Changing coolant


Dec 2, 2005
How often did you guys flush the system and change coolant. my system has been runnning for 2 years and I don't see any bacteria growth yet
I've always shot for a target of 1 year, but sometimes I've just been lazy and have gone around 18 months. I never had an issue with bacteria or anything in the coolant. I just always thought it was good policy as it renews the anti corrosion and anti bacterial/fungal chemicals in the coolant. It doesn't take long if the mix gets out of control for stuff to build up in a loop.

Maybe it was just me being over cautious, but i'd rather just take 15 minutes to change coolant than to find out i let it go too long and have to replumb the entire system as well as do a full clean and flush of a radiator.
I've read many posts that range from 6x months to, now in this thread, 18x-24x months. I just assume anyone that used a short cycle (6x-8x months) didn't use an expensive factory made coolent in their loops (which IMHO, is a waste of $ and distilled water, PT Nuke make the best coolents for WC'ing loops) :rolleyes:
not sure I agree that distilled water and a simple additive needs changing any more frequently than anything else. I ran distilled water with a shot (literally a shotglass full) of whatever antifreeze I had in the garage for over 5 years in a system with just occasional topping off.

I will say that on the other hand, if you dont mind the effort, changing the fluild cant really hurt anything.