except maybe, maybe], sex offender "treatment"

the show costs millions because of production costs but also because they paid private contractors and the perverted justice jokers big bucks.

the cops loved the show alright, but not for the reasons people would suspect. they got dibs on all the goodies they wanted. someone shows up in a nice rig? guess the brass has a new truck come monday. nice mustang? who wants it...

as for whether the prosecution wanted these cases? multiple spokespersons for various jurisdictions stated there were often so many problems with the cases they couldn't make them stick.

those chat logs? this is a tech site and I'm completely baffled why anyone here would put any stock in chat logs as evidence. Hanson was basically holding cut/paste notepad versions of the logs. the logs were kept by perverted justice and redacted the few times prosecutors were able to pry them from their hard drives.

the whole thing was a shit show from beginning to end and it's sad that people would fall for that kind of sloppy version of "justice" simply because it happened to target the pariahs of society. I can't imagine anyone wanting to come to the defense of a sex offender, they even get shit upon and worse in prison, but that doesn't mean we cheer this kind of nonsense on. and it damn sure doesn't net anyone dangerous enough to worry about.

it's easy to not see yourself in the shoes of a sex offender and think they got what they deserved. but if you imagine that some wingnuts got it up their ass to do "twisted justice" or something related to thefts and someone was offering up really nice tablets or phones or motherboards and you all went to their house and got nabbed for theft by receiving or some shit you'd hopefully be singing a different tune.

More or less this. Shows like this remind me of how everyone was shocked that the show "pimp my ride" was a scam, was totally fake, the real people who got something done to their cars had to shoot the unveiling shots over and over because they didn't think people were happy enough, the cars were shit and broke down all the time and were only made to look good on TV and work for a few hours to get some video.

As for the others who don't get the mentally undeveloped statements some people are making about some of the people they were "catching", you are trying to say it is wrong to have sex with someone who is young because they "don't know any better", yet someone who is older, but mentally retarded its fine to push them into something like this and arrest them when they really don't have any idea what they are doing is "wrong" and put a stamp on their name for the rest of their life? Yes, that is making the world a better place right there for sure, and we are doing it all for ratings and money. :rolleyes:
Feel sorry for a grown man doing something completely wrong and improper? Nope.
I have a hard time being comfortable with lives getting destroyed on television for entertainment purposes, no matter how much they deserve it. You have to remember, a lot of these guys have family and friends who are likewise going to be devastated—making a televised circus out of it only worsens the collateral damage of their actions.

Continue busting them of course, but not for our jollies and so a media company can make a buck.
I have a hard time being comfortable with lives getting destroyed on television for entertainment purposes, no matter how much they deserve it. You have to remember, a lot of these guys have family and friends who are likewise going to be devastated—making a televised circus out of it only worsens the collateral damage of their actions.

Continue busting them of course, but not for our jollies and so a media company can make a buck.

I can understand having issues with the commercialization. But to my knowledge everyone of the guys on this show was a grown man who thought he was going to house of a minor girl he met online and thought was alone. There's no defense for this behavior. None, nada, zip. Unless we're talking about a man with psychological issues and truly doesn't get that this behavior is wrong.
I can understand having issues with the commercialization. But to my knowledge everyone of the guys on this show was a grown man who thought he was going to house of a minor girl he met online and thought was alone. There's no defense for this behavior. None, nada, zip. Unless we're talking about a man with psychological issues and truly doesn't get that this behavior is wrong.
I'm certainly not defending these guys. As I said, continue busting them.
I think I caught one of these before. I do remember there was a case where the guy was trying to help and he got burned and these guys ruined his life. If I remember correctly, the guy was concerned for this girl soliciting online and went to make sure she was ok. Insert "no good deed goes unpunished".

I'm wondering if that's why they got taken off the air.
I think I caught one of these before. I do remember there was a case where the guy was trying to help and he got burned and these guys ruined his life. If I remember correctly, the guy was concerned for this girl soliciting online and went to make sure she was ok. Insert "no good deed goes unpunished".

I'm wondering if that's why they got taken off the air.

I'm 46, have no LE, psychology or other training in these matters. Why in the hell would I rush over to a minor girls house to "help" them out of this? Why not call the cops? And why go over there alone?! Heck, if someone is that concerned drive over there and wait for the cops. If the situation were real and say the girl was already with another guy and I just barged over there that situation could go downhill fast and very, very badly.

I've seen this show a number of times and this "I was trying to help" story was used more than once. But the tines I saw it they had a transcript that obviously made the case that "help" wasn't the reason the guy showed up.

There's just something very disturbing about this thread to me. Maybe it's because I'm getting to be an old fart and understand things now I didn't when I was younger. But even when I was younger knew it wasn't a good idea to be alone with minor teenage girls I didn't know. That is a bad situation for any man to put himself in.
I have a hard time being comfortable with lives getting destroyed on television for entertainment purposes, no matter how much they deserve it. You have to remember, a lot of these guys have family and friends who are likewise going to be devastated—making a televised circus out of it only worsens the collateral damage of their actions.

Continue busting them of course, but not for our jollies and so a media company can make a buck.

I could go with this.
Parents forcing a girl who by law can choose to have sex has nothing to do with the law other than the parents breaking it. And if you think a young person seeking sex doesn't really know what they are doing, you are a very deceived person. I know what I thought about when I was 15-16, and I knew full well what it meant and the implications, hell, even when I was 12, before that I had other things on my mind, but I was still a horny fucker, it is part of our nature, it is built in.

Military is Federal, Federal laws do not state age of consent or have anything to do with it, but personal license only on specific things. Mississippi has one of the highest age of majority, which is 21. But as I said before, age of majority has nothing to do with age of consent.

More or less this. Shows like this remind me of how everyone was shocked that the show "pimp my ride" was a scam, was totally fake, the real people who got something done to their cars had to shoot the unveiling shots over and over because they didn't think people were happy enough, the cars were shit and broke down all the time and were only made to look good on TV and work for a few hours to get some video.

As for the others who don't get the mentally undeveloped statements some people are making about some of the people they were "catching", you are trying to say it is wrong to have sex with someone who is young because they "don't know any better", yet someone who is older, but mentally retarded its fine to push them into something like this and arrest them when they really don't have any idea what they are doing is "wrong" and put a stamp on their name for the rest of their life? Yes, that is making the world a better place right there for sure, and we are doing it all for ratings and money. :rolleyes:

I never said the minor didn't know what they were doing. I said it is against the law period and the adult should damn well know better.

You keep dodging around what we stated by legal adult age and nevermind you just quoted and agreed with one of the biggest trolls on the forum. Clearly you aren't trying to have a real debate here.
Tell you what, go to one of those "Age of consent" states and tag some little 17y/o princess against her parents wishes and see how that works out for you. I know a couple guys who did just that and a month after they turned 18 got the brand new lifestyle of informing all their neighbors they are registered sex offenders because the girl feared her parents wrath far more then telling the truth. While you are at it, feel free to name one of those states where 18 isn't considered being a legal adult of military age where they can join without requiring parental consent.

This all day. Ignoring the ones who want to argue this whole age of consent diversion nonsense, the reality is all the girls in this situation were 12-14..far below that age of consent nonsense anyhow. There is never EVER a good reason for an adult to be taking a trip to some kid they met on the internet's house. So no I don't feel any pity for these dirtbags. For that matter if too many of them stuck a gun in their mouth due to "embarrassment" then frankly I view that show as a public service. There should only be 1 thought that passes through any guys mind when a girl that young "invites" them over; HELL NO. If that isn't the first thought, well you have a serious problem.
First of all, although there's absolutely no reason to believe you're telling the truth, if your buddies were placed on the sex offender registry for consensual sex with a 17 year old female, it's hard to understand why you'd support that kind of legislation. Even if sex offender registries were useful they should be reserved for dangerous predators, not every single male from 16-66 who may or may not have peed in a public setting, had sex with a close aged opposite sex partner, had sex of any age with a same sex partner, or gotten a BJ from a male or female of any age. Complete misuse of finite law enforcement resources, and massive lists only serve to hide the actual threats.

Also, BlueFireIce is not creating a diversion or dodging your questions he's explaining how the law actually works to you. For whatever reasons you either can't understand or refuse to understand and, true to form, when faced with a concept you disagree with your response is to personally attack and label someone a troll.

You can't find a single thing to object to in the part he quoted so I'm the biggest troll on the forum to you, kudos.
Also, BlueFireIce is not creating a diversion or dodging your questions he's explaining how the law actually works to you. For whatever reasons you either can't understand or refuse to understand and, true to form, when faced with a concept you disagree with your response is to personally attack and label someone a troll.

You can't find a single thing to object to in the part he quoted so I'm the biggest troll on the forum to you, kudos.

It doesn't matter how the law works. There's simply no good reason for a grown man to go over to house of minor girl he met online and thinks is alone.
no, heatlesssun, in this country behavior is regulated via laws on the books not how some middle-aged guy on the internet thinks the world should work based on his moral compass
no, heatlesssun, in this country behavior is regulated via laws on the books not how some middle-aged guy on the internet thinks the world should work based on his moral compass

Perception is often reality. I've yet to hear one person come up with a good reason for a grown man to go over alone to the house of a minor girl he met online and thinks is alone. A guy gets caught doing something like that and most people are going to think he's a pervert and then there's ZERO the law can do about that kind of stigma.
Perception is often reality. I've yet to hear one person come up with a good reason for a grown man to go over alone to the house of a minor girl he met online and thinks is alone. A guy gets caught doing something like that and most people are going to think he's a pervert and then there's ZERO the law can do about that kind of stigma.
of course you haven't heard one good reason. you've already stated that you believe there is no good reason so any reason anyone provides to you will be, by your own definition, not a good reason :rolleyes:

that's how you seem to lock yourself into these bizarre discussions
of course you haven't heard one good reason. you've already stated that you believe there is no good reason so any reason anyone provides to you will be, by your own definition, not a good reason :rolleyes:

that's how you seem to lock yourself into these bizarre discussions

You have some common sense in order to function in this world. I'm 46, I've got no business going over to a minor's house that I just met online that I think is alone. And neither do you.
I never said the minor didn't know what they were doing. I said it is against the law period and the adult should damn well know better.

You keep dodging around what we stated by legal adult age and nevermind you just quoted and agreed with one of the biggest trolls on the forum. Clearly you aren't trying to have a real debate here.

You said it was illegal to have sexual relations with anyone not 18+, which is not the case and is what I have pointed out based on current law.

I dodged around nothing and talked about everything head-on. Legal adult age is not the same across the board and is why I said to be a "legal adult across the board" you need to be 21 years of age. This is the same as age of consent, it changes, you could have a fine legal relationship with someone in one state, and cross the state line and now you are in trouble, but nothing has changed.

I also do not care who people label or what they label them, if what they state is correct why should I say otherwise? To dismiss out of hand because of personal feelings toward someone is something you expect from a child, not a reasoning adult.
What all this worrying about the morality of minors making bad choices seems to imply is that it's just fine to take advantage of girl's making bad choices as soon as they're age 18. I would hope that people were responsible and considerate regardless of their respective ages.
I bet in nearly every case the guy would've shown up at the house had the ages been legal. Hell, by the looks of it they'd go for old grannies too and probably would've been more relaxed knowing they aren't gonna get em preggers.
That's what I like about high school girls... I get older, they stay the same age...

alright alright alriggggght.
Perception is often reality. I've yet to hear one person come up with a good reason for a grown man to go over alone to the house of a minor girl he met online and thinks is alone. A guy gets caught doing something like that and most people are going to think he's a pervert and then there's ZERO the law can do about that kind of stigma.

I've yet to hear a good reason why a man would want a female to go to town on him using a strap-on.

I've yet to hear a good reason why cops should be able confiscate large amounts of money from you.

But yet both of these things are completely legal (in most states).

Doesn't matter what I think.