Choosing a case for PA 120.3

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Sep 22, 2008
So I've finally jumped into the deep end and joined the world of WCing. Now I just need a case to house everything. Using a coolermaster ATC 111 right now. Just picked a TC PA120.3 from microcenter on clearance for $87 and put in an order for a D-Tek Fuzionv2, a DD CPx Pro pump, Bitspower Water Tank, and using Tygon 7/16 ID tubing. Planning on adding a a couple of waterblocks to cool my 4850's in CF as well but that'll come when the funds come. Right now I'm really having a hard time deciding which case to get. I was considering the CM690 from microcenter at a really good price but as I want to internally mount the rad it seems a bit small. Which case would it be easiest to mount a 120.3 without too much modding as well as leaving enough room for another possible loop for the GPU WB's? Looking to spendless than $250 and want to stay with Coolermaster, Lian Li, or Silverstone.

Thanks guys,


Woot woot! I got a TC PA120.3 for 87$ from Microcenter as well yesterday :)

I am going to be holding onto it for a bit because it wont fit easily into my V1000 that I have (case isn't long enough and the TC is too thick blocking too many slots). So I would definitely recommend getting the extra long version of the LianLi V series if you go for those.
Consider a MM case, but it's going to be more than $250. It mounts the PA120.3 the way it was designed to be mounted and has loads of room for expansion.
I think the mountain mods cases are a little too big if there is such a thing and not a big fan of all the acrylic in the danger den cases. Has anyone mounted a the 120.3 in the new coolermaster HAF? I know you can mount a 3 fan RAD in the HAF but I've only seen it with thinner rads like the swiftech mcr320 or the BI3 GTS. Definitely leaning towards a Lian Li but the V series is a little out of my budget. I'd rather go with a cheaper case and hack it to bits rather then mess up one of the lian li beauties.
1 vote for finding a Rocketfish full tower FS by someone on here for under $100 (but you can't have mine)
I think the mountain mods cases are a little too big...

Have you ever seen one in the "flesh?" 18 inches square isn't going to take over your computer room, at least I hope not. ;) The difference in mounting water cooling gear is pronounced though, as in easy as pie. I'd have to be hard-pressed to go back to a standard width case for water.
I think the mountain mods cases are a little too big if there is such a thing and not a big fan of all the acrylic in the danger den cases. Has anyone mounted a the 120.3 in the new coolermaster HAF? I know you can mount a 3 fan RAD in the HAF but I've only seen it with thinner rads like the swiftech mcr320 or the BI3 GTS. Definitely leaning towards a Lian Li but the V series is a little out of my budget. I'd rather go with a cheaper case and hack it to bits rather then mess up one of the lian li beauties.

I have an HAF case, the TC 120.3 will fit, but its going to take a lot of the 5.25 bays, probably like the top 2 or 3. Which is why I went with the MCR320
Well I did it. It's one in the morning and I just sealed the deal on the old V2000B. Gonna try to mount the PSU on it's side as well as the Rad. That way I can try to get cooler air from outside the case. Got a pretty good deal too. It's discounted at Mwave for $205 with $25 shipping to Chicago. So $230 altogether which isn't bad and I stayed under my budget of $250. Man my comp cost $1400 and the WC/Case is going to run me another $600. Oh well, in this economy, I'm doing my part to try to stimulate it :)

You think a PA120.1 would fit well on top of the case with the 4850 in the 3 or 4rth slot since the mobo is mounted upside down. Planning on adding two wb's for my GPU's once my next paycheck comes.
What about the Silverstone TJ07? fits PA 120.3 Rads fine. Fits a quad Rad in the lower compartment.
I've got 2 swifties (320 and 220) under the lower compartment.

Might want to check Swale's setup here
MountainMods is simply the perfect case for WaterCooling, period...

Its also one of the most expensive. Though I'd say the fact that you don't have to try too hard to build a good loop without modifying either the hood of the bottom of a case in order to fit a radiator(s) makes it worth the extra $$$. MM cases are expensive, but they are worth it IMO.
MountainMods is simply the perfect case for WaterCooling, period...

one of the perfect cases . . .

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***brought to you by the Mountain Mods and Danger Den Fan Boi Klubs of America
MountainMods is simply the perfect case for WaterCooling, period...

Uhm, if you want a cubic mile of case that doesn't fit on or near a desk, I guess...

There's no such thing as a perfect case. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, in the hands of the situation.
There's no such thing as a perfect case. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, in the hands of the situation.

Agreed. I personally like the standard tower but i admit that some MM cases do look cool. If going with a full-tower i'd get something like a TJ-07, TJ-09 or its big brother the TJ-10, its sligtly longer than the 09 and has front door. Mounting a rad is quite easy with all of these, there is actually a Silverstone kit that allows one to mount the rad on the interior top of TJ09/10 cases. I dont know if it will work with other cases though, who knows. Lets also not forget the king of all full towers the CM Stacker 830, one awesome looking case with plenty of room for everything.
Hardly perfect, it is a very large case and some people just don't want something so large. It is a great case, but not perfect.

Perfect case for water cooling is what RR said. It's broad footprint is what makes it far more suitable than a standard width case for serious water. I don't see perfection anywhere, so he was a over the top in that, IMO, but I understand and agree with his sentiments.
The MM's were a little out of my price range and I did settle on a new lian li V2000B Plus II for "only" $205. No too mention... like I said not a big fan of the "look". All personal preference anyways. Working on the build right now and I'm happy with the way everything is turning out. Waiting for the 2 GFX2 to come in and a chilled pc rad grill coming all the way from england because jab-tech is out of stock.

Have the PA 120.3 mounted sideways on the bottom with the fans pulling out. I didn't want the fans facing down and pushing heat out of the case only to have it rise and warm the case back up. If I need more cooling I can mount a single rad next to the cpu or cut another hole to mount a single or double rad up top. Most of this is for "fun" and a great learning experience since I haven't really modded anything and the lian li is perfect for just that.

Thanks for all the input.
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I am going to delete from where this all went wrong not all deleted posts were infractions or there posters considered "wrong" or in violation of the rules but instead are not really useful and make no sense if left without the posts that are in violation. I am not going to award infractions but next time I will have no mercy. Play nice or go away. Again I repeat, not all deleted posts were in violation and I regret having to delete them but feel it is best for thread integrity.

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