Changes in the works


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2007
Jan 9, 2000
I have been working on some changes for [H]ard|Folding, these changes to start will be focused on the Folding@Home stats.

I am once again re-writing the majority of the code, not to mention my database access is in the process of being worked on, so there really is no ETA on completion.

Here are a couple of the changes that I have already worked in.



I expect to work in a couple/few new sections and functions in the course of the upgrade as well.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
Wow King. That is really cool. Customizable website. Awesome!
Damn, and I thought the Halloween and Thanksgiving icons/themes were cool.

Just a preview of the new pie graphs. (Data displayed in image is not current)


1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
This is all lies... Hesitantly outright a lie... There's only one color theme...

Nice work man, I'm looking forward to tweak my gaydar only even more :D nice work and you know this could just snitch you the third Hard DCer of the month...
Currently updating the defcon system. (Stats in image are not current)



1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
Replacing the original pagination layout/code with a new setup.


1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
Great work. Hope this will be more comfortable to use than ever :D

A new navigation system is being worked on, currently it seems the nav system is a bit complex and often confusing due to all of the links and the fact when a member is chosen it opens up both the project section and the team section.

While this seemed the right way to go in the past, I have decided to go another direction this time around.

I have chosen to go with a relatively simple and effective design, the project(Blue) and Team(Green) sections have now been color coded, upon entering the stats section the 2 sections will be displayed in compacted form.



Choosing a (Project) link will expand the Project section but not the Team section.



Choosing a member info link within the Project section will once again expand the Project section but not the Team section.



Choosing a (Team) link will expand the Team section but not the Project section.



Choosing a member link within the Team section will once again expand the Team section but not the Project section.



Theoretically this new nav system (combined with the location headers on every page) should effectively eliminate any and all navigation problems that may have occured in the past.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
I would like to thank everyone that has offered a comment so far, it tells me that at least a few people like some of the changes I've made.

This new design is not going to be easy to achieve, it's definetly taking a lot of time to complete. I am using a lot of non-conventionial ideas as well, there really aren't a lot of sites that allow the members to customize almost all the colors used, or choose the nav-bar position.

I should mention that the stats section is being re-written from scratch and while some of the elements will look the same the overall look and layout is changing, it is not going to be limited the same way the current setup is.

Unfortunetly I'm still largely working in the dark here, for instance I can only guess that the lack of comments on the new nav system means that the change isn't a good one and I should look into a few other ideas instead. Yet at the same time a few people like the new graphs, pagination, and customization ideas.

I just hope when it's completed that everyone will like the new setup, I can only go by the comments that have been posted.

I should also mention that this is possibly but the first step, once completed depending on the support I receive during this phase, I plan to add a few areas. For example perhaps an automated gauntlet system, which will allow members to create and join gauntlets, complete with stats pages and graphs to track everything from beginning to end.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
Wow - yeah, comments to seem to be far and few between.... I have to admit I like the changes you have been showing. Guess I could have spoken up sooner. One of our newest members Change asked me the other day if you might be receptive to him designing a new top banner or any of the design work... I told him I'm really not sure. You have always been a little quiet around here- hence the "Lurker Extraordinaire"... lol ;) I'll definitely vouch for his artistic abilities though - MisterNatural, BillR, SmokeRngs, and a few others have also seen some of his online work on If this is something that might interest you feel free to let me know and/or PM him directly.
i'd be more apt to speaking up if i saw something wrong, but so far this is looking pretty badass

From what I see so far in this thread. I do like the "color theme" a lot however it seems a little light to me but like you said it can be customed so I don't see much of an concern. I don't know what the whole site will look like. Maybe you could do some concept layout of such template so that we can get an idea of what the entire layout will look like if it's not the same as current one is.
I like it really how the new navigation menu works.

IMHO, if you want real comments, try to do some preliminary webpage to show the new layout, let ppl test it and make comments (You can even limit to a few to keep comments under control).

I have added a alpha demo so that members can see what the new changes will do, please remember this is an alpha version, chances are there are quite a few bugs floating around.

Also keep in mind that anything can change at any time, the layout will most likely change as I get further along, right now I've mainly been working on getting the functions and routines working smoothly, once I get everything working correctly I will then take a look at the layout and change things as needed.

Note: The team section has not yet been implimented yet, only the project area currently works.

Alpha Test Demo Here

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
I was just honored to be allowed to test the new customizable site king is working on. Ok, maybe honored is too strong a word as it seems I am the official test site tester person.

I have to tell you its way cool. Virtually anything and everything can be changed to meet your needs either aesthetically or simply to make it easier to read. You can even make it look like a McDonald’s website it you were so inclined; I was able to do the McD’s look as well as the Burger King look. Now, I’m hungry.

Now, if I could just get him to add the optional porn add-ons…………….;)

Ok, maybe honored is too strong a word as it seems I am the official test site tester person

Here's to you, Mr. Test Site Tester Person......can you do a Del Taco one for me please:)

From what I can see, it looks pretty cool.... with all these fancy new changes, I'm going to have to invest a box that will actually produce a respectable amount of work.....

Thanks for all the hard work King...

I forgot to mention everyone can test out the changes, simply register from the link at the top of the alpha test page, log-in, then click on the edit button.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

The default login white text on yellow background is very very hard to read. Could change the yellow to something else if possible. Is there any way that when users register they don't have to find the id# on hardfolding? Just knowing the team, and folding name, and email should be enough.
To be honest, I won’t be happy until voice control is working:cool:
the alpha page is pretty damn nice looking....great to see it all coming together :D
very very nice.. while i liked the old layout alot, it looks like you guys have come up with some great ideas for the new site... cant wait untill it is finished..

Looks great for me but I would like to see the status icons (new, heart and skull) remplaced by new ones to make it more professional looking.

The alpha test version is looking damn nice so far. It's a lot cleaner and seems like it will be much easier to navigate which is always high up on my list of likes. The ability to modify the colors to suit your preference is really nice.

With just these changes, it looks like it will make hardfolding stand head and shoulders above any other stats site out there. It looks like you're definitely going to be setting the bar for any other site out there. :cool:

Just a few screenshots of what the color change functions are actually able to do, these are just but a few of the possible color schemes. The nav bar position choice is also shown here.





Virtual Nightmare

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
As I said before, you're going to be setting the bar for anyone else to meet with this site upgrade. Just another reason I'm proud to fold with the [H]orde.

I have added the team's section to the test, a few changes have taken place with the original code as well. Please remember this is an alpha mode test, there are bound to be plenty of bugs floating around, if you run across one please post it and I will look into it.

Again the test stats section is located here

It seems I missed a few messages as well, Sorry but the battery of tests the doctors have put me through lately, not to mention the medication has been taking a toll, technically I'm supposed to be resting, but that is not my nature.

Mnscout, I have looked over the default code and was unable to find anything that has a default color of yellow, this may be a browser bug, I'll need to know exactly where you see yellow, what browser..etc.

Xil, I'm not sure what I can do about the hearts and skulls, I suppose I could add an option to the control panel which will allow you to switch to text instead of the graphics for those icons, I'll see what I can come up with.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
Okay, I've been doing some looking with Firefox 2.009, IE6 and Opera 9.4x or something and found a bit of a problem with the defcon charts for the teams and individual members. I have already said something to King about these and he's going to look into them.

We need more people out there doing some looking and finding any bugs. Make sure you report them. Also, as usual, if you have any suggestions on what could be done to make it look better or more functional, please speak up.

Remember, this is our stats site and our pride. We're the #1 folding team in the world and there is no reason why we can't have the best stats site bar none. But, we need everyone's help to do this.

Everyone get out there and find the bugs. This is alpha and there are some out there. King wants them found now so he can squash them. We also want any and all constructive suggestions. Do not hesitate to say something. You're not going to hurt anyone's damn feelings because we want to know what you think.
