Chimp Challenge : Official thread

Good job on the threads in the AMD and Console sub forums digital. Added my 2 cents and dug up the thread in the Ape Cave. Theres no good reason for it to have slipped that many pages back. :D

Good job on the threads in the AMD and Console sub forums digital. Added my 2 cents and dug up the thread in the Ape Cave. Theres no good reason for it to have slipped that many pages back. :D

Just got a pm from HighYield suggesting one in the O/C sub forum as well, and it was a bit of a "duh" moment he pointed out, we probably have more horesepower right in that forum than MaxPC does as a whole team......

Hoping to see some activity there as well.......I'm trying guys.... we gotta win this damn thing!!!

Fold On!!!!

I got sideswiped by a major power failure while I was out of town this weekend. It was long enough to knock down all my systems, even the ones on battery backups. Looks like I lost a couple of SMP (had to reload from scratch - corrupt something in them), but I've got everything up and pushing out WU's again at full speed. Sorry for the setback guys. :rolleyes:

I got sideswiped by a major power failure while I was out of town this weekend. It was long enough to knock down all my systems, even the ones on battery backups. Looks like I lost a couple of SMP (had to reload from scratch - corrupt something in them), but I've got everything up and pushing out WU's again at full speed. Sorry for the setback guys. :rolleyes:

So that's why MPC finally beat us on an update today. :D
Talking about power failure, I just realized that my work place will have a full power shutdown today so a crew can upgrade the main power entrance box... That will obviously kill 7 SMP boxens. Tomorrow morning, my first thing to do would be to kick everything back into action and hope none break the deadlines.

Resistance is futile, give up now while you're still in second place.
We gained back everything we lost to you all at the 9 PM update.
Another day down, and only a few left before MPC can officially celebrate.

You guys are good, no doubt about it. But you can't stop the juggernaut that
is Maximum PC maximum_monkeys!!!!

P.S. I feel for you guys that lost power, mine went out last night while I was sleeping.
Lost 8 systems for about 7 hours...
Thought it might help to put together links to all the recruitment threads across the forums.


The Intel thread has been real productive and the PS3 thread is starting to get some attention. However, the AMD and OC threads have very few views and no replies. If there's any salesmen on board, now's your chance to to shine!
Yep...come on guys, help us out with this, any words of encouragement you have would be great...

Now if we could only figure out a way to translate all our forum posts into Chimp Challenge points.
Thought it might help to put together links to all the recruitment threads across the forums.


The Intel thread has been real productive and the PS3 thread is starting to get some attention. However, the AMD and OC threads have very few views and no replies. If there's any salesmen on board, now's your chance to to shine!

Theres also an ATI Thread:
Of course, the original thread. I had a feeling that I was missing one. Added to the list.

Looks like we're not going to beat the MaxPC team if things don't change considerably...

I've already thrown my dual 3870 setup into the challenge that usually is turned off.

At least [H]'s team is still leading the pack overall, just not within the challenge.

Next year we'll do better.
Things are looking bad, I mean real bad, but its not over yet.


Keep firing assholes!
Eekers :eek: Reading some of the posts on this thread can be depressing (ie we might not win, things are real bad, etc)

Some of the things I've always believed are "it ain't over till the fat lady sings" and a little snippet, I think by the great Yogi Berra, "to win, you have to think like a winner".

With all that said and using my quota of 15 words or less for posting the only thing I can say is we've got to get movin' on the pernt (point) front. Members like digital_exhaust and alan2308 are definitely inspirations to us all, they seem to have been non stop drumming up pernts (points) for [H]ardApe.

So as not to disappoint the good people, like alan2308 and digital_exhaust and the many others, that have worked so hard for the [H]orde during this years "Chimp Challenge" We, meaning everybody on the [H]orde team, has gots to tighten up and increase the pernts for [H]ardApe so we can claim our rightful place as the #1 folding team on the "Net".

Go to it [H]ardApe !

Edit: I corrected foding ? to folding (keyboard challenged :()

i just started in the challenge with my qaud core @ 2.4 lol'

but i also decided to throw my macbook pro in the mix so howmuch PPD would i be getting with both anyone know?
+ 1 C2D 3.2GHZ
+ 1 C2D 2.6GHZ
+ 1 x2 4600+ 2.6GHz
+ 1 x2 1.8ghz

Kicking ass priceless ;D
Very Nice! Thanks for helping out! You'll find this is fun and for a great cause even after the Chimp Challenge!

I have a smp client, the newest beta, and running it on core 0,1 and only showing 25%cpu usage although I told it to use 100%, so whats going on?

and how do I run another instance of the Smp client to use core 2,3?
but i also decided to throw my macbook pro in the mix so howmuch PPD would i be getting with both anyone know?

Depends on what CPU the Macbook has and how many SMP clients you run on that quad.

+ 1 C2D 3.2GHZ
+ 1 C2D 2.6GHZ
+ 1 x2 4600+ 2.6GHz
+ 1 x2 1.8ghz

Kicking ass priceless ;D

Hey thanks TechBoy, remember that overweight lady ain't sung yet and with pernt (point) increases like yours we're starting to think like winners :p

Just remember the an ole' sayin' "the winners keep on winnin' and even the loosers win sometimes" even if, as unreal as it may sound, we don't come in first :D

Smoke em' big [H] !

ok so this morning i had to do some server work so i moved over the following SMP clients... they are all dual-dual core xeons but they do a bit of work most of the time so FAH only gets about 50~75% of the processor times

HP DL380 #1
HP DL380 #2
HP DL380 #3
HP DL380 #4
HP ML370 #1
HP ML370 #2
HP ML370 #3
HP ML370 #4
HP ML350 #1
Just added my PS3 and c2d @3.15 for the [H]orde!!!! Have you made a thread in the PS3 subsection, those mofos have serious computing power!
also added a pair of E6750's put SMP client on them... they are dell workstations so no OC :\
ok so this morning i had to do some server work so i moved over the following SMP clients... they are all dual-dual core xeons but they do a bit of work most of the time so FAH only gets about 50~75% of the processor times

HP DL380 #1
HP DL380 #2
HP DL380 #3
HP DL380 #4
HP ML370 #1
HP ML370 #2
HP ML370 #3
HP ML370 #4
HP ML350 #1

Thanks a bunch FLECOM :p I had faith the "heavier hitters" on the [H]orde would be glad to "step up to the plate" and help us folders, with not as many boxen, whop up on the competing teams. (I'd feel sorry for em', but I don't) ;)

Accumulating the most points is what the [H]orde does best :D

Thanks a bunch FLECOM :p I had faith the "heavier hitters" on the [H]orde would be glad to "step up to the plate" and help us folders, with not as many boxen, whop up on the competing teams. (I'd feel sorry for em', but I don't) ;)

Accumulating the most points is what the [H]orde does best :D

well while i would love to move over all my boxes it would be logistically impossible unless there were 20 people here helping me do that lol

i did have my personal workstations on "the challenge" from day 1, but not much else

but i did add 3x Apple MacPro towers, each with dual 3ghz dual core xeons :)

im not sure if they are working tho, i turned it on in the system preferences but top still shows all 4 FAH processes using 0%, so maybe its downloading the WU? i will check on them in a few mins and see whats up


ok ya they are working, i guess they were downloading the WU or pondering the meaning of life or something lol

i just hope its not too little too late, these WU's take FOREVER :eek:
I kept seeing this pop up and I know I couldnt let [H]ard lose at something so I added some for the cause.

X2 6400+ @ 3.5Ghz
X2 5000+ @ 3.0Ghz
P4 1.7Ghz
I kept seeing this pop up and I know I couldnt let [H]ard lose at something so I added some for the cause.

X2 6400+ @ 3.5Ghz
X2 5000+ @ 3.0Ghz
P4 1.7Ghz

Thank you for joining Redleader. We're all here if you have any questions.