Chasing the 900 Million Point Month

900,000,000 - Goal
760,386,864 - Done so far this month
139,613,136 To reach our goal

There are 5 days left in the month, and 8 updates at EOC per day

8 * 5 = 40
+ 2 updates remaining today (9 and Midnight)
42 Total updates

139,613,136 / 42 is

(rounded up)

We WILL make that!
If I can get my garage re-arranged a bit I might be able to relocate the 4P out there and get back to work.
Thanks guys for all your help with the Chimp Challenge! I've added an i7 950 and a GTX 560 Ti under the OCFthanks[H] name. Let's smash that 900M goal and narrow the gap between [H] and EVGA :)
Thanks guys for all your help with the Chimp Challenge! I've added an i7 950 and a GTX 560 Ti under the OCFthanks[H] name. Let's smash that 900M goal and narrow the gap between [H] and EVGA :)

Welcome aboard ebug
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 2 - 9PM Status Report

In this 2nd last update for Day 2 we added another 210,656 points.
That brings our total for today to over 2.08 million points from the USS Poo Flinger.
We also broke into the Top 20 producers for [H] and only on our 2nd day!
Well done Team32 Crew

Pour it on [H]!!
Wish I was home to get the NES folding, wouldn't do much but it's something lol

Atleast I'm still getting my 450k ppd lol
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 2 - Mission Report

In thelast update for Day 2 we added another 220,997 points. This brought our total for day 2 to 2,301,488 points from the USS Poo Flinger.
Overall, [H]ardOCP had a total of 32,166,072 for today. That was a nice big jump compared to a few days ago :D
We also broke into the Top 19 producers for [H] and only on our 2nd day!
Well done everyone!!

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Looks like OCFthanks[H] is now in the top 20 at #14 with 616,195 avg PPD. Awesome!
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3:00 am EOC update: The U.S.S. Poo Flinger hit the jackpot, earning 1,088,032 points just on THIS update, AND bringing down the average update needed to reach the 900 M goal for May, AND jumping up to number 14 in the [H] Top 20 Producers List.
Well done guys, glad we could help ya win the CC and glad y'all are helping us hit 900, I think with y'all here and some old folders coming back we can hit this

That's f'n teamwork!
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 3 - 9AM Status Report

In this update we added another 282,376 points. Today we have already added just over 1.579 million points.
If we keep up that break neck speed there is a chance we could break the 3 million mark :D :D :D
We also surged up into the Top 14 producers for [H] and only on the start of our 3rd day!


We have

113,058,234 points

to go!

We have

updates of EOC, to do it in.

We need

3,325,243 points​

on average, to make the goal of 900 Million points.
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Home from Seattle, reset the damn router and got my 3 older machines folding for [H] to add to what my main was doing. They are 2 dual cores, 1 AMD 5100 X2 64b with a GTX 260 SC, 1 Intel E2180 with a 1GB 9600 GT and 1 AMD Phenom II 1050 X6 with a GTX 260 SC but the MB is running ddr2 ram, they're good for about 13k - 16k ppd on top of the 20k ppd. A small glass in the vat of wine I know but better than nothing. :cool:
Glad to have you with us, tazman!

We're getting kicked just a bit because of the warmer temperatures and somewhat, because of the holiday weekend in the states.
Kinda figured, been cool here in eastern Washington, hell, cool in the Puget Sound too, just come from there and it was in the low 70's and here in Spokane it's in the ... yep, low 70's. I switched my main machine over a day late due to being out of town and my router had to be reset to get the other three remotely switched but they are all throwing their chump poo in! Hah hah. We'll give em all we got.
Kinda figured, been cool here in eastern Washington, hell, cool in the Puget Sound too, just come from there and it was in the low 70's and here in Spokane it's in the ... yep, low 70's. I switched my main machine over a day late due to being out of town and my router had to be reset to get the other three remotely switched but they are all throwing their chump poo in! Hah hah. We'll give em all we got.

Oh sure make a trip to the Puget Sound area and do not come by and say hi to Grandpa. I see how you are. :D

And yes we are having some good folding weather over here I have everything running at close to winter speeds. :)
Oh sure make a trip to the Puget Sound area and do not come by and say hi to Grandpa. I see how you are. :D

And yes we are having some good folding weather over here I have everything running at close to winter speeds. :)

Well Gramps, I didn't know you were located in that area. I lived over ther for 7 years and you never wrote! :p
Well Gramps, I didn't know you were located in that area. I lived over ther for 7 years and you never wrote! :p

Bad Grandpa, I am in the northern end of the sound, Anacortes give a shout if you are ever in the neighbourhood.
say hi to Grandpa.

Hey Gramps!

I see you're only pulling two million PPD these days. What's the holdup man, step on it ;)

Never did get that 4P done that I talked about doing back on the ROG forums. One day though...

Much love for [H]. OCF is my home, but my PPD is always available to [H] in a crunch. Pun intended. Proud to be part of the the 900M month.

(need to make an [H] acct with my folding name)
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 3 - 6PM Status Report

In this update we added an amazing 861,633 points. We have already broken the 3 million points mark with 2 more updates still to go.
Could we possibly break the 4 million mark :eek: :eek: :eek:
We also surged up into the Top 9 producers for [H] :D
Well done Team32 Crew

HeHe thanks for finally making the graph, I looked at the link when you posted it and thought well that is above my head, and the second thought was somebody else will do it. Looks like we are producing 30% above what is needed with OCF's help. :)

Thanks guys
Oh noes!! Power must have went out, my boxen are down!!! Nooo
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 3 - 9PM Status Report

In this update we added an amazing 414,161 points. We have already broken the 3 million points mark with 1 more updates still to go.
Could we possibly break the 4 million mark? We'll need a fantastic last update at midnight!
We also surged up into the Top 9 producers for [H] :D
Well done Team32 Crew

Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 3 - Mission Report

In the last update for Day 3 we unloaded a massive 962,183 points. This brought our total for day 3 to 4,444,048 points from the USS Poo Flinger. That's almost double yesterdays production!
Overall, [H]ardOCP had a total of 32,598,374 for today. Another increase from yesterday. :D
We are now in the Top 7 producers for [H]!
Keep up the good work everyone!

Thanks to Team 32 for such huge performance boost.

My points will have to stay constant because v7 client seems to hate my HD6970(not OCed) - crashed 5 times in less than 1 hour :(

Just over 91M points to go! With 3 and 5/8 days left we need 25.1 M PPD average until the end of the month to reach the 900M! We are getting close!
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 4 - 9AM Status Report

In this update we added 593,327 points bringing our total for today to over 1.17 million points from the USS Poo Flinger.
We have also leap froged into the Top 5 producers according EoC.
And as a bonus, the estimated time to overtaking EVGA has now dropped to 2.4 Months :D :D

Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 4 - 12PM Status Report

In this update we only added 190,099 points bringing our total for today to over 1.367 million points from the USS Poo Flinger.

And as a bonus, the estimated time to overtaking EVGA has now dropped to 2.3 Months :D :D

Gah! I got to work today and discovered that we'd had a power outage. Farm down! Farm down!

Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 4 - 3PM Status Report

In this update we only added 284,760 points bringing our total for today to over 1.65 million points from the USS Poo Flinger.
