China Hates Apple


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Apparently this has been going on for a while, but this is the first time I have read about it. While the Chinese government cites illegal content such as gambling apps, industry analysts, that are familiar with the way a communist government thinks, said this needed to be seen as a bigger part of the US / China trade conflict. Maybe we get to see iPhone manufacturer come back to the US? A company worth $1 trillion dollars should be able to afford that, right?

On Tuesday evening, the same day as Apple’s earnings, China’s official state broadcaster railed against the firm in a 30 minute special report, accusing it of allowing illegal content, including gambling apps, onto its platform. The program was one of at least five reports by state media that targeted the company in the past week.

“The Chinese government is maybe trying to warn the U.S. government in a similar way by saying, your tech firm in China is not that safe either,” he said.
Apple loves China where else can you get such cheap labor from? China doesn't give a shit about regulation or if a 13 yr old is making an Apple device or anything else. It all comes down to how much Apple saves on that device. Moving it to America means they will no longer be a $1 Trillion company.
No biggie. Vietnam would welcome them in with open arms, and have cheaper labor to boot.
No biggie. Vietnam would welcome them in with open arms, and have cheaper labor to boot.

Yep, there are lots of countries out there that would let Apple bring their manufacturing business there. China doesn't have much of an economy without companies using their cheap labor so running off those businesses isn't that smart.
Exactly. Their country would bust, rather quickly without the US market. They would rather go to war with us, than lose our business. Both would have dire consequences.

the US only accounts for 14% of China's total world wide trade both import/export, according to 2015 numbers. While still a lot, it wouldnt END them. they have diversified very well over the past decades.

EDIT: forgot to include link
the US only accounts for 14% of China's total world wide trade both import/export, according to 2015 numbers. While still a lot, it wouldnt END them. they have diversified very well over the past decades.

EDIT: forgot to include link
Not sure how much pain it would be for us being without cheap Chinese goods... I think one thing is true though, some companies moved to china for mega profits, not for existencial do or die shit... So full blown trade war, i expect profits to sink and some companies to probably leave USA altougheter.
Not sure how much pain it would be for us being without cheap Chinese goods...

Depends on location I think.

The coastal areas can get by with higher prices, they don't really shop at Walmart as religiously as, say, in West Virginia.

Plus the higher wages, translating to spending power, can absorb spending an extra dollar on most products. So mileage may vary, but certainly anything financial (prices, jobs) of this sort usually affects middle America more than the coastal regions.
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Not sure how much pain it would be for us being without cheap Chinese goods....

I don't think it would be good... what's Walmart (and so many others) going to sell? And since they are the largest private employer in the US that's going to have serious repercussions...
Depends on location I think.

The coastal areas can get by with higher prices, they don't really shop at Walmart as religiously as, say, in West Virginia.

Plus the higher wages, translating to spending power, can absorb spending an extra dollar on most products. So mileage may vary, but certainly anything financial (prices, jobs) of this sort usually affects middle America more than the coastal regions.

Sure you can't toss a few more ignorant stereotypes in there? You haven't got a clue if you think Chinese products are only at Walmart....
Oh, yes, you do.
US needs to wean off cheap Chinese labor. It is like opium, it feels good when you are able to buy cheap goods and you develop a dependence on it. While at the same time, you are also weakened by it. You think you are ok because higher value-added products can be developed. China wants that too. This is understandable. If they are playing fair, that is no problem and is good competition. But that is not what they are doing. With their 2025 initiative, China wants to dominate western countries in 7 years (yes 7 years). So China set up an industrial policy to force you to hand over your technology if you want to sell in their market, use state resources to support Chinese companies and set up all kinds of regulatory roadblocks to favor Chinese companies in China. At the same time, the Chinese state is engaging in industrial espionage to steal technology to support Chinese companies. US companies need to find alternates and diversify their manufacturing sources.
US needs to wean off cheap Chinese labor. It is like opium, it feels good when you are able to buy cheap goods and you develop a dependence on it. While at the same time, you are also weakened by it. You think you are ok because higher value-added products can be developed. China wants that too. This is understandable. If they are playing fair, that is no problem and is good competition. But that is not what they are doing. With their 2025 initiative, China wants to dominate western countries in 7 years (yes 7 years). So China set up an industrial policy to force you to hand over your technology if you want to sell in their market, use state resources to support Chinese companies and set up all kinds of regulatory roadblocks to favor Chinese companies in China. At the same time, the Chinese state is engaging in industrial espionage to steal technology to support Chinese companies. US companies need to find alternates and diversify their manufacturing sources.

Naw just nuke em from orbit. Its far simpler and its really the only way to be sure.
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Sure you can't toss a few more ignorant stereotypes in there? You haven't got a clue if you think Chinese products are only at Walmart....

1. He/she didn't say (or imply) that "Chinese products are only at Walmart"
2. What ignorant stereotypes? That West Virginians shop at Wal-mart at a higher per capita rate than do the populations of coastal cities? I suspect that is simply a matter of data, not stereotype. But I'm willing to be shown to be wrong.
The one thing that the USA is the best at in the entire world is WAR, china would have to go full retard to go to war with the USA. We spend more in defense then all other countries combined on planet earth. So we go back to making quality products here in the US that last vs cheap junk from china. I am willing to pay more!!!!!!!
The one thing that the USA is the best at in the entire world is WAR, china would have to go full retard to go to war with the USA. We spend more in defense then all other countries combined on planet earth. So we go back to making quality products here in the US that last vs cheap junk from china. I am willing to pay more!!!!!!!

Sadly, most are not willing to pay more. If we need to bring low end production to the US it will likely involve automated assembly. So you will get more jobs here (engineers, programmers, machinists) to build and maintenance teams to keep the robots running, but to be able to hit price points consumers want to pay for products, the cost to produce has to be low.

What will start to hurt is the initial investment into robotics. An American company like Apple would have to dump huge amounts of money at first to get it up and running where as Korea based Samsung won't care about making things in America so they will continue as they are and get an even further lead on the competition.

We are not the best at everything, we just like to pound our chests and say we are. There are things we excel at and others not so much. Pride is a weakness not a strength.
The one thing that the USA is the best at in the entire world is WAR, china would have to go full retard to go to war with the USA. We spend more in defense then all other countries combined on planet earth. So we go back to making quality products here in the US that last vs cheap junk from china. I am willing to pay more!!!!!!!

The days of full-scale open warfare among the big boys is long gone. Too many lessons learned after WWII with the Vietnam war, USSR invasion of Afganistan among others. If the biggest players on the war scene suffered such large losses on small scale campaigns, the absolute best that could be hoped for in full open war with another top country would be a pyrrhic one.

So how do you fight with another country without completely getting destroyed yourself in the process? You do it along the economic front, and that is what you are seeing here with China and the US, a way for them to fight and still exist.
lol, what do you people buy from china that is high quality?

You are typing on one such device looking at a website run on devices also made there from components manufactured there. Are you trolling or just ignorant to how much is done in china?

Or are we talking tools? Even companies like Snap-on get some work done in china as well. Hell, even can find some imported stuff in amish stores.
You are typing on one such device looking at a website run on devices also made there from components manufactured there. Are you trolling or just ignorant to how much is done in china?

Or are we talking tools? Even companies like Snap-on get some work done in china as well. Hell, even can find some imported stuff in amish stores.

Tell me what you buy from china that is high quality?
Tell me what you buy from china that is high quality?

Well two of my favorite hobbies include pc gaming (which seems to be well build boards but I assembled myself), and RC truck bashing which most of the parts of my Losi truck are from china.
Tell me what you buy from china that is high quality?

one definition for 'High Quality' is "adhering to an excellent standard of measure; of superior quality"

so, what's considered 'superior quality' ?
Products can be made anywhere. Closing down China doesn't mean jobs come back to the United States, it means that jobs are spread across more of Asia.

There is a concept in Asia that it is shameful to lose the family business, and that the greatest pride is to be the financial leader of your family. In Asia the leaders of industry 'lose face' if they are bought out or subjugated. It is a great embarrassment to be trusted with a large business and see that business shrink during your tenure.

This isn't so in the United States. In the US we don't see our 'legacy'. We are free spirits with the right to look out for our own interests, and right now the 'Captains of Industry' are only interested in how much money they can pull out of a company. In American business nothing matters as much as the false power of personal wealth, and it doesn't matter what happens to our neighbors or our nation as our business leaders acquire it. We didn't lose our industrial might because we wanted cheap products. The United States lost its industrial might because it wanted cheap profits, and through the 70's, 80's and 90's (and 2000's) we got them by selling out or moving manufacturing overseas. Our business leaders sold our country's initiative so they could fund their second McMansion, and now we're spinning in circles trying to figure out what happened.

Remember this, because it is ALWAYS true - the cost to manufacture a product in the United States is the true cost of a product. If you buy a TV made in China for 50% less than that cost you are only deferring that cost to another portion of the economy.

American legislation needs to support American business on American soil.

P.S. First step: American businesses and foreign manufacturing located in America are allowed to deduct 100% of American wages and benefits from their taxes.
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Ok, maybe this is a few things from china that are alright. I just want manufacturing back in the US, put our people to work. I don't like the fact that we would be dependent on another country for goods. The US has become to much of a throw away society. I would rather have a few awesome things then a ton of crap.
I don't think China really hates Apple just because it's a US company.
They don't like anything that threatens their economy or that they can't control. They have quite a few huge phone brands that are directly competing with Apple.
China will fight everything they think threatens their government's tight grip on well, everything.

Ok, maybe this is a few things from china that are alright. I just want manufacturing back in the US, put our people to work. I don't like the fact that we would be dependent on another country for goods. The US has become to much of a throw away society. I would rather have a few awesome things then a ton of crap.

The problem with a few awesome things is that it leads to monopoly. And that is never good for the customers. And I wouldn't call Chinese phones crap. Huawei, Xiaomi, ZTE and many other all make quality phones that are on par with the top offerings from Samsung and Apple and meanwhile keep the price down. Huawei even makes phones that are arguably better than both Apple and Samsungs top phones.
It's really simple. You tax American companies goods that are manufactured in other countries to the point where it costs them more for them to operate their business there, even with the cheap labor (at least in terms of US sales). I don't buy the idea that Apple (in this case) would just charge more for their product... that's why competition is good, it limits this. Apple doesn't need a trillion fucking dollars, their margins are way too high and is at super-stupid levels, and by stupid, I mean both them and us for buying it.

Foreign companies that originated from foreign countries and have always operated there would be excluded from my special "motherland tax".

Example about Apple and their margins:
I had a 2011 iMac. The RAM upgrade for it from Apple at the time was $649 to max it out. I found the EXACT same ram with the EXACT same stepping on Newegg for $64. Seriously, they are literally just taking the fucking piss! I bought the ram and updated the iMac myself, simple as pie. Took less than 30 seconds. Now Apple has disabled that ability, along w/ soldering on every single thing on an iMac and Macbook Pro, to prevent user upgrades to force you into their high margins.

Literally everyone fears Microsoft and being evil and Apple does it right out in the open and in your face. Brazenly screwing over its users and nobody thinks they are evil. I tell you, it's crazy. Somehow evil always wins.
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not everything made in china is crap.

people think knock offs and garbage are the only thing china produces.

take a look at most car parts these days.

i think 60-70 percent of every part box i open says made in china.

Its a shame really, just take a look around your house, see how many things are "made in China" its scary. Speaking of cars, I just heard Tesla is building a plant in China. Yet another manufacturer to blacklist...
the US only accounts for 14% of China's total world wide trade both import/export, according to 2015 numbers. While still a lot, it wouldnt END them. they have diversified very well over the past decades.

It's not about trade. It's about debt and intellectual property.